What does Satan look like?

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Apocalypse 22:15 tells us that outside the city of God city is a chaos of:

“. . . dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.”

This suggests that Satan takes many forms in the world of the lost. What is the most horrific image of evil you have ever seen?
I have seen the emotional experience of demons expressed on peoples faces unbeknownst to them. Spirit experiences reality unblocked by flesh. They don’t have two realms to exist in and dfine as one experience like us. If awed it is a complete awe unlike the human experience of awe that comes in degrees. The experience of more than one emotion is hidden in man’s degrees but complete and fully experienced by spirits. So Awe and fear seen in their fullest experience would both be seen fully rather than one overshadowing the other as humans experience emotions ‘mixed’ Demons don’t experience them mixed but as True awe and true fear without any division or cancelling out.

Anyway those demonic emotions looked very otherworldly. Not emotions that our earthly reality offers experience to evoke. They stick with you a few days. At first I had to force it off my mind then every once in a while the memory of that look will disconcert me again… like right now thinking of one in particular Oh mercy.
I have seen the emotional experience of demons expressed on peoples faces unbeknownst to them. Spirit experiences reality unblocked by flesh. They don’t have two realms to exist in and dfine as one experience like us. If awed it is a complete awe unlike the human experience of awe that comes in degrees. The experience of more than one emotion is hidden in man’s degrees but complete and fully experienced by spirits. So Awe and fear seen in their fullest experience would both be seen fully rather than one overshadowing the other as humans experience emotions ‘mixed’ Demons don’t experience them mixed but as True awe and true fear without any division or cancelling out.

Anyway those demonic emotions looked very otherworldly. Not emotions that our earthly reality offers experience to evoke. They stick with you a few days. At first I had to force it off my mind then every once in a while the memory of that look will disconcert me again… like right now thinking of one in particular Oh mercy.
Hi Benadam,
Your post is very interesting to me. At 6 years old I received First Holy Communion. We had a procession as we exited the Church and when I looked up in the balcony, I saw what looked like a demonic, twisted, black, ugly face, laughing at me & making twisted gestures that I will never ever forget. As much as I’ve tried to forget that thing that I saw, it has stayed in my memory on & off for the rest of my life. Of course, I don’t dwell on it, but when I read your post, that experience immediately came to my mind.

As an adult now, I realize that it must have been an emotional experience of a demon unbeknownst to the person.

People that take the devil and demons lightly are only fooling themselves. I think we should be aware that they do indeed exist. I’m comforted by the fact that Our Lord is much more powerful than any demon.

Black, entirely black. A spirit that can never feel joy, happiness, etc. He can only feel disgust, rage. Totally vile.

Hi Benadam,
Your post is very interesting to me. At 6 years old I received First Holy Communion. We had a procession as we exited the Church and when I looked up in the balcony, I saw what looked like a demonic, twisted, black, ugly face, laughing at me & making twisted gestures that I will never ever forget. As much as I’ve tried to forget that thing that I saw, it has stayed in my memory on & off for the rest of my life. Of course, I don’t dwell on it, but when I read your post, that experience immediately came to my mind.

As an adult now, I realize that it must have been an emotional experience of a demon unbeknownst to the person.

People that take the devil and demons lightly are only fooling themselves. I think we should be aware that they do indeed exist. I’m comforted by the fact that Our Lord is much more powerful than any demon.


exactly right Shannin,
demons hate the image of God and when you recieved for the first time I imagine at five your innocence and lack of personal sin made you a hatefull image to this demon. The good side is; God let that demon be seen as a grace for you to know who your enemy is and to preserve that state of likeness to God.
A spirit that can never feel joy, happiness, etc. He can only feel disgust, rage. Totally vile.
sounds like me when I get out of bed in the morning
Satan punched me in the nose and made it bleed.

I got up off the floor and looked at his face.

He looked at me as if my nose was the only thing in the universe that mattered.

He beat his breast a cried aloud " WOE to one as me who can hit your nose and be so cruel! Oh if I had not been born I should not hate my self so!"

He collapsed on the ground and began clenching fistfulls of dirt and rubbing it in his hair and face the whole time bewhaling the most pitifull remorse I had ever heard.

I was beside myself with pity. I looked down at the ground where my nose had bled. I bled too much!! A rush of guilt and self hatred overwhelmed me and I cried “Woe! to one as me who can bleed so much and be so cruel! Oh if I had not been born I should not hate myself so!”

I bent down and picked Satan up and held him and comforted him untill he was ok. He looked down at the ground and thanked me and left.

I didn’t wipe the blood off the ground so it would remind me of how selfish I am.
Are you a fiction writer? If not, you should write this stuff down. You have a very good imagination (a good quality for a writer).

Satan has a beard and ressembles Osama Bin Laden. And pope Borgia (Alexander VI) is his father.
I would say that Satan looks like the most appealing person we could imagine…just to deceive us…
I would say that Satan looks like the most appealing person we could imagine…just to deceive us…
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I thought satan actually had a true form and that was that of a serpant adorned with every precious jewel and what not, I mean wasn’t he the most beatiful looking angel, so then he is obviously now a serpant of much lesser beauty then he was, but isn’t he pretty much still in a serpant form??? I mean yeah he obviously has the ability to take any form he wants but he has to have an actual one true form, just as a mans soul is eternal in it’s characteristics, especially when it goes to hell, but seriously doesn’t satan have a one true form…
I thought satan actually had a true form and that was that of a serpant adorned with every precious jewel and what not, I mean wasn’t he the most beatiful looking angel, so then he is obviously now a serpant of much lesser beauty then he was, but isn’t he pretty much still in a serpant form??? I mean yeah he obviously has the ability to take any form he wants but he has to have an actual one true form, just as a mans soul is eternal in it’s characteristics, especially when it goes to hell, but seriously doesn’t satan have a one true form…
Satan isn’t a physically visible reality but is seen as spirit is made visible by the intellect. In jewish legend attached to the serpent ,Satan is said to have enlisted the help of the serpent who was actuially in the shape of a man in order to communicate wih Eve. It is plausible when we consider that the serpent must have been one of the animals brought to Adam to be named.An animal couldn’t have been evil or given an evil name I don’t think.
My personal belief is that Satan communicated with Eve through an inner dialogue established when she included the tree of good and evil into her arena of acceptable perception.

I believe the vision of intellect is united through the heart to the vision from the eyes. Then the beauty and mysery of God that creation expresses could be fully seen. I believe too that id all we could see was the vision of the intellect then we could see the shape of spirits. As beautifull and Majestic is God, so is Satan hideous and vile. That shape very well could be serpentine since the path Satan lays down is a twisty road that looks straight in the light of his deceit.
Being from Santa Maria, California, I would say he is Michael Jackson. :rolleyes:
Pious Redeemer:
Are you a fiction writer? If not, you should write this stuff down. You have a very good imagination (a good quality for a writer).

Satan has a beard and ressembles Osama Bin Laden. And pope Borgia (Alexander VI) is his father.
Thanks! although if you’re refering to Satan punching someone’s nose story, it isn’t fiction, it is a reality that I didn’t imagine. Wish I could. It is a characature exaggerating a real deception that’s very common.
Thanks! although if you’re refering to Satan punching someone’s nose story, it isn’t fiction, it is a reality that I didn’t imagine. Wish I could. It is a characature exaggerating a real deception that’s very common.
Well, then, exaggerated or not, I still do think you have a way with words and methapores. I like that a lot 👍

If Satan ‘punches you on the nose’, try to resist his seduction - he’s trying to lure you into a fight (reciprocal violence). Try, almost literally here in this example, to ‘turn the other cheek’. This way, you don’t answer to/feed his violence with violence and so his seduction will cease - it has no effect on you.
Remember that he’s also known as the ‘dia-bolos’. First, he will seduce you to coveth an object he presents to you - this ‘object’ might be material; it might also be another person, or power, wealth, etc. If you were to succumb to this seduction, he would come again to you, but this time as a rival, blocking your desire to obtain the object he wanted you to have in the first place. He will then ‘punch you on the nose’. The only way to avoid stepping into his endless circle of reciprocal violence, is to ‘turn the other cheek’, not to respond to the violent offence he has given you.
In what I have said above, you may replace the noun ‘Satan’ (which means ‘accusator’ or ‘offender’) by the name of any real person who, consciously or unconsciously, shows you what you must desire but then returns to you as a rival who throws obstacles (violence) on your path in order to prevent you from obtaining the object.
Satan is spirit and he lives in a lot of people already. For some inexplicable reason I looked at the question this morning and a name popped into my head: Michael Schiavo.

Pious Redeemer:
Well, then, exaggerated or not, I still do think you have a way with words and methapores. I like that a lot 👍

If Satan ‘punches you on the nose’, try to resist his seduction - he’s trying to lure you into a fight (reciprocal violence). Try, almost literally here in this example, to ‘turn the other cheek’. This way, you don’t answer to/feed his violence with violence and so his seduction will cease - it has no effect on you.
Remember that he’s also known as the ‘dia-bolos’. First, he will seduce you to coveth an object he presents to you - this ‘object’ might be material; it might also be another person, or power, wealth, etc. If you were to succumb to this seduction, he would come again to you, but this time as a rival, blocking your desire to obtain the object he wanted you to have in the first place. He will then ‘punch you on the nose’. The only way to avoid stepping into his endless circle of reciprocal violence, is to ‘turn the other cheek’, not to respond to the violent offence he has given you.
In what I have said above, you may replace the noun ‘Satan’ (which means ‘accusator’ or ‘offender’) by the name of any real person who, consciously or unconsciously, shows you what you must desire but then returns to you as a rival who throws obstacles (violence) on your path in order to prevent you from obtaining the object.
Very keen observation. I know you’re right about that tactic because as I read your post it was defining past experience.
As I reflect I realize that what you have just described is the cross, the formula for redemptive suffering.

Remember Jesus at twelve? So eager and complete in His acceptance of His purpose. There He was in the temple teaching the teachers. In His own mind He was beginning His public ministry. He was taking what was His, He was taking on the role of head of His Fathers house on earth. How He must have yearned to take His bride home, provide and shelter her.

He would wait some eighteen years before starting His public ministry and not by His own decision either. He had to be nudged. He said to His mother, " it is not yet my hour" I think He learned the evil tactic you described Pious when He found out what was going to happen to Him because of His ministry and He remembered back to the time when He was twelve and so eager to redeem His People. Think Mary knew? I would say since the prophet Simeon had told her twelve years before what was going to happen that she did and maybe at that time explained to Him what was to be. No wonder the next line in the story say’s ; (pp) and he lived under the authority of Mary and Joseph untill His public mininsrtry.
You are absolutely right, Benadam, IMHO!

Indeed, Jesus’ Gospel or Oral Revelation of ‘the things that were hidden since the foundation of the world’ was precisely focused on the revelation of the essence of human desire and the ‘logic’ or ‘structure’ of violence that stems from it. He knew He was speaking in a divine language/wisdom that humans couldn’t fully understand. He knew that the people, especially the Pharisees, Zelotes, etc., would not fully comprehend His revelation of the divine ‘love thy neighbour’ and of the ‘prevent or end the endless circle of reciprocal violence’. That is why He, being The Son Of God, chose to show the people His Oral Message (literally) on the Roman Cross. When He was accused by many accusators (‘Satans’ in Aramaic), He Himself said: ‘They have hated me without a cause’ (sorry, I don’t have a Bible here right now, I’m relying on memory now from my master degree’s licentiate’s thesis). In the Gospels, Pontius Pilatus says at least 3 times that he finds no guilt whatsoever in this ‘dreamer Jesus’. Yet, accused but being innocent, He did not resist to the flogging, the crown of thorns, His agony and His crucifixion: no evil word against His Father, no evil word against the people who chose Barabas, no resistance whatsoever against His accusators nor to His suffering. On the contrary: being nailed on the Cross, He says: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Here we have the ultimate Truth of the Cross: Our Lord, being accused and offended, yet completely innocent of the crimes the offenders accused Him of, did not respond to this violence with/by (another kind of) violence - he thus broke the Satanic circle of reciprocal violence as I have mentioned in a previous post. On the contrary, he ‘turned the other cheek’ and forgave His accusators (‘Satans’): Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Thanks to Our Lord, Christians ought to know what to do: His Oral Revelation and Wisdom as well as His Crucifixion have shown us how to prevent or early stop ‘the circle of reciprocal violence’.
the dean of the university religion center at USC, she supports and allows cults on the university campus in the name of neutral representation of the christian faith on campus.
the dean of the university religion center at USC, she supports and allows cults on the university campus in the name of neutral representation of the christian faith on campus.
“A cult is a religion with no political power.”
-Tom Wolfe
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