The fact that you deem it necessary to put scare quotes around the word records shows the mentality of your position. That we have record droughts and record temperatures are undeniable.
Regarding the 2019 drought, that clearly was a record, which appears to have nothing to do with average temperatures. I couldn’t copy the graph, but if you go
here you can see what’s been happening in Australia since 1900 regarding rainfall. It’s been increasing for the last 50 years. It is 2019 that is the anomaly - droughts have been decreasing even as temperatures have risen.
You are throwing figures and numbers and political comments against the wall to see what sticks. Without understanding most of what you are posting in regard to this particular problem.
Australia’s climate is a delicate balance. There are extremes here that not many other places experience. I could go surfing at Bondi at dawn in relatively warm water and in the afternoon I could be skiing in tbe snowies a few hours south.
Yes, there are annual anomolies which throw the whole shooting match out of kilter. And fire is actually a neccessary component of the system. It benefits a lot of the environment. But very little fire in one season means more risk the following year. And you simply can’t wander about the countryside burning things at random. Controlled burns are not easy to control. And you don’t burn national parks without a lot of thought going into it. And rain at the wrong time or in the wrong quantities at the right time or the right quantites spread over too long a time is bad.
And yes we have morons that like starting fires. But we’ve always had them. And yes we have environmentalists who try to reduce the damage caused by back burning. But we’ve always had them as well. What we haven’t had are the conditions that have tipped us over the edge.
We were warned years ago that we could expect this. But the warnings were for the 2030’s and 40’s. And those who were worried about it back when we were warned wondered what we could do to stop it getting that bad. But now it’s too late. It’s that bad
Forget your charts and your figures and your political points. Just scroll up and look at that map again. It’s not one issued by a political party or by environmentalists or some leftie organisaton looking to score greenie points. It’s issued by the met office. It show the whole country experiencing conditions never experienced before.
Now if you’ll excuse me there’s a demo in the city I need to attend. Something of a wake up vall for our federal government, most of whom still deny there’s a problem.
You can still deny it util the cows come home. Quite frankly I don’t care. The rest of us will sort this out with or without you. Hopefully before it gets a lot worse and a map of this country in a couple of years will be completely coloured that dark shade of brown.