No one ia denying that the climate changes naturally. The thing is, with the emission of GHG we are accelerating the effect and making it more irreversible. Evidence? Look at Venus, its atmosphere is mostly CO2 and is the hottest planet in Solar System. Look at an IR spectrogram of CO2 and methane, they both absorb thermal radiation.
Re: Venus
Excerpts from
" the Venusian surface is covered … by thousands of volcanoes, some which are still active today, ranging from about 0.5 to 150 miles (0.8 to 240 kilometers) wide, with lava flows carving long, winding canals up to more than 3,000 miles (5,000 km) in length, longer than on any other planet.
… Venus … dense atmosphere traps heat in a runaway version of the greenhouse effect that warms Earth. As a result, temperatures on Venus reach 870 degrees Fahrenheit (465 degrees Celsius), more than hot enough to melt lead. Probes that scientists have landed there have survived only a few hours before being destroyed.
The atmosphere is heavier than that of any other planet, leading to a surface pressure 90 times that of Earth
The Venusian year — the time it takes to orbit the sun — is about 225 Earth-days long. Normally,
that would mean that days on Venus would be longer than years. However, because of Venus’ curious retrograde rotation, the time from one sunrise to the next is only about 117 Earth-days long from June 5, 2012, when the planet transited in front of the sun for the last time until the year 2117.
The very top layer of Venus’ clouds zip around the planet every four Earth-days, propelled by hurricane-force winds traveling roughly 224 mph (360 kph). This super-rotation of the planet’s atmosphere, some 60 times faster than Venus itself rotates, may be one of Venus’ biggest mysteries. The winds at the planet’s surface are much slower, estimated to be just a few miles per hour."
All I can say,
The earth is unique in the solar system. And science seems to be proving that
Venus isn’t like earth. AND never was , (according to science)
God put us HERE , NOT on Venus .

But understanding God is above science’s pay grade.