Summarizing “science” as viewed by disbelievers (for lack of a better term),… “the assertion is that mankind is primarily responsible for altering the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere,… is NONSENSE, or worse, a deception.”Ender:
“snip OP text for brevity”ZMystiCat:
You should have read the article more carefully because that is exactly what it claimed, that man is responsible for global climate change, not that he has contributed some vague and undefined amount to the warming that has occurred. That is the entire purpose of those studies: to foster the belief that there is an overwhelming scientific consensus that man is responsible for most of the the warming we have experienced.Neither I nor, to my knowledge, the article I quoted ever claimed that humans are the primary cause, just a cause.
This is what is claimed that 97% of climate scientists believe: “…humans are responsible for climate change.”
Does man pollute the environment? Yes or course.
Does climate change? Yes.
But the assertion is that mankind is primarily responsible for altering the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, and that government management of human activity is the answer to managing the weather.
This is NONSENSE, or worse, a deception. You see this nonsense on the mainstream news literally all the time now, where normal weather patterns are blamed on “global warming”. It’s an assertion with a rabid religious content, oddly enough. And human activity is the primary sin.
FWIW read,…
noticed this “distrust of science” first hand at the 2018 science and faith CA conference, when some attendies were asking the panal questions about “evolution”This is where distrust of science really comes from — and it’s not just your politics
…In particular, being a biblical literalist — endorsing the statement, “The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word” — was a much bigger factor than liberalism or conservatism in explaining why some people disagreed with the use of science in “concrete government policy decisions,” and also why they were against federal science funding.
FYI the basis that that mankind is primarily responsible for altering the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere,… actually is provable using science
on page eight of the PDF I’ve outlined what people need to know to grasp why scientists are pretty concerned
you’ll see I’ve highlighted text that basically states,…
The CO2 increase in the atmosphere (almost entirely of the “Carbon 12” isotope) comes from [the chemical reaction of] burning fossil fuels.
(w/ in the highlight text in the PDF there is an easter-egg link to the chemical reaction of burning one gal of gasoline)