What do you think of climate change?

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No, it is just a true statement. Most of the time experts are more correct than non-experts.
Except “more correct” does not translate to 97%
That’s fine. All it means is that listening to the experts more often than not is better than listening to non-experts.
certainty especially when the climate models and climate science, generally, are relatively nascent, haven’t borne out in reality
Ah, but they have.
are fraught with data manipulation,
You mean calibration, which was entirely justified.
and have other qualified experts questioning them for very good reasons.
Of course other experts question the results. That’s how science works. The scientists are skeptical, as they should be. And so they question.
A non-expert is not qualified to pass judgement on the scientific validity of results from experts.
If you lived by that principle you would have to accept that you are unqualified to “pass judgement” on the scientific validity of results from the experts on either side of the debate. Yet, you believe yourself qualified to determine which side is correct. Richard Lindzen, among numerous others, is far more qualified than you are to “pass judgement on the results”, yet you believe yourself to be a non-expert who is qualified to pass judgement on his findings.

According to your own principle, you should recuse yourself from the discussion altogether because you lack the qualifications to adjudicate the validity of the results.

Consistency much?

That is why you jump to consensus, which as I have pointed out, has hardly been correct throughout history. Science keeps changing and climate science is very new as far as sciences go. I wouldn’t be so quick to make determinations based upon swirling gaseous emissions, entrails, or the loudest chorus of voices.
If you lived by that principle you would have to accept that you are unqualified to “pass judgement” on the scientific validity of results from the experts on either side of the debate. Yet, you believe yourself qualified to determine which side is correct.
No, I don’t have to pass judgement on the scientific validity of their results. I only need to know how to count.
Do you mean the papers counted in categories 1, 2, and 3 were terribly mis-categorized?..
The classification of papers into categories 2 and 3 is akin to reading tea leaves. Both categories involve suppositions and inferences. Category 1 is the only one with specific criteria that can be rigorously applied. That probably explains why only 1.6% of the papers were in that group.
… I would need to see evidence of that before I would believe it.
Initially, 27% of category ratings and 33% of endorsement ratings disagreed. Raters were then allowed to compare and justify or update their rating through the web system, while maintaining anonymity. Following this, 11% of category ratings and 16% of endorsement ratings disagreed; these were then resolved by a third party.

That’s the problem with hiring amateurs to read your tea leaves.
Or do you mean the categories themselves are meaningless?
Yes, the categories are meaningless given that categories 1,2, and 3 are treated exactly the same as if they all explicitly endorsed AGW when in fact at most 1.6% could legitimately be put in that group.
If the Cook survey is so bad, please tell me how one would go about properly assessing the beliefs of scientists?
Why would anyone bother? What is the purpose of counting how many scientists believe something when the whole purpose of such an effort is not to add anything to the science but precisely to eliminate a discussion of the science entirely?
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That’s fine. All it means is that listening to the experts more often than not is better than listening to non-experts.
Except that is a false dichotomy. It isn’t a choice between experts and non-experts. There are plenty of experts who don’t agree with the so-called consensus.

To frame the argument the way you do is disingenuous.

The question is whether the larger body of experts is correct compared to a smaller body of other experts.

A great deal hangs on it in terms of the future of human beings on the planet. It behooves us to be absolutely correct. The dissenting arguments of those who disagree should be treated responsibly and fully, not merely with hand-waving and name calling.

The consequences both ways will have serious consequences.

If the warmists are wrong, the political, economic and social measures being suggested by alarmists will seriously jeopardize the well-being of millions for no good reason. If the warmists are correct then those measures will have borne out.

We don’t have the certainty either way that we should because the skeptics’ arguments haven’t been properly considered, and openly and responsibly refuted – just dismissed as denialism.

What will be the consequences to the alarmists if their frightening rhetoric turns out to be nothing and yet they have jeopardized the economic well-being of hundreds of millions of human beings? Perhaps we should be talking about that?
The reason for linking to any citation is to use it to support the argument being made. You give way too much significance to who the author is. Deal with what is written rather than how it’s written.
I’ll say it again. The author had no problem with renewable energy. Only the way it is incorporated into existing systems. That was what the article was about. Nothing less. So I take it that you likewise have no problem with renewables except as they are introduced into the existing energy grid.

I would expect to see some suggestions from you as to how this problem might be addressed. Unless you have the same views as the other article where it was claimed that they literally wanted to destroy the industry.

Two almost opposing views in two linked articles. How am I supposed to know which one you support? A little bit of this and a soupcon of that?

This scatter gun approach leaves a lot to be desired. I can’t see anything worthwhile coming from this discussion.
No, I don’t have to pass judgement on the scientific validity of their results. I only need to know how to count.
Why don’t you count the number of scientists with lucrative research grants premised on the assumption that global warming is a serious threat and compare that to the number of lives that will be adversely affected by green new deals and such. That ratio might give pause.

The math is a little more complicated than mere counting, but at least you might show a bit of awareness of what is at stake for those who are not climate scientists.

Besides, even Cook used great license in who he included in his count, so that did involve passing judgement – implicit can be a very subjective criterion.
Like I said, Cook’s research provides no grounds for answering your question.
Do you mean the papers counted in categories 1, 2, and 3 were terribly mis-categorized? I would need to see evidence of that before I would believe it. Or do you mean the categories themselves are meaningless? I think they carry as much meaning as one could expect from a survey.

If the Cook survey is so bad, please tell me how one would go about properly assessing the beliefs of scientists? Assume you had a sufficient budget and could hire assistants, just as Cook did. How would you conduct a fair survey of this question?

As another question, please tell me why none of the various groups and organizations and people that have criticized the Cook survey have attempted to conduct any kind of proper survey to show how it is done? Hmmmm?
Perhaps because science is not determined by consensus.
But responding to information determined by scientific methods and acting on it most definitely is. Luckily for the future of the planet, your views are in a distinct minority and that minority is shrinking on a daily basis.
Luckily for the future of the planet, your views are in a distinct minority and that minority is shrinking on a daily basis.
Whether or not the planet is “lucky” to be at the mercy of climate alarmists has yet to be shown. Counting chickens etc., etc.
That is no reason not to care what the experts think.
Unless the ‘experts’ base all their models on a fundamentaly flawed assumption: that the sun and ghe are reaponsible for current Earth temps…
A non-expert is not qualified to pass judgement on the scientific validity of results from experts.
Sounds dogmatic. I didn’t think science was supposed to operate by dogmatism.

I would have assumed that science might have learned from the Galileo episode, plate techtonics, Big Bang Cosmology, germ theory, and a host of other cases in point, when consensus turned out to be a huge trap. This time it is different.

Funny, the “this time it will be different” seems to have come at the nexus of climate science with Green New Deal socialism. Both claiming this time things will be different. Socialism will work (it won’t be so murderous) and the consensus in science is correct (science will save the planet) – this time.
It slips out now and then. ‘Group think’, ‘political agenda’, ‘socialism’. You aren’t arguing the science. You are tilting at political windmills.
Luckily for the future of the planet, your views are in a distinct minority and that minority is shrinking on a daily basis.
Whether or not the planet is “lucky” to be at the mercy of climate alarmists has yet to be shown. Counting chickens etc., etc.
The vast increasing majority deem it to have been confirmed. The shrinking minority considers it still an open question. I think we’ve already passed the point where the minority views are granted any substance.

You should take a leaf out of the author’s views in the article in Forbes. Accept that we will be addressing the problem (that we ARE addressing the problem) and get involved with determining the best way to do it.
It slips out now and then. ‘Group think’, ‘political agenda’, ‘socialism’. You aren’t arguing the science. You are tilting at political windmills.
I have argued the science plenty. You wouldn’t know that having joined like 5 days ago. (Welcome to the forums!)

Speaking of arguing science, could you point at one of your posts where YOU actually have? I realize accusing others of “tilting at windmills” does SOUND scientific and all that, referencing renewables as it does, but I mean making an actual scientific argument.

The reason I do bring in politics is because current climate alarmism impacts the political system and political decision making in ways unimaginable even a decade ago. There is a great deal at stake, so the science must be impeccable.

Do you disagree?

Or are you personally content with shoddy science underpinning massive and far-reaching political decisions?
Luckily for the future of the planet, your views are in a distinct minority and that minority is shrinking on a daily basis.
Whether or not the planet is “lucky” to be at the mercy of climate alarmists has yet to be shown. Counting chickens etc., etc.
The vast increasing majority deem it to have been confirmed. The shrinking minority considers it still an open question. I think we’ve already passed the point where the minority views are granted any substance.
And you accuse me of doing politics rather than science!!!

Yet, here you are deciding scientific questions by political methods!

In the words of Greta, “How dare you!”


Pot meet a large cast iron kettle!
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Luckily for the future of the planet, your views are in a distinct minority and that minority is shrinking on a daily basis.
Whether or not the planet is “lucky” to be at the mercy of climate alarmists has yet to be shown. Counting chickens etc., etc.
The vast increasing majority deem it to have been confirmed. The shrinking minority considers it still an open question. I think we’ve already passed the point where the minority views are granted any substance.
And you accuse me of doing politics rather than science!!!
Yup. Very little discussion on the practical problems of incorporating renewables in these parts. But plenty of politics. I’ll leave you to it.

Rest assured there’ll be plenty more windmills for you to tilt at. Coming to a wind farm near you!
Rest assured there’ll be plenty more windmills for you to tilt at. Coming to a wind farm near you!
I hope not! They (wind turbines) are an eye sore.

How can anyone believe they help the environment?

I suppose your ideological commitments convince you that they are things of beauty.

Kind of like the city of Boulder that plans to replace a clean, innocuous power plant with hundreds of ugly, unreliable wind turbines, destroying several wildlife preserves including a beautiful and bountiful wetlands area.

Yeah real smart! Real scientifically woke!

To say nothing of wind turbine tolls on birds of prey and birds, generally.
The most comprehensive and statistically sound estimates show that bird deaths from turbine collisions are between 140,000 and 500,000 birds per year. As wind energy capacity increases under the DOE’s mandate (a six-fold increase from current levels), statistical models predict that mean bird deaths resulting in collisions with turbines could reach 1.4 million birds/year.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Migratory Bird Program | Conserving America's Birds
Real environmentally friendly !
Yup. Very little discussion on the practical problems of incorporating renewables in these parts. But plenty of politics. I’ll leave you to it.
The politics and the science are intrinsically intertwined precisely because the alarmists are driving wholesale political mayhem.

I’ll say it again. The author had no problem with renewable energy. Only the way it is incorporated into existing systems. That was what the article was about. Nothing less. So I take it that you likewise have no problem with renewables except as they are introduced into the existing energy grid.
The problem of incorporating miscellaneous energy sources into an existing grid is “a problem”. Pointing out problems with renewable energy was my intention. That the particular article only addressed one such problem does not suggest there are not many others. It is literally impossible for solar/wind sources to replace the existing fossil fuel plants generating electricity. Beyond that the cost would be astronomical, and the damage to the environment colossal.

Germany is at the forefront of countries implementing renewable energy and they have encountered significant, severe, problems. If one of the wealthiest, most technologically advanced countries in the world is having such difficulties that ought to indicate that the concerns raised about “green” energy are serious.
I hope not! They (wind turbines) are an eye sore.
For centuries the windmills in Holland have been featured in artwork, post cards, photographs. I have seen windfarms in Minnesota and I find them picturesque. But I suppose that is a matter of personal tastes. Tell that to the people of Holland.

And no one is fooled by the photoshopped picture of wind turbines superimposed on an urban environment. Not very honest!

As for birds, many more birds are killed by feral cats than are killed by wind turbines. And steps are being taken to minimize that kill.

Regarding the video by Patrick Moore, can you summarize the points? I don’t follow youtube links as a substitute for making an argument. I have no idea which of his points you are taking as your own.
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I am not a scientist either. What I do know is:
A. smog effects our health
B. there is evidence that long before the first factory smoke stack there was vegetation in Antarctica.
C. The ocean garbage patches are real, and humans made them.

I do my bit on environmental stewardship where it makes sense. Separate and put out the recycling and doing thing where it makes sense. Using cloth napkins instead of paper ones. Combining trips and not washing partial loads in the wash machine or the dishwasher.

Sending a check to Green Peace isn’t on the table.
This is where I am to at this point.

To me, the predictions have been wrong so many times that I simply cannot take them seriously any more, and I have a lot of issue supporting the people who are GW alarmists because I see many of their proposed solutions as inherently harmful and/or immoral (especially those revolving around population control).

I also take issue with the fact that these predictions are all based on models with a massive number of assumptions built in, and which do not/cannot fully model the ecological systems of our planet.

All that being said, I am in favor of seeking out renewable energy sources, cleaning up the oceans, planting more trees, etc. I’m just tired of the proverbial gun to my head that’s always cocked, but never seems to fire.

Incidentally, I’ve never heard that claim about Antarctica before, do you have paper / article on that you could link me to?
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Yes, it would be unjustified to do that - if anyone was actually doing that.
you are intentionally misreading the paper. It clearly shows the different figures for the whole sample vs the group of frequent publishers.
Stop living in denial.

The surveys consistently show a majority opinion but not close to 97%, without employing this ‘slight of hand’ filtering.
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