What do you think of homosexuality?

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I believe people throw in these two things and then add homosexuality because they require the conflation for their emotional state, or to fearmonger…

You get the same thing with evolution “darwinism, atheism and marxism”
No, the reason you can lump homosexuality with bestiality and pedophilia is that these three sexual disorientations aren’t ordered towards procreation. They are engaged in for pleasure alone. Even in the case of pederasty when a child is post-pubescent the pedophile does not act out of a desire to conceive a child but for his or her own pleasure alone. For that matter, this is why premarital, extramarital and contraceptive heterosexual sex are also considered sinful.

Heterosexual, noncontraceptive marital sex is the only morally sound behavior since marriage already presupposes a desire for and an environment best suited for conceiving and rearing children. The pleasure accompanied by sex in this case is a means to an ends, namely procreation – a type of reward for assuming the monumental task, risks and sacrifices that come with raising children.

In all other forms of sex, physical pleasure is the ends itself while procreation is merely incidental. A review of posts by Digger71, Libero, St. Sharky, et. al. confirms this common arguement. All their talk of allowing gays the same benefits of marriage such as relational stability, sexual domestication, unitive consummation and pathological avoidance ring rather hollow given that their common stated goal is merely the pleasure of physical and emotional self-gratification.

I cant believe the “sex with 2 men? why not a man and an animal?” argument is actually being used here.
I cant believe the “sex with 2 men? why not a man and an animal?” argument is actually being used here.
I can’t believe that no one can refute it if it’s so silly.

God Bless,
I can’t believe that no one can refute it if it’s so silly.

God Bless,
The great thing about having an opinion is that you have the magic to make it appear as though nothing can possibly disprove it, and then apply it to others if you so wish.
The great thing about having an opinion is that you have the magic to make it appear as though nothing can possibly disprove it, and then apply it to others if you so wish.

I’m not trying to be a jerk about this - I’m just looking for a rational and internally coherent moral argument defense. I’m willing to listen, but no one on the flip side has put anything resembling rational thought forward. All I’ve received are “I think X might be…” and “I believe Y could possibly…” – I’m asking for something more. I’m asking for internally consistant moral analysis that doesn’t slide its way into depravity.

If you’re simply going to devolve all of this to “opinion statements” and “magic”, I have to assume that you believe there is nothing that is actually morally right or morally wrong. If that’s the case, that would have to include include idots who bandy their opinions about like they are absolute truths; there’s quite simply nothing morally wrong with that if it’s all subjective. And if that’s the case…why did you open your trap in the first place?

God Bless,

I know it’s a long thread, so I don’t blame you for not having read my post #50. Please take the time to see what started this whole thing.
Please could you explain how the acts of these people affect me in even the slightest?

Ah, but being out of turmoil and denial doesnt necessarilly mean in a sexual relarionship. I just meant to say that they are not in conflict about who they are and what type of person they are.
Even private acts affect society, in that people bring their inner disposition into the public arena.

I’m not trying to be a jerk about this - I’m just looking for a rational and internally coherent moral argument defense. I’m willing to listen, but no one on the flip side has put anything resembling rational thought forward. All I’ve received are “I think X might be…” and “I believe Y could possibly…” – I’m asking for something more. I’m asking for internally consistant moral analysis that doesn’t slide its way into depravity.

If you’re simply going to devolve all of this to “opinion statements” and “magic”, I have to assume that you believe there is nothing that is actually morally right or morally wrong. If that’s the case, that would have to include include idots who bandy their opinions about like they are absolute truths; there’s quite simply nothing morally wrong with that if it’s all subjective. And if that’s the case…why did you open your trap in the first place?

God Bless,

I know it’s a long thread, so I don’t blame you for not having read my post #50. Please take the time to see what started this whole thing.
You listen, but you dont hear. That’s all.
Homosexuality is a developmental disorder. Those who struggle with it should be responded to with compassion and those of us who do not struggle with this temptation should try to help those who do struggle live a life of holiness- by befriending them (many- if not most- men who struggle with homosexuality struggle because they long for close friendships with other men that go beyond drinking buddies- and at puberty, this longing turned sexual for some reason), and praying for them. Sex only belongs in marriage, and marriage is between a man and a woman. The bible clearly states “do not lie with man as one lies with woman”- there is no room for debate on the issue of it being right or wrong.
Let me first say this:

I do not accept the Bible as the truth, so I have no problem with homosexuality. For those who do accept it, I understand and respect and even agree with the Church’s position on the matter because it is consistent with the Bible. But if talking from a legal standpoint, U.S. law pretty much only criminilizes things that are a direct harm of another person. They’re not God’s police worrying about the state of your soul. Although I understand the position that it harms society etc. it is not a direct abuse or correllation you can’t arrest someone because their beliefs offend others. The law has an obligation to protect the helpless, and that would be children and animals. It has no right to protect adults from consensual sex based on a religious law or the disgust of a particular group. IMO, I don’t really understand the basis for illegal prostitution. It may not be great, just like I don’t think gay sex is the most awesome thing in the world, but it’s consensual (even if the prostitutes don’t exactly enjoy it). From a Catholic standpoint, it is not ok, and I understand that. But the law is secular and has no reason to arrest gay people for homosexual sex. I also don’t see a reason legally why they can’t get married.
The bible clearly states “do not lie with man as one lies with woman”-

it clealry states it, but what does it mean?.

Surely that just says “if you are going to sex with men and women, do it it different ways”. Or “don’t have a sexual relationship with a man at the same time as you have a sexual relationship with a woman”, or “use different rooms!”, ‘as with a woman’ just says ‘do it differently’.

and it doesnt refer to homosexual, they wouldnt lie with a woman anyway, so there is no risk of breaking that bit of the holiness code?
Digger71 said:

it clealry states it, but what does it mean?.

Surely that just says “if you are going to sex with men and women, do it it different ways”. Or “don’t have a sexual relationship with a man at the same time as you have a sexual relationship with a woman”, or “use different rooms!”, ‘as with a woman’ just says ‘do it differently’.

and it doesnt refer to homosexual, they wouldnt lie with a woman anyway, so there is no risk of breaking that bit of the holiness code?

What does it mean? What else can “don’t lie with a man as one lies with a woman” possibly mean? The Bible doesn’t always say sex to mean sex…one word that is used is “knew, to know”…and that’s not talking about being acquainted with a person on a casual level.
I cant believe the “sex with 2 men? why not a man and an animal?” argument is actually being used here.
Well, again I wonder how people can do this, But lets have a go.

The argument could have many origins, probably part of it comes from leviticus, but perhaps it has something to do with the possibility that many people find both revolting, and given their emotional reaction think that the behaviours are morally equivilent. it is a bit like being revolted by spiders and snakes and classifying them as ‘yucky’, not arthropods and reptiles.

Yucky things turn off rational thought for the most part so “why” doesnt matter, just yuckiness.

Of course yuckiness has some instinctual basis and has some learnt aspects. That is why many people eventually can eat olives, liver and tapioca despite a childhood revlusion. These are examples, not analogies. Some societies, generally prechhristian aboriginal were accepting and no problems were identified with homosexuality.

Another aspect is the common assertion that homosex is all aabout lust and lower feelings. It is directly equated with animal instinct, and some people feel it is evidence of the devolution of a moral being. If you would ‘do’ Patrick you would ‘do’ Rex.

Of course this is not ‘Catholic’ view just what you find reading around the same-sex argument and ‘extreme’ right-wing/christians sites.

So the core of the argument is emotional reflexive. But I do believe the conflation of homosexuality, zoophilia and pedastry is just people either just thinking “its all ycky” or people trying to make others think “its all yucky”

The moral difference is the mental state of the partners.

In our societies we recognise certain things must be in place before someone can give consent. Regardless of your intelligence, maturity, hand-eye co-ordination, etc, you have to be aminimum age to do some things, and that is because the law deems that regardless of any other factor, below that age you are not capable, competant or informed enough to do that.

Part of this is because we have a general understanding of the mental state of youngsters, so we have a kind of concensus view of who can do what when. However, even on reaching that age a person can be deemed unable to take decisions, low IQ, mental illness, etc.

The coming of age is recognised by the power to enter binding contracts, have sex, and be prosecuted in law.

They do this explicitly, with a signature.

With animals we do not have this. We know they think, but we have no real understanding of whether they understand rules, thir existance, their purpose and the consequences of breaking them. They do not have language to directly express in human speech their opinions, they cannot sign their name and give explicit consenr. We have no idea is they can reflect any form of human understanding.

Thus in law animals cannot give consent.

Those who think homosex and zoophilia are the same miss the core aspect of consent; adult, competant human intelligence with direct shared communications.

The fact is, iif you ask John “do you want this?” he can SAY yes, and sign a piece of paper. If you ask Res he can bark, but give him the piece of paper and he’ll ignore it or rip it up.

or that’s what I think.
Let me first say this:

I do not accept the Bible as the truth, so I have no problem with homosexuality. For those who do accept it, I understand and respect and even agree with the Church’s position on the matter because it is consistent with the Bible. But if talking from a legal standpoint, U.S. law pretty much only criminilizes things that are a direct harm of another person. They’re not God’s police worrying about the state of your soul. Although I understand the position that it harms society etc. it is not a direct abuse or correllation you can’t arrest someone because their beliefs offend others. The law has an obligation to protect the helpless, and that would be children and animals. It has no right to protect adults from consensual sex based on a religious law or the disgust of a particular group. IMO, I don’t really understand the basis for illegal prostitution. It may not be great, just like I don’t think gay sex is the most awesome thing in the world, but it’s consensual (even if the prostitutes don’t exactly enjoy it). From a Catholic standpoint, it is not ok, and I understand that. But the law is secular and has no reason to arrest gay people for homosexual sex. I also don’t see a reason legally why they can’t get married.
This presumes that the wrongness of homosexuality is derived wholly from religous law and you simply have not demonstrated that, you just stated it without any support. There are atheists that can construct an reasonable case against homosexual acts using non-theistic arguments. The first criteria for evaluating an acts’ moral rightness or wrongness that RyanL posted earlier is still hanging around like a giant elephant and no one seems to want to pay it any mind hoping it will go away.

Again, you’re engaging in the silly argument that whatever is legal is morally right, which is a fairly poor standard for moral thinking. Sodomy is still prohibited on the books in several states - is sodomy therefore immoral in those states, but moral elsewhere? THIS IS THE SAME ARGUMENT!

Further, this goes to illustrate that you have “morally justified” pedophilia and beastiality as soon as a law changes. How can any rational person agree with this position?!?

Cute. I have to give you props for the snap.

God Bless,
I do not think that laws should be made from what one church has to say - keep religion out of politics.

Further, my argument has not morally justified paedophillia and beastiality - as science (in the form of the human anatomy and psychology) must be considered in making moral decisions - we are highly complex beings, making laws based on scripture thousands of years ago would be incredibly unintelligent, we have to use our knowledge and what we recognise would be the right and the wrong thing to do, having looked at the impact it has upon us as humans, and how we interact as people.

Other than that, I am British we got rid of buggery laws a long time ago. I always get confused with America, I thought it was supposed to be a dazzling democracy like no other, yet you only have to look with a glance to see how much religion has controlled the government - it is almost a theocracy if it were not for the disagreement over denominations.

And then ofcourse there is the issue of whether or not one denomination (or religion) considers something ‘immoral’ or not - please don’t do the entire "we’re the one true church - Christ’s own’ thing, we were the church Christ founded.

NOTE: I express opinions, nothing more, as written in signature.
I do not think that laws should be made from what one church has to say - keep religion out of politics.

Further, my argument has not morally justified paedophillia and beastiality - as science (in the form of the human anatomy and psychology) must be considered in making moral decisions - we are highly complex beings, making laws based on scripture thousands of years ago would be incredibly unintelligent, we have to use our knowledge and what we recognise would be the right and the wrong thing to do, having looked at the impact it has upon us as humans, and how we interact as people.

Other than that, I am British we got rid of buggery laws a long time ago. I always get confused with America, I thought it was supposed to be a dazzling democracy like no other, yet you only have to look with a glance to see how much religion has controlled the government - it is almost a theocracy if it were not for the disagreement over denominations.

And then ofcourse there is the issue of whether or not one denomination (or religion) considers something ‘immoral’ or not - please don’t do the entire "we’re the one true church - Christ’s own’ thing, we were the church Christ founded.

NOTE: I express opinions, nothing more, as written in signature.
Our government is nowhere near a theocracy. If our government, at any level, was anywhere near a theocracy, we wouldn’t have Catholic adoption agencies having to shut down or city councils being openly hostile to Catholics.
Our government is nowhere near a theocracy. If our government, at any level, was anywhere near a theocracy, we wouldn’t have Catholic adoption agencies having to shut down or city councils being openly hostile to Catholics.
Sodomy Laws - laws don’t come much more religious than those 😛

Your in the “revolution” stage 😃 😉
Yucky things turn off rational thought for the most part so “why” doesnt matter, just yuckiness.
What did I say about my desire for an emotional response? Oh, that’s right…I said that’s exactly what I don’t want. Way to pay attention, though.
Another aspect is the common assertion that homosex is all aabout lust and lower feelings.
Have I ever claimed any of that? I am completely convinced that many homosexual couples sincerely love each other and are trying to express that love through their sexual acts.

Why are you trying to blur the question?
So the core of the argument is emotional reflexive.
So the core of your response has nothing to do with the core of my argument. Interesting way of responding.
The moral difference is the mental state of the partners.
Didn’t we already examine why the subjectivist position leads to the same outcome?
In our societies we recognise certain things must be in place before someone can give consent. Regardless of your intelligence, maturity, hand-eye co-ordination, etc, you have to be aminimum age to do some things, and that is because the law deems that regardless of any other factor, below that age you are not capable, competant or informed enough to do that.
For at least the third time on this thread I will say - Basing your morality on what is legal and what is illegal is basing your morality in the sand. If sodomy is legal in Texas and is illegal in Oklahoma, is sodomy moral in Texas and immoral in Oklahoma? If the consent law in Oklahoma is 10 and the consent law in Texas is 16, is it moral to have sexual relations with a 10 year old in Oklahoma and immoral to do so in Texas? Your response has to be in the affirmative if you are to be morally coherent. It is intellectually dishonest in the extreme for you to claim otherwise.
Thus in law animals cannot give consent.
It’s not a “thus” statement, but I’ll agree that animals cannot vocalize or sign their consent at law. That said…we do lab testing on animals and we don’t require their consent for that. We exterminate animals and we don’t require their consent for that. Why on earth should we expect their consent in this area? Aren’t you dogmatically singling out sex as a “different kind of act”? Why are you so narrow-minded?
Those who think homosex and zoophilia are the same miss the core aspect of consent; adult, competant human intelligence with direct shared communications.
Those who think they are the same are blind; I have clearly distinguished this entire time. Those who think that homosexual acts are morally good miss the core aspect of sound moral reasoning. See post #50.
If you ask Res he can bark, but give him the piece of paper and he’ll ignore it or rip it up.
I’m sure you’re right - again, why are you singling out sex to obtain animal consent? Do they consent to their ownership? Do they consent to their leashes? Do they consent to being kicked off the bed? Do they consent to animal testing? Do they consent to the amputation which severs a badly broken limb?

Further, your “animals can’t consent” argument is mere speculation. You admit that you have no idea whether or not the animal consents - why are you insisting on a presumption against consent? Why argue that animals can never consent to anything - isn’t that depriving the animal of their “rights”?

Finally, in the law, inaction implies consent - therefore, by your own criteria, animals do consent.

Uh oh…your argument just went out the window…

God Bless,
I do not think that laws should be made from what one church has to say - keep religion out of politics.
In a pluralistic society, I tend to agree. If this were a religious argument, I might even agree in the present case. The thing is, I haven’t made a single religion-based argument yet. Please see Dr. Freud in post #50.

For the record, though, the Catholics, the Orthodox, the orthodox Jews, the Muslims, and many Protestants all deem homosexuality to be immoral. It’s not simply “one church” saying it.
Further, my argument has not morally justified paedophillia and beastiality
As shown, it has as soon as a law changes. Tack a rider onto a spending bill and poof suddenly pedophilia will be moral. That’s your argument.
making laws based on scripture thousands of years ago would be incredibly unintelligent
What is incredibly unintelligent is throwing out sound knowledge, wisdom and reasoning simply because it’s old. Would you throw out trigonometry simply because it’s old? No. Better first to determine if it’s true before you simply toss it. You have done nothing to demonstrate the invalidity of the reasoning.
, we have to use our knowledge and what we recognise would be the right and the wrong thing to do, having looked at the impact it has upon us as humans, and how we interact as people.
A utilitarian justification? I would love to go there. Say the word.
Other than that, I am British we got rid of buggery laws a long time ago.
I’m sorry - I didn’t know.
I always get confused with America, I thought it was supposed to be a dazzling democracy like no other, yet you only have to look with a glance to see how much religion has controlled the government - it is almost a theocracy if it were not for the disagreement over denominations
Since when have democracy and a belief in God been mutually exclusive?
And then ofcourse there is the issue of whether or not one denomination (or religion) considers something ‘immoral’ or not - please don’t do the entire "we’re the one true church - Christ’s own’ thing, we were the church Christ founded.
If there is such a thing as “one true Church which Christ founded”, do you think it can be shown? If it can be shown, should that influence anything?

—On second thought, please don’t answer these. They are a distractor from the topic at hand.

God Bless,
RyanL said:
What did I say about my desire for an emotional response? Oh, that’s right…I said that’s exactly what I don’t want. Way to pay attention, though.

Ryan, I was not specifically responding to anything you said, but to another post entirely. I was just outlining some thoughts on the subject in generall, I caveated a lot of it with weasel words such as ‘likely’ and probably.

I’ll read the rest of your response now, but I wanted it to be clear that the response was targeted specifically at you, or what you said.
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