I agree with you but it’s going to be a long slow slog to get Americans to agree with it. Our early nuclear plants are not an example of the technology available today. We’ve learned much and can really build safe effective plants and handle the waste in a completely safe manner. The current new movie Chernobyl just sets us back even further.Nobody likes my solution, when I post it.
Mass produce safe and reliable nuclear plants, then swap out all coal generators. It wouldn’t be cheap but it would be affordable and still supply reliable power to the 3rd world
This is what we will do, when people and governments actually believe the threat is real
I can play that game toosteve-b:
Science journals. I’m not going to do all your research for you. But I will make two suggestions:steve-b:
My post presumes the question
where is the evidence properly referenced?LeafByNiggle:
OKThat’s easy. In academic journals.
what journals? Reference(s) please, properly referenced
- Start with the NASA website where this data is presented and see if they reference any research.
- Go to your local public library and ask to see the reference librarian. Their job is to help people find information, and they will go to great lengths to help you find the information you need.
Forbes article does a good job of sifting through the BSI went there, Found no consensus.
I thought you were asking about the age of the earth and how the scientists came up with their numbers.LeafByNiggle:
I can play that game toosteve-b:
Science journals. I’m not going to do all your research for you. But I will make two suggestions:steve-b:
My post presumes the question
where is the evidence properly referenced?LeafByNiggle:
OKThat’s easy. In academic journals.
what journals? Reference(s) please, properly referenced
- Start with the NASA website where this data is presented and see if they reference any research.
- Go to your local public library and ask to see the reference librarian. Their job is to help people find information, and they will go to great lengths to help you find the information you need.
I went there, Found no consensus.
in the PDF I put together of info about “climate change” that people should understand,… I included the simple example of a change in anual seasons is because its a useful reference point that people instantly can relate to,… the difference between SUMMER which has long days which builds up “warmth” and WINTERS w/ short days which does not allow “warmth” to build upphaster:
here’s from a scientific perspective as wellhave a look at the “pitch” as they say in the startup world, would be interested in what catholics think about the social justice issue of climate change, given various knock on effects on humanity
Why an ice age occurs every 100,000 years: Climate and feedback effects explained
The Milankovitch cycles
Supposedly we’ve had multiple ice ages according to this source, therefor multiple warmings, all before people were on the planet.
IOW multiple ice ages and global warmings, occurred without people being on the planet.
Not just as a Catholic but as someone who likes evidence , my first question would be, prove it with evidence (not theory) all properly referenced.
2nd,… large populated areas like the LA and san diego area (here in the USA) need CO2 “reduced” base load (when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow),… looking at fussion does not seem possible near term,… a safer tech bet is “alternative fission” devices which the DOE is starting to fundTheo520:
I agree with you but it’s going to be a long slow slog to get Americans to agree with it. Our early nuclear plants are not an example of the technology available today. We’ve learned much and can really build safe effective plants and handle the waste in a completely safe manner. The current new movie Chernobyl just sets us back even further.Nobody likes my solution, when I post it.
Mass produce safe and reliable nuclear plants, then swap out all coal generators. It wouldn’t be cheap but it would be affordable and still supply reliable power to the 3rd world
This is what we will do, when people and governments actually believe the threat is real
I also think we need to continue to promote wind and solar power. We need multiple solutions to our energy thirst and should not neglect any one of them for another. I’m old and climate change will not directly effect me before I die but I have children and grandchildren and would very much like them to not have to live in fear of our wonderful planet turning against us because we ignored it or found it too costly or interfered with our political views.
I really wish we’d make the required basic research investment to move LFTR forward. Doing the needed basic research would be a gift to the whole world in moving this solution from conception to test/build.LFTR (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor)
Yes, I’m taking basic research, not product development.I don’t disagree with the idea of more research into these potential forms of energy
But just for the record, you are talking about taxpayer-funded research and not just private research, right?
I’m shocked. A disingenuous media cooperating to promote a social agenda?This Time issue is always trotted out whenever climate change is discussed. The truth is the premise of this issue was never a widely-held position among scientists. It was published for sensational effect.
That too…steve-b:
I thought you were asking about the age of the earth and how the scientists came up with their numbers.LeafByNiggle:
I can play that game toosteve-b:
Science journals. I’m not going to do all your research for you. But I will make two suggestions:steve-b:
My post presumes the question
where is the evidence properly referenced?LeafByNiggle:
OKThat’s easy. In academic journals.
what journals? Reference(s) please, properly referenced
- Start with the NASA website where this data is presented and see if they reference any research.
- Go to your local public library and ask to see the reference librarian. Their job is to help people find information, and they will go to great lengths to help you find the information you need.
I went there, Found no consensus.
Would you understand any of the evidence? I probably will not and science is my field of work.just thinking out loud, I gotta ask, I’d like to see the evidence for such a precise number.