What did I say about my desire for an emotional response? Oh, that’s right…I said that’s exactly what I don’t want. Way to pay attention, though.
I’ve now full read your full response, and what can I say? I was not referencing your arguments at all, or your points, I was simply providing a series of observations and possibilities to a ‘I cant believe’ post.
So please calm down.
However, I do believe that for many people disgust = immoral at some level, especially for culturally inculcated values. Not all disgust is the same, I feel a set of emotions that can be labled ‘disgust’, though my disgust at touching raw flesh is different to my disgust at intellectual dishonesy, which is different to the disgust I feel for some types of politics. The relationship between disgust and immoral is not automatic and inevitable, there is clearly a societal element.
It is not clear that morals are ever purely rational. I think morals are not. I think ethics demonstrate more rationality.
Anyway, light reading for both of us.
Have I ever claimed any of that? I am completely convinced that many homosexual couples sincerely love each other and are trying to express that love through their sexual acts.
I was not refering to you, but to a sense I had picked up.
The below does reference Catholic doctrine, but is the sort thing one comes across. Incidently sense the disgust…
Rather interestingly, I found this reference WARNING IT IS A HATE PAGE!!! DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE!)
*Homosexuals use many methods to deceive the gullible into tolerating homosexuality. One way they do so is to point to same sex attraction among animals. Do not be deceived into thinking that since same sex attraction has been observed among animals that this somehow legitimizes same sex attraction for humans.
Some animals are also known to eat carrion, excrement and attack and kill humans. If same sex attraction among them can be rightly used to legitimize same sex attraction among humans, so can all their other unclean and murderous tendencies.
Animals are irrational creatures that are not accountable to God. Only totally depraved fools point to the **nasty actions of dogs *
as examples to follow rather than live according to the righteousness of God. Homosexuals prove they have fallen lower than animals by making animals as their mentors and examples to follow. One thing for sure is creatures of instinct demonstrate that they are more righteous than homosexuals, because they do not seek to justify their acts by the nasty acts of homosexuals.
This page is filled with hatred and the author certainly only practices christian rituals, but it has many echoes…
I never referred to your arguments, but some on these boards condemn homosexuality becasue there is no procreation between same-sex couples
Why are you trying to blur the question?
I haven’t even approached your question.
So the core of your response has nothing to do with the core of my argument. Interesting way of responding.
For at least the third time on this thread I will say - Basing your morality on what is legal and what is illegal is basing your morality in the sand.
I am pretty sure I never said morality was based on legality. I am pretty sure I discussed the concept of consent and only that, per se.
It’s not a “thus” statement, but I’ll agree that animals cannot vocalize or sign their consent at law. That said…we do lab testing on animals and we don’t require their consent for that. We exterminate animals and we don’t require their consent for that. Why on earth should we expect their consent in this area? Aren’t you dogmatically singling out sex as a “different kind of act”? Why are you so narrow-minded?
Actually I a not the one who brought up zoophilia and pedastry and conflated them with homosexuality. Far from being ‘narrow minded’ I was
limiting myself because the subject could get very wide.
But to answer you. If something cannot be considered as able to consent, it is also implicitly unable to refuse consent. It is not deemed (yes DEEMED) able to make judgements.