I love learning about some of the living fossils that exist today, I mostly love sea based ones. They’re defiantly a cool insight to the past.
As I said, the ECF, nearly unanimously taught that:about dinosaurs from 6,000 years ago.
Sextus Julius Africanus (c. 160 – c. 240) -Lactantius was not an ECF.
Hippolytus of Rome (170 – 235 AD) -Lactantius was not an ECF.
Irenaeus (died about 202) -Lactantius was not an ECF.
Peter, Isaiah and John said:I got a way shorter quote for you to chew on. Acts 1:6-7:
Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200 – September 14, 258 AD) -Lactantius was not an ECF.
Commodianus (AD 250) -Lactantius was not an ECF.
1Th 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.I got a way shorter quote for you to chew on. Acts 1:6-7:
"So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom of Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority.”
They all erred? Together, though they repeatedly stated the same things, by scriptural and heirarchical authority?As I said, the ECF were not free of mistake.
They clearly stated that world had not yet reached 6,000 years, and even referred to the pagan calendars as false (such as the Egyptian and Babylonian), what will you do with the Astronomers among them citing the same? For instance Bardesanes:They were describing the Second Coming with metaphor…
Accusation, but may be safely ignored, since I have provided ample evidence to the contrary, and I will look at any of the above quotations in their original context and even original language if necessary.You’re just a person who throws the words of others around haphazerdly to bolster your pre-held convictions.
No, it was in regards something else entirely:In acts, Jesus uses the word “season” to make it clear that the time of His second coming is the sole knowledge of the Father.
I won’t watch that you tube because it is over an hour long . Thank you for the link. Unfortunately as far as the discussion about dinosaurs go and their validation as to having existed Mark H Armitage is a young earth creation scientist. I do not think his idea of dinosaurs and geomorphology match the science behind palaeontology.I agree, the scientific evidence is all over the place:
It does not. The Catholic Church teaches nothing of the sort.The Church teaches that you are alive when the velociraptors start to eat you, so show a little respect ( De Aria Iurassica IX.iv).