What does the Church believe in regards to dinosaurs?

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That is what sin does. It destroys and it has effects far beyond what we realize.
I guess that is slightly better than the Book I read where Christ is compared to a “door”.
That doesn’t make it right or Ok, now does it. We pray for reparation against insults, indifference and blasphemies against Jesus in the Catholic Church. I note you have not answered a question on your religion, but note you are not a practicing Catholic. I am sure Christians of other faiths do not tolerate the Christ being insulted either.

Please stop using acronyms. ECF?
Yeah, that does seem long in this day of sound bytes and chompin’ at the 'bits, but I suppose looking at a lot of text might be hard for this ‘age of twitter-pated’. Think of how laborious Psalms 119 is (just looking at it, wow, dizzying for someone who hasn’t scaled those heights), or mercy of Heaven, Isaiah (it has 66 chapters!), and forget about the whole of the thing, it’s over a thousand pages long. I heard Dr. Seuss was much shorter, and Hop on Pop, had depth of theology in brevity.
Now that is down right insulting.
Good day to you.
I note you have not answered a question on your religion
I am a Christian, of the oldest sort, which reaches even unto the end.

ECF = Early Church Fathers (not my personal designation for them, but hey, why start to change it now, could it be the ‘easily confused fathers’, nah …)

YEC = Young Earth Creationist, which the ECF were.

The response wasn’t meant to be insulting, but rather to be contrasting.
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Some of us cradle Catholics who have been around for a long while are dinosaurs! 😂
As I said, the ECF, nearly unanimously taught that:
What was that rebuttal you used on another thread to someone citing a scholarly consensus about a point with which you disagreed?

Oh yeah, it was “Argumentum ad Majorem/Populem fallacy”.
I have always wondered how anyone can make a statement that “X number of Y and Z have ceased to exist”. What they seem to be trying to do is to prove a negative.

That aside, we have objections to scientists when they think they can refute any number of things which Christians hold. When sicentists get outside the realm of science, they are out of their field.

The same needs to be applied to theologians (and religionists, for lack of a better term) who get outside their field and presume that theology is science.
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I have always wondered how anyone can make a statement that “X number of Y and Z have ceased to exist”. What they seem to be trying to do is to prove a negative.
its pretty simple when we experience the last of its kind at the end of its life.
That aside, we have objections to scientists when they think they can refute any number of things which Christians hold. When sicentists get outside the realm of science, they are out of their field.
Extinctions and the current Mass Extinction is the realm of science. Your idea that scientists ‘refute’ or ‘think to refute’ what Christians hold really makes little sense considering the great number of Scientists who are also Christian. Our Pope is also a scientist.
That was a joke.
Being a public forum, we should be careful in expousing what we believe and are taught, given the cabal of conspiracy theories and anti Christian sentiment online.

There are People who still think humans and dinos existed at the same time.
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Being a public forum, we should be careful in expousing what we believe and are taught, given the cabal of conspiracy theories and anti Christian sentiment online.
And yet, some of us will insist on having a sense of humor. 🤣
And periodically we find something we never knew existed, and we find something which was declared extinct. 200 x 365 = 73000 flora and faun extinct per year. Pardon me if I have my doubts: and as you noted “some estimates”. Not findings, estimates. based on… exactly what?

Maybe my comment about scientists sticking to science and theologians sticking to theology doesn’t make sense to you; you might want to re-read the thread.

There are also people who think the whole workd was flooded at one short period of time. that has been kicked around in a couple of renet threads, so I won’t bother going there any more.
And periodically we find something we never knew existed, and we find something which was declared extinct.
The latter is extremely rare. The former is a wonderful find and usually due to dedicated research scientists.
Please if you are going to quote numbers, give the link for context. Then we can discuss the numbers and what they stem from. Whatever the estimates there is no doubt in any scientific community and at the grassroots levels by those who experience it, that we are in a massive mass extinction right now.
200 x 365 = 73000 flora and faun extinct per year
Maybe my comment about scientists sticking to science and theologians sticking to theology doesn’t make sense to you; you might want to re-read the thread.
Why are you singling out scientists vs theologians. What is your purpose for doing so?
There are also people who think the whole workd was flooded at one short period of time.
And those people have the right to think that, the Catholic Church has said we are free to believe or not that this happened. Why would you take that right away from fellow Catholics?
Why are you singling out scientists vs theologians. What is your purpose for doing so?
Throughout most of history, scientist which comes from the Latin scientia, literally knowledge meant a broad range of things. Philosophy, natural science, even theology were all sciences.
I"ve seen the fossils with my own eye and taken geology courses l make my own Judgement I don’t need the Church to tell me . They really did exist and the earth is aproximatly 4.5 billion years old .
Those felt banners hanging in some churches? They were originally dinosaur saddles.
I believe the official Church teaching is that dinosaurs are awesome, and that it’s sad that adults stopped caring about what other people’s favorite dinosaur was. That was so important when we were kids.
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