What do you think of homosexuality?

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I am interested to know what the rest of you thinkon the issue of homosexuality. i personally have NO problem with it. I think it is fine. i was just wondering what the rest of you thought.
I know some gay people. They are loved by God because they are his children and are welcomed by the church… However, homosexual acts, as Christus Rex & 1ke said, are gravely disordered. Any sexual act that occurs between people, has to be open to life (i.e., kids) and be unitive in the way God intended - love giving between a married man and woman. A homosexual act will not have both of these properties, and they BOTH need to be present for it to be God’s will.
What I accept has nothing to do with what God wants. I personally don’t judge those who live the lifestyle of homosexuality, but I think that it’s clear in the Bible, that God finds it to be sinful. We are all sinners, and this is considered a sin. We live in a society that has created ‘relative truth.’ What’s good for me, might not be good for you, bla bla bla. There are objective truths, and they really bring peace if we try to follow them.

But, am I personally offended by homosexuality? no. But, I feel bad for people who are lost, and just live by their own relative truths. If the original poster is Catholic, then you should know about objective truths. If not, then…you speak from your own relativism. 🙂
I think homosexuality is a very sinful lifestyle but one that does not need to be embraced any more than heterosexuals need to embrace promiscuity or pornography. With prayer and faith, we all can live lives pleasing to God.
On the contrary, I simply don’t impose Catholic teaching on noncatholics. Now if they were to join the Churhc they must follow the rules.
This has more to do with the Natural Law than anything uniquely Catholic.
It is a temptation for some people, and they should be wary of this temptation as with all temptations.
What difference does it make what I think, 6000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching, and observation of the workings of nature, say homosexuality is a disordered unnatural behavior and inclination. Why should I offer an opinion on the moral aspects, authoritatively defined by the Church, or on its scientific aspects, which may be defined someday but as yet are not, or on its harmful effects upon the society and the individual which are readily apparent? To offer or solicit an opinion on something which has already been defined is childish. If something is true, my opinion is not going to affect the truth.
What difference does it make what I think
This is a very good point. The original question was, “What do *you * think of homosexuality?” It doesn’t matter what any of us think. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus didn’t care about the opinions of men. This thread seems like an attempt to make the Church into a democracy.

“Truth is not determined by majority vote.” - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI
But my personal opinion is that there is nothing wrong with SSA.
You might forget where you’re posting this, though. LOL 😃

You’re going to get a predominantly Catholic viewpoint on this site. I’m not going to be swayed by popular opinion. Popular opinion and God’s opinion are two different things. As I said…relativism is very mainstream. As a society, if you don’t say ‘everything goes,’ then you’re judgemental and mean. I wouldn’t call a bicycle a car, for example–it’s a bicycle. Same things applies for God’s laws…because you choose to accept a different truth, doesn’t mean that God’s laws are false. It simply means that you wish to call a bicycle…a car. 😉
But my personal opinion is that there is nothing wrong with SSA.
That’s great. Good for you. But the Church teaches that it is objectively disordered and contrary to the Natural Law even if homosexual desires are not acted upon.
That’s great. Good for you. But the Church teaches that it is objectively disordered and contrary to the Natural Law even if homosexual desires are not acted upon.
Well then I have the slightest disagreement with the Church. It won’t cause me to go to Hell. I see those who only experience the attraction and because of views like this cause them to attempt or commit suicide. I think we can show a little more compassion than some do.
I think JSmitty, that you’re a little off on that. As long as the person doesn’t act upon his/her ‘desires,’ it’s not deemed a sin. I believe that Pope Benedict recently came out with a new ‘rule’ for men interested in entering the priesthood. It goes something like this…if you have desires, as long as you remain celibate, God will not judge your thoughts as sin. (and you can enter the priesthood) Thinking of sinning, and actually sinning are two different things. But thoughts tend to lead to sinning, but the thing is…a priest needs to abstain from ALL TYPES OF SEXUAL RELATIONS, so I would imagine men who are heterosexual think about women, just like perhaps a ‘gay minded’ man, might think about men. Thinking and doing are separate, and are not sins.

Didn’t mean to get off topic–but I’m just trying to paint a point. 🙂
I think JSmitty, that you’re a little off on that. As long as the person doesn’t act upon his/her ‘desires,’ it’s not deemed a sin. I believe that Pope Benedict recently came out with a new ‘rule’ for men interested in entering the priesthood. It goes something like this…if you have desires, as long as you remain celibate, God will not judge your thoughts as sin. (and you can enter the priesthood) Thinking of sinning, and actually sinning are two different things. But thoughts tend to lead to sinning, but the thing is…a priest needs to abstain from ALL TYPES OF SEXUAL RELATIONS, so I would imagine men who are heterosexual think about women, just like perhaps a ‘gay minded’ man, might think about men. Thinking and doing are separate, and are not sins.

Didn’t mean to get off topic–but I’m just trying to paint a point. 🙂
Having the attraction is more like admiring some males in the same way a perfectly straight male would find certain females attractive. I would hesitate to call it “gay minded” because this gives the impression of desiring a sexual relationship.
I think JSmitty, that you’re a little off on that. As long as the person doesn’t act upon his/her ‘desires,’ it’s not deemed a sin. I believe that Pope Benedict recently came out with a new ‘rule’ for men interested in entering the priesthood. It goes something like this…if you have desires, as long as you remain celibate, God will not judge your thoughts as sin. (and you can enter the priesthood) Thinking of sinning, and actually sinning are two different things. But thoughts tend to lead to sinning, but the thing is…a priest needs to abstain from ALL TYPES OF SEXUAL RELATIONS, so I would imagine men who are heterosexual think about women, just like perhaps a ‘gay minded’ man, might think about men. Thinking and doing are separate, and are not sins.

Didn’t mean to get off topic–but I’m just trying to paint a point. 🙂
I never said that the attraction is sinful. I merely said it was objectively disordered. See here.
Not having those tendencies, it’s hard for me to offer any kind of useful opinion. I do believe that sin is sin and the last time I checked, we’re ALL sinners.

When it comes right down to it, what difference do technical differences make between various sins? Your sins might be different than my sins, but either one of us have the same chance at, or loss of, salvation. If either one of us commit a serious sin, with full knowlege and consent of will, what difference does it make what the sin was? Why should the homosexual be any different than the ‘perfect’ little Catholic couple who’s taking the pill?

By the same token, do any one of us, in the commission of our own ‘favorite’ sins, truly have consent of will? I think God knows our weaknesses. God knows if we really have consent of will, as we merrily go around offending him every day. What I think we DON’T know is God’s infinite power to forgive us miserable sinners.

However, there are those who would have us believe that the Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ got it all wrong, and needs to change…Needs to get with the program…Needs to get with the times… Whether it’s homosexual marriage, abortion, euthanisia, ABC, married or women priests…WHATEVER the cause is, we have to realize that it’s not the Church that needs to change, but us. We’re the ones who are wrong, not the Church. So it’s not what do I think about this or that sin, but can I hate the sin and love the sinner?
I personally dont see the problem with it that most Catholics see, and find the arguments behind the condemnation rather illogical.
Well since I do not believe in Catholicism, I have no problem with homosexuality. However, if I am lead back to the Church by accepting that the Bible is the word of God, I would have to believe that homosexual acts are wrong. I don’t seem to have the hatred or disgust towards them many people have here, so even as a devout Catholic I would have no problem watching Brokeback Mountain or having gay friends, but if asked my opinions on the subject, I would tell them that though I cared for them as friends I did disagree with that specific behavior. The Bible clearly has passages condemning homosexual acts, so if the Bible is taken as the truth, I don’t understand how you can be Catholic and supportive of it. The people here who address the issue of SSA politely and respectfully although they disagree with it are not “bigots” and “homophobes” in my opinion (although there are many of those here too), and I respect that opinion and understand the Church’s teachings.
Not having those tendencies, it’s hard for me to offer any kind of useful opinion. I do believe that sin is sin and the last time I checked, we’re ALL sinners.

When it comes right down to it, what difference do technical differences make between various sins? Your sins might be different than my sins, but either one of us have the same chance at, or loss of, salvation. If either one of us commit a serious sin, with full knowlege and consent of will, what difference does it make what the sin was? Why should the homosexual be any different than the ‘perfect’ little Catholic couple who’s taking the pill?

By the same token, do any one of us, in the commission of our own ‘favorite’ sins, truly have consent of will? I think God knows our weaknesses. God knows if we really have consent of will, as we merrily go around offending him every day. What I think we DON’T know is God’s infinite power to forgive us miserable sinners.

However, there are those who would have us believe that the Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ got it all wrong, and needs to change…Needs to get with the program…Needs to get with the times… Whether it’s homosexual marriage, abortion, euthanisia, ABC, married or women priests…WHATEVER the cause is, we have to realize that it’s not the Church that needs to change, but us. We’re the ones who are wrong, not the Church. So it’s not what do I think about this or that sin, but can I hate the sin and love the sinner?
Wow well said. I think it’s an easy sin to condemn because it’s not a temptation of most. It seems to be treated like the worst possible sin you can commit while other sins are ignored. I agree, treat them the same. And I agree about the Church “getting with it.” It makes no sense to me that God would change his mind with the times…I would lose respect for the Church if it changed it’s position on gay marriage or abortion. Women priests and ABC I guess there’s some gray area on ,but not the former issues.
What do I think of homosexuality?

It’s a gender identity disorder that violates that natural law and leads to destruction and emotional unhappiness for those trapped in that disorder.

Sure, the Church teaches that it is immoral…but there is a reason behind that teaching and you don’t have to be Catholic to understand or see that reasoning…in fact, the natural law is binding on all of us - Catholic or non-Catholic…and the temporal consequenses for ignoring it are the same
My brother in law’s brother is homosexual, he has been with his partner for over 20 years, they share great love for each other. I would not ask this lifestyle to be brought upon my house, (my children), but I think Jesus would appreciate the true love that anyone shares with another. Why do we have to dirty things, how do we know that everyone that is in that boat is wrong, sinful, what if they just love another, whether it be man or women. If you live your life as Jesus said, accept the people that are not always accepted. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I choose not to condem those that have love.
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