What does Satan look like?

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Apocalypse 22:15 tells us that outside the city of God city is a chaos of:

“. . . dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.”

This suggests that Satan takes many forms in the world of the lost. What is the most horrific image of evil you have ever seen?
Apocalypse 22:15 tells us that outside the city of God city is a chaos of:

“. . . dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.”

This suggests that Satan takes many forms in the world of the lost. What is the most horrific image of evil you have ever seen?
I thought he looked like George Burns.
Apocalypse 22:15 tells us that outside the city of God city is a chaos of:

“. . . dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.”

This suggests that Satan takes many forms in the world of the lost. What is the most horrific image of evil you have ever seen?
I was about to say that the devil doesn’t look like anything because he’s pure spirit, but I see what you mean. I think the most horrific images of evil I’ve seen are serial killers. Not psychotic killers, but psychopathic killers–those without mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

I believe that serial killers are the most acute form of evil in the world today. It’s the materialist philosophy taken to its most extreme form: the objectification and exploitation of a human person who is seen by the killer to have no intrinsic worth. Necrophiliacs are particularly evil. Dahmer comes to mind. But I read a statistic in a serial killer book in which 46-48% of serial killers were found either to be necrophiliacs or to have committed necrophiliac acts.

An abortion doctor or anyone who supports or assists him.
The devil can take on different forms in order to trick us. He can appear as a beautiful woman or handsome man. The “devil” is the evil spirit and doesn’t appear the same all the time.

Yes, one would have to be evil in order to perform abortions.

I guess I should have been more precise and asked you to post your IMAGES. Then we’ll all be able to SEE what you truly find scary.

We are told that Man was made in the image of God. And Satan loves nothing more than to see that image desecrated and defiled. I ran into one of the scariest images I’ve ever seen on a thread about body-piercing.


Here is a true desecration of the human image. It suggests to me a denial of all civilized values; a desire to return to the darkest past of savagery, human sacrifice, cannibalism, demon worship, and all the other horrors that Christians struggled for millenia to stamp out.

If you look closely, what do you see peering out at you from these eyes?
romano said:
Here is a true desecration of the human image. It suggests to me a denial of all civilized values; a desire to return to the darkest past of savagery, human sacrifice, cannibalism, demon worship, and all the other horrors that Christians struggled for millenia to stamp out.

If you look closely, what do you see peering out at you from these eyes?

I guess we all see different things. I see a pitiful human being crying out for help. I pray that he finds the help he needs.
I was about to say that the devil doesn’t look like anything because he’s pure spirit, but I see what you mean. I think the most horrific images of evil I’ve seen are serial killers. Not psychotic killers, but psychopathic killers–those without mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

I believe that serial killers are the most acute form of evil in the world today. It’s the materialist philosophy taken to its most extreme form: the objectification and exploitation of a human person who is seen by the killer to have no intrinsic worth. Necrophiliacs are particularly evil. Dahmer comes to mind. But I read a statistic in a serial killer book in which 46-48% of serial killers were found either to be necrophiliacs or to have committed necrophiliac acts.

I totally agree with you but I would add that any pedafilor (sp) or any one that can hurt a child can not have any good in them and if you ask me this is what the devil looks like.
My ex-wife…just kidding…that is a joke of course not meant to be taken serious. 🙂
The devil must be a beautiful creature because he is temptation, and isn’t temptation always something beautiful, at least to the sinful human. Not to mention that he was once an angel.
This suggests that Satan takes many forms in the world of the lost. What is the most horrific image of evil you have ever seen?
“Well, of course there’s all manner of
lesser imps’n demons, Pete, but the
Great Satan hisself is red and scaly
with a bifurcated tail and carries a
-Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Description of the angel, Lucifer, before and after the fall from Ezekiel 28:12-19:
" 'You were the model of perfection, 

full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 

13 You were in Eden, 

the garden of God; 

every precious stone adorned you: 

ruby, topaz and emerald, 

chrysolite, onyx and jasper, 

sapphire, turquoise and beryl.  

Your settings and mountings were made of gold; 

on the day you were created they were prepared. 

14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, 

for so I ordained you. 

You were on the holy mount of God; 

you walked among the fiery stones. 

15 You were blameless in your ways 

from the day you were created 

till wickedness was found in you. 

16 Through your widespread trade 

you were filled with violence, 

and you sinned. 

So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, 

and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, 

from among the fiery stones. 

17 Your heart became proud 

on account of your beauty, 

and you corrupted your wisdom 

because of your splendor. 

So I threw you to the earth; 

I made a spectacle of you before kings. 

18 By your many sins and dishonest trade 

you have desecrated your sanctuaries. 

So I made a fire come out from you, 

and it consumed you, 

and I reduced you to ashes on the ground 

in the sight of all who were watching. 

19 All the nations who knew you 

are appalled at you; 

you have come to a horrible end     and will be no more.' "
I was thinking about Dante’s depiction of Satan. It isn’t evident in the above rendering so I’ll provide a little explanation. Dante described Satan as being red and hairy with wings but not aflame. He’s buried up to his waist in ice, tears are flowing out from all six (or eight) of his eyes, and his wings are flapping, only making him colder and freezing the tears he is shedding.

That is a very original way to portray him but it is exactly right in many ways and is so pitiful, which, in a sense, is precisely what Satan is–pitiful.
I guess I should have been more precise and asked you to post your IMAGES. Then we’ll all be able to SEE what you truly find scary.

We are told that Man was made in the image of God. And Satan loves nothing more than to see that image desecrated and defiled. I ran into one of the scariest images I’ve ever seen on a thread about body-piercing.


Here is a true desecration of the human image. It suggests to me a denial of all civilized values; a desire to return to the darkest past of savagery, human sacrifice, cannibalism, demon worship, and all the other horrors that Christians struggled for millenia to stamp out.

If you look closely, what do you see peering out at you from these eyes?
I almost fell out of my chair when the picture appeared! It is inconceivable that any rational being would do that to themselves on purpose? And I thought the punk rockers in Harvard Square were weird.
I guess we all see different things. I see a pitiful human being crying out for help. I pray that he finds the help he needs.
See, that’s what’s actually sad: I think that was a woman!
I don’t know how Satan looks, but if you ask me, this is his second in command…


Compare Strieber’s Abductor portrait which this bust of Ahriman, one of the chief demons…


You might say that the eyes are different – the corneas on Ahriman, below, are *wrinkled – *but they’re not. In Communion, Strieber reports that as the eyes of the Abduction Phenomenon abductors close, the corneas wrinkle.
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