What about the many scientists that say you are wrong? The media likes to make it look like 99% or whatever of scientists agree on man made climate change. That is simply a lie though.
And more importantly, I have never had any scientist be able to answer my question I posed recently. If the increase in temperature is due to increased concentration of CO2, why do we see temperature rise way before co2 concentrations rise? Sometimes as much as 400 years before.
The Paris Agreement ironed that all out, and it was just absolutely amazing that so many countries accepted what the research had been showing and then promised to take responsibility. Unfortunately, most countries promised but not all have delivered. The research has been very consistent on this in recent decades, discounting other possible causes other than human endeavor.
CO2 is not the only item that can and has affected climate change. Another known factor is higher levels of methane gas, which causes roughly 20 times more heat retention than CO2. Also, changes in Earth’s orbit can and has caused changes at times, as well as has volcanic activity [cooling effect]. Also, the massive cutting down of forests worldwide has an effect.
But the pattern in recent decades, which was predicted even decades before, have shown a global warming pattern, which should be obvious based on what the measurements are showing and being reported on yearly. Most other potential factors have shown no relationship to what we’re seeing.
The bottom line: there’s plenty of evidence dealing with what can and is causing global warming, but there are no factors that provide contrary evidence.