Isn’t that what I said though?
Yes you did. I apologize. The word " zero " threw me off.
That’s what I’m arguing. If the Aristotelian framework breaks down then it hinders investigation. If you are a scientist wedded to Aristotelian doctrine you would be looking for substance, you would be sent down the wrong track.
I see what you are driving at. I guess it is a matter of interpretation. There is still activity going on which means there is constant movement from potentiality to actuality. I don’t think scientists need to be thinking about that. Philosophers have a different object than scientists. Philosophers are not looking for physical explanations. Philosophers are looking for the ultimate causes the underlying reality not the physical expressions of that reality.
QCD is an essential part of the
Standard Model. The idea that virtually all of you is space (inside and between atoms), and virtually all of your mass is nothing more than the jiggling of particles implies that our common sense view of ourselves is a little off base. We could even go the whole hog and imagine that perhaps we are just bits of jiggling space which create fields which we perceive as solid. Aristotle doesn’t have the imagination.
I used this explanation to Aloysium:
" You may call the whole by the name of its nature or essence. Thus dog, cat, coal, water, etc. But the nature or essence is what gives rise to all the constituent parts you mention and also to the particular powers, activities, etc of that dog, cat, lump of coal, that glas of water, etc. You can’t see the nature or essence, you see its signatures, its foot prints.
When you say, " I see a dog., " what you actually mean is that you see all the visable and measureable manifestations of a particular essence or nature we call a dog. The nature or essence is the root cause of all that is seen and touched and quantified and measured, etc. The human soul, for example, cannot be seen. Yet it is the root cause of all that man is and does, once united to the body. All essences or natures, animate and inanimate, are similar in that regard.
The nature or essence is caused by the conjoining of a particular form to a particular matter. This Aritotle and Aquinas call Second Substance. It cannot be seen. It is the thing absent what I have called called " footprints " or its signatures. What you see is what Aristotle and Aquinas have called First Substance, because it is the thing as you first see it, with all its " footprints., " These " footprints " Aristotle and Aquinas called accidents because they exist in the Second Substance, the Nature or Essence.
Thus, the substance ( Second Substance, minus the accidents ) of the bread and wine are changed into the whole Christ ( First Substance, Christ with all his accidents ). "
And this is how I answered Bahman:
" But these atoms ( different types by the way ) are organized teologically, they work together in all the dog’s systems ( circulartory, etc ) for the good of the dog, not for their own good. Therefore there is something ( Aristotle and Aquinas ) which coordinates the the activity of atoms, molecules, cells, and this they called a form which was conjoined to the matter of the dog. It is this composit which acts. The atoms are not autonomous agents. The living composit of matter and form is a nature or essence. It is the source of all the activities, powers, etc of the dog. "
If you read the linked article, most examples of potential energy are not man made, I just used a spring as an example. Potential energy is very different from “potentiality”, Work always has to be done to store the energy, the enrgy doesn’t just magically exist, it has to come from an explained source. Also it isn’t just a quality, it’s always quantifiable, measured in joules (Btus in old money).
The potentiality Aristotle speaks of is primarily the potential of a specific substance to change or move. The range of a substance’s potentiality is limited by its form. Some forms may indeed have the potential to release energy because their forms have made them susceptible to storing energy supplied by some agent, ultimately God, who is the creator of all forms in the first place. The article you linked is very complex from a scientific point of view. It would certainly be next to impossible to trace the relationship between all the substances and agents involved. But ultimately they can be traced to God’s creative power.
The examples I gave to Aloysium and Bahman are easier to see. The dog, cat, etc get their energy from the food and liquids they take in. But it is their substantial forms which allow them to do this, their nature or essence is to be able to make these conversions.
Oh well it must be wrong if Lord Fesser deems it so.
I know he isn’t your cup of tea but he is very good, excellent in fact. Did you know that St. Jerome had a dreadful temper? Sometimes we have to shut our eyes to people’s personality foibles. Feser has his. You and I have ours. The saints had theirs. Did you know that St. Teresa, the little flower, was very spoiled as a child and was thought to be unbalanced due to her tantrums?