What does it actually mean to be pro-life?

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No you can substantially increase your annual contribution to the Catholic Bishops Appeal to the House of Charity.
And/or you can personally substantially increase your time. There are many who cannot give money but give time. You are the one that brought up raising taxes.
this is actually a pretty unfair statement. Republicans know these things are needed. We simply believe that the taxes used for such services should come from the local, county and state levels, not from the federal level.

We believe the larger the organization, the more waste. And that the larger the organization, the more removed the top is from the services they are tying to provide. As someone who has worked for two Fortune 300 companies and for a huge law firm, I know that our competition (which when working for the Fortune 300 companies) was often small to mid-size businesses were often able to bet us due to being flexible and able to respond quicker to market trends. When we won, it was typically due to having multiple locations and because we had enough insurance in case we screwed up (aka - they picked us because we could pay them more if we screwed up and got sued). At the law firm, we get business because we have people who practice all sorts of law… but it’s often the smaller firms that are very specialized that are considered the best in each practice areas.

In closing, we Republicans believe that private, local, county and state level organizations & agencies can best handle those issues because they are the ones who can more easily adapt to local conditions and can provide the best “customer service” due to their more nimble size and being closer to the “customer.”

The only Republicans you will often hear say that no level of govt should be involved are libertarians (and libertarians are actually in Republican and Democratic Parties)

God bless.
We are really not that far apart but some poor states like Kentucky and West Va. will still need some Federal Support.
By calling abortion other than what it really is, allow your arguments above to help others justify their support of abortion. Apologists always bring up the rare instances to justify their vote. Ok, take out those rare instances and condemn it. On one hand you say you are not in a woman’s shoes to know the decision, then you justify that by naming rare instances.

Try putting yourself in the most innocents shoes who is about to be killed and then talk about it.
Late term abortion is very rare indeed.
We are really not that far apart but some poor states like Kentucky and West Va. will still need some Federal Support.
In situations like that, UNRESTRICTED grants from the Federal Govt should be the answer. In those cases the city/county/state submits a proposal and its reviewed by an appropriations committee. If approved, the Feds provide funds. If denied, then details explaining what financial issues caused it to be denied and suggestions should be given how to edit the proposal so that it’s accepted.

But those proposals should be only denied based on OBJECTIVE fiscal, logical, and logistic reasons. For example, proposing a multi billion dollar transit system where all fares are going to be free isn’t fiscally sound. Just like spending $100 million dollars on one plan that services 10,000 people per day while not picking an alternative plan that services 80,000 per day makes no sense.

Point is, feds give a grant and the city, county and/or state determines what they are going to do with it and they manages it themselves.
In situations like that, UNRESTRICTED grants from the Federal Govt should be the answer…
If approved…
If denied…
So, then, they wouldn’t actually be unrestricted as the feds could deny them, right?

I think that the money should be spent and accounted for by the agency that provides it. Feds fund and control federal programs. States fund and control state programs. Municipalities fund and control municipal programs.
But those proposals should be only denied based on OBJECTIVE fiscal, logical, and logistic reasons.
There are an ocean of folks that would argue that this is exactly that basis on which current support programs are actually predicated…
Point is, feds give a grant and the city, county and/or state determines what they are going to do with it and they manages it themselves.
“Carte Blanche” fiscal policy is a bad one, imo.
Who says Republicans don’t care for or support immigrants, women’s rights and health care for the most vulnerable? …I care about all of those things …what I do not support is blindly throwing money without limits at these issues nor ignoring existing laws …

Allowing illegal immigration is bad for the Country, the immigrants, legal residents, the economy and our safety. It enables human trafficking, illicit drug trade, and impacts the economy by driving down wages, increasing unemployment, etc.

Women’s rights is basically the right to abortion and what else in your mind … We have laws that cover employment issues and civil court systems to insure that …

Forced health insurance ala the ACA is not health care …people do have access to health care …even if unable to pay …the ACA is failing, was designed to fail and. the same people who have angst against big business seem ready to throw money at big insurance companies …
I would expect nothing less from a Trump Supporter !
I would expect nothing less from a Trump Supporter !
What does that mean exactly … Trump was not my first - or second choice … I suppose like Hillary was not the first choice of the left … 🤷

People say that Conservatives and Republicans don’t care, want to kill off old people, enslave minorities and women,pollute water and air … they are racist bigots wiith misogynistic attitudes … - None of which is reality.

I have never met a Republican or a Conservative that bought the neighboring property because they did not want a minority neighbor - I have met three people who did so - all liberal Democrats.

I have joined with fellow conservatives and Republicans at fundraisers to raise tuition for scholarships that allow poor and minority families to send their children to private schools - though I am sure there are liberals there - my observation is that the vast majority are conservatives.

At our local food banks - the most dedicated volunteers come from the Pro-Life Community - you know those who are labeled “single issue voters who don’t care for women, children or people after they are born” But they are there every week with their time, the talent and their money. They even help people find employment and housing … they truly care … even though if you asked them what their priority is - the loss of innocent Life to Abortion is Number One … but they work with homeless, drug addicted people …

In my parish the liberal Democratic thinkers are activists - saving whales, buying electric cars [for which the batteries produce more carbon in the hours of manufacture than a traditional car burns in 5-8 years] - but hey - they feel so good about their care of the planet :rolleyes:.

I for one am tired of the insults that are hurled about how I don’t care. I recycle, I pick up litter, I care for the environment, and my fellow man … but throwing money at problems is not the solution to any problem. Hating businesses and business owners - does not create jobs nor lift anyone from poverty. Fostering class envy creates envy and strife. Telling someone they are always and forever a victim and cannot do anything to improve their life steals their soul and stifles their ability to help themselves = it has produced multi-generational dependency on Uncle Sam and Aunt “Insert State Name here” - its slavery or indentured servitude to the government - its definitely not America - Home of the Free … you are not free when you have to look to the government for permission to breath.

I care, I act to help others … and I vote 😉
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