Speaking about particles and their interactions, just some random thoughts: One may wish to consider the possibility that particles come together unifying into a greater whole. That would be why when isolated, an electron, appearing as a particle, may possibly turn up, the probability being extremely low mind you, at the other end of the galaxy from its nucleus. It’s being having been “given” to the larger whole, the galaxy, it was a wave in that larger whole, and not exhibiting the particle nature it would have in isolation. The electron is a component of a unity, that is an atom, which is a component in a larger molecule, which would in turn have surrendered its independent being as part of a planet, solar system and galaxy. The rational mind may cleave these components from the whole which they constitute, through the technological and sensory processes that are present as a result of its attachment to a particular time and space. Our being here transforms what is here even to the subatomic. Clearly we do that with a click of a mouse. Just a thought. As to the air that enters our lungs and becomes part of us as a living person. Yeah, it does that.