What do you think of climate change?

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It is the wild fires that made more likely in Australia by climate change, not necessarily drought. There are many factors that influence wild fires, such as drought, temperature, winds, as well as the distribution of these events. If all the water tends to come at once instead of spread evenly over the year, that can have an effect too, even if the yearly totals don’t change much.
Apparently any weather event that strays from the average is the result of climate change: too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry. This is especially useful given that, gee, climate changes. The Australian fires seem to have the same primary cause as those in California: poor land management. If Australia is becoming wetter then it needs to adapt. This is not rocket science.
“Climate change” affects “weather”, and both can be unpredictable at times.

Thus, wouldn’t one think that climate scientists are aware of that? Are they mostly dummies or on the “take”?

It’s probably pretty shameful to be shown up by a 16 year old Swedish girl with a form of autism, who just actually happens to be spot-on and rightfully angered by the ignorance and/or uncaring of some.
It’s probably pretty shameful to be shown up by a 16 year old Swedish girl with a form of autism, who just actually happens to be spot-on
yup,… the sin of PRIDE (i.e. excessive belief in one’s own abilities)

is why many feel threatened by the truth
all too often people think they smarter than they actually are!

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Why the right’s usual smears don’t work on Greta Thunberg

She keeps the focus on science, and they hate it.

In September, in response to Thunberg’s coruscating, impassioned speech to the UN, President Trump tweeted sarcastically, “he seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” (Thunberg promptly edited her Twitter bio to read: “A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.”)


Trump Says He’s Too Intelligent to Believe Climate Change Report

TRUMP: One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including — just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with.

Trump: I’m Too Intelligent to Believe Climate Change Report
Who does President Trump treat worse than anyone else? Scientists.

President Trump may ridicule reporters and deride his opponents on Twitter. But there is a group of people he treats even worse than his most visible targets: scientists in his own administration.

…The administration has suppressed, blocked or ignored scientific research on the environmental effects of mining in national forests, the dangers of asbestos, the status of endangered species, the effect a citizenship question would have on the U.S. Census, the safety of children’s products and countless other issues.

consider this group of people

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then ask the question, how many actually understand the basic science of climate change?.. odd are none!

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It is the wild fires that made more likely in Australia by climate change, not necessarily drought. There are many factors that influence wild fires, such as drought, temperature, winds, as well as the distribution of these events. If all the water tends to come at once instead of spread evenly over the year, that can have an effect too, even if the yearly totals don’t change much.
Apparently any weather event that strays from the average is the result of climate change.
As I said, global warming does not explain any one specific weather event. It explains a statistical trend.
The Australian fires seem to have the same primary cause as those in California: poor land management. If Australia is becoming wetter then it needs to adapt.
Yes, they will adapt. But it won’t be as simple as a few more controlled burns. We will see more manifestations of global warming in years to come.
This is not rocket science.
No, it is more complex than rocket science.
If Australia is becoming wetter then it needs to adapt. This is not rocket science.
That’s exactly what we’re telling our politicians. Changes need to be made. We’re one of the highest contributors of Co2 per capita in the world.

Our PM, when he was the treasurer, brought a lump of coal into parliament two years ago and said: ‘Look, it’s only a piece of coal. No need to be scared…’. When the fires were at their worst he was on holiday in Hawaii. We are led by morons. But the tipping point has already been reached. This exercise in denial is a sideshow. The main event is going ahead without you.
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Is faith even a part of this?
there is a quote by einstein

“science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”

and IMHO one w/ out the other is recipe for disaster

to illustrate why I consider why one w/ out the other is recipe for disaster, lets first consider the unscientific test(s) used in salem witch trials of colonial massachusetts

as I see things, if the people of faith (back in colonial massachusetts) had a good basic understanding of science, then forced confession by dunking, pressing AND bound submersion (i.e. tests-for-guilt) would be viewed as idiocracy

now lets consider the various nazi medical experiments


as I see things, if the nazi “scientists” had a solid faith based moral compass such as the 10 commandments,… then the various subjects used in concentration camp medical experiments would be viewed as human beings (AND I would hope god fearing nazi “scientists” would realize “thou shalt not kill”)

WRT climate change,… what humanity faces is a self inflicted (perhaps fatal) wound, caused by burning fossil fuels which creates ever increasing concentrations of CO2 in atmosphere which has knock on effects
Climate models agree things will get bad. Capturing just how bad is tricky

…Scientists also are trying to get boots-on-the-ground data to tackle other uncertainties, such as how warming can change the behavior of the ice sheets themselves as they stretch, bend and slide across the ground.

…And there are other processes not yet included in the CMIP models

having tried to point out the science from the OP of this tread, really curious to ask those faithful climate change skeptics/deniers here a simple to understand question,…
climate change denialism is it gods will?! OR are the faithful being lead astray??
the question might be simple BUT to anyone from CAF reading this I’m 99.999% certain you will feel conflicted because there exist strong human emotions of pride and fear which hinders people accepting what science has to say about climate change,… having said that as I see things, faith is what is needed to overcome the strong emotions of pride and fear

@VanitasVanitatum hopefully this clarifies why think there is a vital connection between faith and science,… and I believe both will be needed in order to win the battle against climate change
A brief summary:

Australia experienced its hottest year on record in 2019, with average temperatures 1.52C above the 1961-1990 average. Our second hottest year was 2013, followed by 2005, 2018 and 2017.

New South Wales – one state hard hit by the bushfires – broke its record by a greater margin, with temperatures 1.95C above average, beating the previous record year, 2018, by 0.27C.

Australia also had its driest ever year in 2019, with rainfall 40% lower than average, based on records going back to 1900. NSW also had its driest year.

Fire authorities and the Bureau of Meteorology look at the risk of bushfires using the forest fire danger index, a combined measure of temperature, humidity, wind speed and the dryness, but not the amount, of fuel on the ground.

Australia’s 2019 spring months of September, October and November were the worst on a record going back to 1950 for bushfire risk.
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The disinformation comes from a different source than you have been advised.

As to the Paris Climate Accord, it is worthless because even if its most stringent commitments are kept by all the nations involved the result would be virtually nothing by 2100. So instead of John Oliver and the rest of your rhetorical bafflegab, let’s turn to evidence.

Using Jesus’ words on the “end of the age” to contextualize climate change is beyond comment.

The teachings in Matthew 24 do not all refer to the future second coming of Jesus, there is very good scholarship that the “pretty bad” has already occurred.

Question: Why would Jesus say that…
…those in Judea must flee to the mountains; 17 the one on the housetop must not go down to take what is in the house; 18 the one in the field must not turn back to get a coat. 19 Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing infants in those days! 20 Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a sabbath. 21 For at that time there will be great suffering, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. (Matt 24:16-21)
Why, at the end of time, would people need to “flee to the mountains” or “pray” that their flight not be in winter or on a Sabbath if this describes the end of the world?

If that “great suffering” has already occurred, then the extent of that suffering, Jesus has promised, has not been from the beginning of the world until that time, and “never will be” again.
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So do we dismantle of this wind turbines and solar panels? Or do we investigate how to solve that problem?
Interesting article on wind turbines reaching their end of life.

Given that the nature of the fibreglass and other components of the rotors makes it virtually impossible to recycle them, they are being dumped in landfills by the thousands of tons. Given that the size of wind turbines has increased substantially in the past two decades and the life of a turbine is 15-20 years or less, the problem will soon be a huge one for landfills across the country.

It appears that solving the vexing problem of windmill blades is unlikely.

I wonder how a turbine blade compares to plastic straws relative to environmental impact? 🤔
The wind turbine blades are a toxic amalgam of unique composites, fiberglass, epoxy, polyvinyl chloride foam, polyethylene terephthalate foam, balsa wood, and polyurethane coatings.
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The teachings in Matthew 24 do not all refer to the future second coming of Jesus, there is very good scholarship that the “pretty bad” has already occurred.
There’s always “scholarship” denying other “scholarship”

It’s like the Tale of Two Cities.

Jesus shall Return…

Imagine that…

There’s excellent Observations that we’re now IN an the Great Falling Away
The Loss of Faith
Especially since circa 1970 - give or take.

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The teachings in Matthew 24 do not all refer to the future second coming of Jesus, there is very good scholarship that the “pretty bad” has already occurred.
There’s always “scholarship” denying other "scholarship"

It’s like the Tale of Two Cities.

Jesus shall Return…

Imagine that…

There’s excellent Observations that we’re now IN an the Great Falling Away
The Loss of Faith
Especially since circa 1970 - give or take.

And, I suppose, there are always “uninformed individuals” denying "scholarship."

What matters isn’t who is denying what, but rather the strength of the argument being presented.

Scholarship denying scholarship doesn’t make much of a case about anything, except as a pretext for slipping in one’s own personal point of view. It is interesting that you completely ignore my question…
Why, at the end of time, would people need to “flee to the mountains” or “pray” that their flight not be in winter or on a Sabbath if this describes the end of the world?
… and merely assert “…we’re now IN an the Great Falling Away…” whatever that means.

History shows that there have been great “falling aways” all through history. Jesus clearly stated “only the Father knows” regarding the Second Coming. The “End of the Age” is something very different. You might want to refer to Brant Pitre’s Jesus and the End Times for a very detailed and informed analysis of what the “End Times” refer to in Matthew’s Gospel, Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and the Prophets, @EndTimes.
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then ask the question, how many actually understand the basic science of climate change?.. odd are none!
You have an unsupported opinion, congratulations.

Regarding your link, it was intriguing but I question it’s statistical validity as applied to the nation. Sampling people in a CA park?

Do you think those ‘man on the street’ questions done by the CA late show programs are representative, and that the people even respond with serious answers?

History shows that there have been great “falling aways” all through history.
That’s so olde hatt and meaningless poised as if that 'history" canard undermines anything…
Labelling a claim as “olde hatt” or historical canard doesn’t exactly prove your position either.
You have an unsupported opinion, congratulations.

Regarding your link, it was intriguing but I question it’s statistical validity as applied to the nation. Sampling people in a CA park?
according to the study, the sample at a tourist attraction in balboa park was selected because it draws visitors from around the nation so its a great place to get a broad cross section of individuals who most likely would have a greater likelihood to have access to knowledge about climate change (because the assumption was it takes money to be able to visit a tourist attraction AND individuals who have money, most likely have more exposure to various formal educational institutions)

and about the park itself
An estimated 2,046,000 visitors from outside San Diego (43.7%) and 2,635,922 local residents (56.3%) use Balboa Park annually, with locals using the park a median of 10 times per year, yielding 28.4 million total visits per year.

WRT the comedy of a man on the street interview

FWIW different people have different talents and scientists humor does not make ordinary people LOL because the humor is based on familiary of a subject and a majority of people just don’t have an interest in the subject (especially w/ so many other distractions like sports, etc.)
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Using Jesus’ words on the “end of the age” to contextualize climate change is beyond comment.

The teachings in Matthew 24 do not all refer to the future second coming of Jesus, there is very good scholarship that the “pretty bad” has already occurred.
mentioned it in context of denialism
What does the Bible say about Climate Change Sacred Scripture
Straight from Jesus… Matthew 24 Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass. So I am not too worried about global warming…the battle has already been won…it will just get pretty bad before all is put right.
and FWIW
So the question is when do heaven and earth pass away? The answer depends on whether one interprets the Bible literally. If one interprets the six uses of 1000 years in Revelation 20 (Rev 20:2-3, 4, 5, 6-7) as signifying a literal one thousand year period of time, then the answer is that heaven and earth will not pass away until after the Millennium.

blah, blah, blah,…

Matthew 24:35 Commentary | Precept Austin
WRT “climategate” been there done that
What do you think of climate change? Social Justice
first heard of McKitrick 20+ years ago when he uncovered sloppy “science” and found buggy software FWIW “industry-funded” attacks are sadly all too real,… as I mentioned to “edwest211” other day,… that,… political mercenaries employed by talentless career politicians and various corporations like the status quo, so they will use propaganda and play mind games, to hide the truth!!! mention attacks specifically because years after my seminar class @UCSD read that Roger Revelle was a target d…
PS as someone else noted
You are throwing figures and numbers and political comments against the wall to see what sticks. Without understanding most of what you are posting in regard to this particular problem.
for context, trump’s ex-press secretary anthony scaramucci lists criteria of cult belief,… and the number one item is,… ACCEPTING LIES AS TRUTH

reviewing various trump statements about the environment (in california for example about water) looking at the hard evidence trump supporters accept the false narrative (i.e. a big fat lie that deniers mindlessly repeat)
Speaking at a rally in Fresno, Calif., Trump accused state officials of denying water to Central Valley farmers so they can send it out to sea “to protect a certain kind of three-inch fish.”

“We’re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea,”
what I thought was interesting and explains trumps popularity is number three on the scaramucci list,… DISAFFECTION

basically scaramucci notes the president capitalized on the fact that establishment politicians from both political parties did not advocate for white blue collar workers for decades,… so even though his policies have failed to improves the lives of this disaffected group,… trump continues to enjoy support by those disaffected because he acts as an instrument of anger against the establishment (which is the same insight by a liberal raconteur)

sad truth is trump (unlike some conservatives) acts like the head of a cult organization which IGNORES THE TRUTH about what SCIENCE has uncovered about climate change


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