What do you think the state of the Church would be if there was no Second Vatican Council?

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Because it reduces the meaning of the sacrament according to the one ministering it.

You know that I wasn’t asking this, right?
It was just a link to an article, and the posting is gone now.
Heres one thing I don’t like which Orthodox and even Anglicans still have. Instead of calling it Ordinary Time I wish we’d go back to weeks after Epiphany or Pentecost etc. I feel like calling it Ordinary Time is just to dull. There is no ordinary time in the Church.
“Ordinary” just means ordered. That is why there is an ordinary of the Mass. The weeks that are counted in order are ordinary time. There is nothing dull about things being ordered.
Language involves both denotation and connotation.

Additionally, “ordinary time” does not remind the faithful of the most recent significant times during the liturgical season, nor does it remind one of the way in which the liturgical year is ordered.
AdventHe is coming
NativityHe comes
CircumcisionHe follows Old Testament Law
EpiphanyHe reveals Himself as God
Holy FamilyHe grows up in a human family
CandlemasSimeon’s prophecy
SeptuagesimaWe are in exile without Christ
Ash WednesdayWithout Christ, we are dust
LentChrist is in the Desert
Passion SundayJews make plans to kill Jesus
7 SorrowsMary’s suffers at what is to come
Palm SundayHe triumphantly enters Jerusalem
Spy WednesdayJesus is betrayed by Judas
Maundy ThursdayHe offers the first Holy Mass
Good FridayHe is put to death and fulfills Old Testament Law
Holy SaturdayHe is in the tomb
EasterHe is risen
AscensionHe ascends into Heaven
PentecostHe sends the Holy Ghost
Trinity SundayThe Most Holy Trinity has been fully revealed
AssumptionMary is assumed into Heaven & crowned Queen
Christ the KingWe recognize Christ’s Kingship now and forever
All SaintsWe will triumph as have our heroic Saints
All SoulsWe pray for those who are awaiting their triumph
Last Sunday in
Time after PentecostApocalypse. He will come to judge the world.
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You’re suppose to receive from the minister serving the line you’re in, not go around to avoid him./her.

The minister makes no difference in the sacredness of the Sacrament you’re receiving.

FWIW, I don’t want an EMC giving my young children a “blessing.” That’s why we sit where we receive from the priest.
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Thank you, @Rob2. That was the document I had been looking for but failed to find. So two facts are now established beyond all doubt.

(1) Archbishop Lefebvre was excommunicated in 1988.
(2) He died in 1991 without the excommunication ever having been rescinded (lifted, remitted).

So the answer to the question that The Remnant asked four years ago, “Was Archbishop Lefebvre Really Excommunicated?” is, as far as I can see, a plain Yes. There cannot possibly be the slightest doubt of that.

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I asked because I just posted the same link again. If it was a moderator who removed it earlier, I may be breaking a CAF rule by posting it again.
You can’t replace age-old tradition regarding the reverence of the Holy Eucharist and expect people not to be scandalized. When you replace kneeling to receive Our Lord on the tongue, a paten under the chin to catch even the slightest particle from falling to the floor, communion rails, the priest holding his fingers together after the consecration, only the priest receiving from the chalice (no spilling), only sacred ministers distributing Holy Communion (priest ordinary minister, deacon extraordinary minister), and you replace it with no more Communion patens, casual holding of the host by the priest, the way most priests break the host (crumbs fly), no more fingers together, tearing out altar rails and high altars, using many lay EMHCs, communion standing and in the hand, etc, then you’re bound to upset people. It’s been 50 years since VII and people continue to be scandalized, myself included. It’s incredibly naive to be dumbfounded as to why people are scandalized, and then to tell them don’t be.
EMCH’s aren’t suppose to give blessings to your children.

But then, you’re technically not suppose to have your children in the Communion line in the first place.

Yeah, some equate miracles when no miracle had taken place to begin with,

I can introduce you to a fan of Medjugorje who has shown me supposed miracles he believes in, When a rational explanation is shown to him, he acts like I’m an atheist.

And did the early Christians receive this way ? Was not the Eucharist they received the same as we receive ?

Jesus did not ask us to behave inhuman when receiving Him in the Eucharist.

Old age tradition as you call it, has nothing to do with reverence or salvation. It had more to di with disordered religious practices which separated people from God.

then you’re bound to upset people. It’s been 50 years since VII and people continue to be scandalized,
I was never “scandalized” at all and the folks I seen were more or less comfortable with the idea of change as well.

The changes in protocol were carefully considered by people who are well trained in this kind of thing.

Sure, some people still don’t have ATM cards and cell phones, and still stand in line at the bank on pay day and wait for calls at home.

But change isn’t bad
EMCH’s aren’t suppose to give blessings to your children.

But then, you’re technically not suppose to have your children in the Communion line in the first place.

Yeah, good luck with that. I’m going to leave a 2-year-old in a pew by himself?

I’m aware they’re not supposed to give blessings. But it happens almost every time anyway.
And did the early Christians receive this way ? Was not the Eucharist they received the same as we receive ?

Jesus did not ask us to behave inhuman when receiving Him in the Eucharist.

Old age tradition as you call it, has nothing to do with reverence or salvation. It had more to di with disordered religious practices which separated people from God.

Everyone who received on the tongue years ago was separated from God?
I’m aware they’re not supposed to give blessings. But it happens almost every time anyway.
Why does this upset you so much? There are more than a billion souls in the Catholic Church, not everyone is always on the same page and mistakes are sometimes made. That’s why pencils have erasers.

This seems like such a minor mistake.
Your last statement made it sound like you’re not the biggest fan of devotions; is it due to the misapplication of said devotions? In your opinion, how can the Catholic Faithful revive such treasures and use them more appropriately? These devotions are a part of history and seem too precious to fall on the wayside.
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