Not having those tendencies, it’s hard for me to offer any kind of useful opinion. I do believe that sin is sin and the last time I checked, we’re ALL sinners.
When it comes right down to it, what difference do technical differences make between various sins? Your sins might be different than my sins, but either one of us have the same chance at, or loss of, salvation. If either one of us commit a serious sin, with full knowlege and consent of will, what difference does it make what the sin was? Why should the homosexual be any different than the ‘perfect’ little Catholic couple who’s taking the pill?
By the same token, do any one of us, in the commission of our own ‘favorite’ sins, truly have consent of will? I think God knows our weaknesses. God knows if we really have consent of will, as we merrily go around offending him every day. What I think we DON’T know is God’s infinite power to forgive us miserable sinners.
However, there are those who would have us believe that the Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ got it all wrong, and needs to change…Needs to get with the program…Needs to get with the times… Whether it’s homosexual marriage, abortion, euthanisia, ABC, married or women priests…WHATEVER the cause is, we have to realize that it’s not the Church that needs to change, but us. We’re the ones who are wrong, not the Church. So it’s not what do I think about this or that sin, but can I hate the sin and love the sinner?