What does Andromeda tell us about God?

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Thank you, Linusthe2nd, for sharing this. The more I learn about the vastness of the universe we inhabit, the more I wonder how anyone can deny God’s handiwork!
Completely agree, thanks for sharing. A great movie to watch to bring this truth home is “God of Wonders” on Amazon instant video. Beautiful camerawork and more, showing the glory of God’s creation.
God in his mercy allows terrible scifi shows to be created, that we may learn to turn away from these shallow and ephemeral things and discover deeper meaning in our lives.

Completely agree, thanks for sharing. A great movie to watch to bring this truth home is “God of Wonders” on Amazon instant video. Beautiful camerawork and more, showing the glory of God’s creation.
Thanks, I’ll check it out. Today we don’t get to see the wonder of the heavens because our city lights, etc. block out all but the brightest. Maybe that is one of the reasons for the disbelief growing in the nations. If they could see the heavens maybe they would be in a more receptive frame of mind. Have you seen the Star of Bethlehem? Did you know there is a beautiful white flower that grows only in Bethlehem?

Do you mean the EWTN movie “The Star of Bethlehem”? If so, YES, it was great!

For those who don’t know, it was a documentary about a lawyer turned “astrologer” who studied the skies and stars back through history through the centuries and determined that the STAR the wise men were seeking was a true phenomenon.

I can’t explain it well, but the show sure does and it’s fascinating! I can’t recommend it highly enough.

No, I didn’t know about the flower…I will google it. And we can’t see our skies either, as we’re in the midst of another severe winter snow storm.
Probably nothing except that we are in an extraordinarily complex system…of which we are just tiny parts that are not pre-ordained.

Probably nothing except that we are in an extraordinarily complex system…of which we are just tiny parts that are not pre-ordained.

That’s US, the question is what does Andromeda tell us about GOD?
It tells us that he exists and that all the Church tells us about him is true. He is a God unsurpassible in Power and Wonder.

twistedsifter.com/videos/deep-zoom-into-andromeda/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Twistedsifter+%28TwistedSifter+%29 ( linked from NewAdvent.org. newadvent.org/ )

100 billion galaxies and counting. Just an accident that happened, simply a " bald fact " without cause, a freak event that caused itself? Hardly.

It say nothing. In, fact bigger is the universe higher is the chance that life comes out of random events. Everything is possible if universe is infinite.
It say nothing. In, fact bigger is the universe higher is the chance that life comes out of random events. Everything is possible if universe is infinite.
Randomness is intellectually unsatisfying, which is reason enough to question this as an explanation for anything.

It say nothing. In, fact **bigger is the universe higher is the chance that life comes out of random events. **Everything is possible if universe is infinite.
How do you figure that size = random events? I think the fact that there are so many different species, the multitude of complex entities and sheer diversity of life shows that there is a Creator w/plan and there’s LESS chance that it’s all random.

For example, the fact that mathematically we can track the movements of planets, stars, galaxies, solar systems --so that today we can send a rocket to accurately arrive at a point where we want it to be in 15 years-- does not sound very random to me. How does randomness explain mathematical predictability? Do you think the universe is infinite? Thank you.
How do you figure that size = random events? I think the fact that there are so many different species, the multitude of complex entities and sheer diversity of life shows that there is a Creator w/plan and there’s LESS chance that it’s all random.
I assume the the size matters in the case that random effect have to play any role. I don’t believe in pure randomness though. Just assume that there exist one earth in whole universe and there exist a set of parameters needed to be fulfilled to grant life. A random process in fact can manifest itself into the life if the phase space in which the search has to get through is small, otherwise it is very unlikely. Now, consider that you have many planets like Earth. This increase the likelihood linearly. Lets say that the chance that for a form of life is very tiny, lets call it P. Then the chance for having life in one single Earth in whole universe is P. Having more planets like Earth increase the chance of and the chance can be calculated via binomial distribution. Hence, the chance for having one earth with life is given by F(1,N,P) where N is the number of planets similar to Earth. F(1,N,P)=NP(1-P)~N*P.
For example, the fact that mathematically we can track the movements of planets, stars, galaxies, solar systems --so that today we can send a rocket to accurately arrive at a point where we want it to be in 15 years-- does not sound very random to me. How does randomness explain mathematical predictability?
Our universe is not a deterministic world in its essence. You and random process are example of it, yet determinism rules to some degree considering very specific systems.
Do you think the universe is infinite? Thank you.
It could be. It is however so huge and keep expanding. There are some sophisticated model which deals with the size of universe. I can give you some link if you are interested.
Thank you, much obliged. If you have a link you think will be useful and not too academic (so a non-scientist could understand it) I would appreciate it.

The rate that the universe is expanding is mind-numbing. I think it lends credence to the “Big Bang” theory, but others disagree. Black holes are fascinating, too. This all makes me want to visit the planetarium… 🙂
Thank you, much obliged. If you have a link you think will be useful and not too academic (so a non-scientist could understand it) I would appreciate it.

The rate that the universe is expanding is mind-numbing. I think it lends credence to the “Big Bang” theory, but others disagree. Black holes are fascinating, too. This all makes me want to visit the planetarium… 🙂
Here you go and have fun with this. :bounce:
Sweet! High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

I’ll report back in a few years. LOL
The basic idea is very simple. There are degree of freedom on the surface of universe and within. The growth rate is related to this two factors.
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