What does this forum think? Catholic event participation with Masons

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I recently went to Vatican.VA to search out info on the sublect.It said that a catholic would face Excommunication for being a member. The subtitle on the report was “Irreconcilability between christian faith and freemasonry”.That set off alarm bells for me.Too many people think that this organisation is Spiritually Benign.See what the Church says. Many inside and outside of both organisations do nt really Know what they truly profess.
God Bless
I recently went to Vatican.VA to search out info on the sublect.It said that a catholic would face Excommunication for being a member. The subtitle on the report was “Irreconcilability between christian faith and freemasonry”.That set off alarm bells for me.Too many people think that this organisation is Spiritually Benign.See what the Church says. Many inside and outside of both organisations do nt really Know what they truly profess.
God Bless
:)Welcome Nick and God Bless You Love of Christ Nancy:)
hi all, i have been there and done that, and can safley say no christian has any buisness in this org. when Jesus is just another in a long line of inlightened humans like confusious, buddah, mohammed,ghandi, etc. then its time to move. Jesus has no equal and while searching for more light, you find there is no more light than Jesus. the begginings of masonary can not be found back in history no earlier than 1700s and in england. it is a racist org. full of deseption and atheist. the secret parts are heinous with guts and blood and such. some will say there is no book with all their rituals, but there is and can be found in most good liberaries. some will point to the scottish rite as christian, however, like all secret orgs. they only reveal there innermost workings after you promise to disembowel yourself if you tell anyone. there is no secrets about JESUS and you don`t need anyone but him. no one lights a candle and puts a bushel over it, he sets it in a high place so it gives light to the whole house. only the deciever has secrets that seperates his club from the rest of the people. beware the evil one seeks your destruction and will lead you to believe in anything to achieve that goal. His Will Be Done. Garland
hi all, i have been there and done that, and can safley say no christian has any buisness in this org. when Jesus is just another in a long line of inlightened humans like confusious, buddah, mohammed,ghandi, etc. then its time to move. Jesus has no equal and while searching for more light, you find there is no more light than Jesus. the begginings of masonary can not be found back in history no earlier than 1700s and in england. it is a racist org. full of deseption and atheist. the secret parts are heinous with guts and blood and such. some will say there is no book with all their rituals, but there is and can be found in most good liberaries. some will point to the scottish rite as christian, however, like all secret orgs. they only reveal there innermost workings after you promise to disembowel yourself if you tell anyone. there is no secrets about JESUS and you don`t need anyone but him. no one lights a candle and puts a bushel over it, he sets it in a high place so it gives light to the whole house. only the deciever has secrets that seperates his club from the rest of the people. beware the evil one seeks your destruction and will lead you to believe in anything to achieve that goal. His Will Be Done. Garland
:DAMEN! Garland, God Bless you Love of Christ Nancy
Someone here posted that it seems to be the women arguing the points on Masonry. I will say this, Masonry is not part of some dark conspiratorial underground government which rules the new world order. However, if you have the time, read this long thread, with plenty of links on Freemasonry’s ritual, which is what we mostly argued about. DallasTexas pro-masonic, me anti-masonic (strictly on the Masonic ritual mostly). This thread will show you how heated arguments can get on this topic, and, nicely, it’s dying down as just about everything that can be said pro and against has been said. The links to all the churches (not just the Catholic) that have condemned freemasonry and their reasoning is also provided there. God Bless.

Here’s the link: forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=330972

May God Bless us all. As stated by the Pope, a Catholic cannot join Freemasonry on pain of grave sin, but nothing rules out obviously “associating” with them, however you want to interpret that. 🙂
Kyiv Andrew
There is an old truth that goes as follows"Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell who you are ."
God Bless
Kyiv Andrew
There is an old truth that goes as follows"Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell who you are ."
God Bless
:)Nickelous; Welcome to CAF, you are so right about the church and it’s rules, but I am more afarid of Him who can take my eternal soul then he of this world, For greater is he who is in me then he that is in the world. I keep my distance, but I am in no fear, for your faith will be tested as long as you are alive, that’s why we need to study and pray in all things, that’s why we are able to loose our salvation, Not like the Protestants)We must study and strive to keep holy, it is a fight worth fighting for. It is eternal life, we strive for. That is the prize! You are Loved Nancy
this is all nonsense…I have given presentations to many organizations…I spoke to a local Masonic lodge and complimented them on having so many members who were great Americans and Christians…they have been smeared by the establishment…like the nazis did to the Jews…instead of the CFR being the center of attraction,…lets claim the masons are evil and we can booooo them…while we get America in no win wars,destroy Israel,send us to the poor house and just tax us to death…blame the masons…lets gettem…yeh sure…thats why the Masons are always destroyed in all left wing dictatorships…try again fella
The (he of this world ) may well be the one who can jeopardize your immortal soul.Watch and Pray
God Bless
this is all nonsense…I have given presentations to many organizations…I spoke to a local Masonic lodge and complimented them on having so many members who were great Americans and Christians…they have been smeared by the establishment…like the nazis did to the Jews…instead of the CFR being the center of attraction,…lets claim the masons are evil and we can booooo them…while we get America in no win wars,destroy Israel,send us to the poor house and just tax us to death…blame the masons…lets gettem…yeh sure…thats why the Masons are always destroyed in all left wing dictatorships…try again fella
MASONIC PAPERS by Dr Andrew Prescott | Freemasonry and the History of the Labour
Party in … Biography notes the large number of Scottish labour leaders who
have been freemasons. … who were presumably connected with the Labour party
in London. … French freemasonry developed into a very left-wing movement, …
www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/prescott08.html - 38k - Similar pages Nancy:)
I had two uncles who were Masons and were very good men, deacons in the protestant church we attended. As far as I know they both were very devoted Christians. They were no more or no less anti-Catholic than the rest of my family which on a whole was somewhat anti-Catholic being form a Anabaptist tradition. They were a product of their times and environment and I believe God will judge them as such.

I am now a Catholic and because my church pretty clearly teaches me that I shouldn’t be a Mason I shall not. I may not whole-heartily agree with the churches position on this and a couple other things but I will follow their guidance as a mater of faith and trust. To not do so would deny me full communion and that’s why I am a Catholic after all.
I had two uncles who were Masons and were very good men, deacons in the protestant church we attended. As far as I know they both were very devoted Christians. They were no more or no less anti-Catholic than the rest of my family which on a whole was somewhat anti-Catholic being form a Anabaptist tradition. They were a product of their times and environment and I believe God will judge them as such.

I am now a Catholic and because my church pretty clearly teaches me that I shouldn’t be a Mason I shall not. I may not whole-heartily agree with the churches position on this and a couple other things but I will follow their guidance as a mater of faith and trust. To not do so would deny me full communion and that’s why I am a Catholic after all.
:)God Bless You and Welcome to CAF. There is no doubt there are alot of beautiful people there and alot of innocent people, there always is. I would talk to them and respect them but not their cause. I have friends of differnt faith and I love them and would defend them if I ever had to, because I respect all life. I dont have to believe the way they do, and I dont. God hates the sin but loves the sinner.I however would draw the line when it comes to a satanist comming in my home, that would never happen. And yes if your going to be a Catholic you should believe in the church and how she teaches. I am still learning, and I rebelled alot at first but the more I seek knowledge and learn the easier it gets to understand. Praise God! Love of Christ Nancy
It would depend upon more than the information provided.
My KofC Council in a small town partners with local masons, various churches, and business/service clubs, to provide a number of community services, even a community fiesta. Sometimes this includes joint fundraising dinners and food drives.
They are the black beast spoken of in the Apocalypse. This chapter of the KofC is playing a dangerous game of footsy with a secret sect bent on the obliteration of the Catholic church - overtly or covertly; in subtle and not so subtle ways.

Vade retro Satana!
Here are reasons Catholics cannot be Masons.
• God as described in Masonic works is an impersonal “Great Architect of the Universe,” not the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit
• Masonic writings specifically deny that God has revealed Himself and His truths to us, or that He ever established a Church.
• In Masonry Jesus Christ is portrayed as merely a man, on a par with Buddha or Mohammed and His Divinity is denied.
• Christianity is considered a derivative of ancient pagan religions. God is portrayed as a deceiver who leads many men away from truth as not all are worthy of it.
• All truth is relative according to Masonry, thereby rejecting objective, absolute truth and therefore the dogmas of the Catholic faith.
• Freemasonry is portrayed as the foundation of all religion and it is built on Naturalism, a system of belief that makes human nature and human reason supreme in all things.
• At the various degrees when an oath is sworn, even the initial ones, it is a blood oath swearing for example, “binding myself by no less penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the sands of the sea…” This is a real oath sworn with one’s hand on the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc.

In researching the Masons I found many more reasons than those listed above, but I felt the ones listed should be sufficient to support the Catholic stance. I would be remiss if I did not give credit to the Masons for the many charitable works they do, but charitable works are not reason enough for a Catholic to join the Masons. The following from Pope Benedict XVI is true for the Masons as well as the New Age movement and our secular society. “We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and has as its highest value one’s own ego and one’s own desires… The church needs to withstand the tides of trends and the latest novelties… We must become mature in this adult faith, we must guide the flock of Christ to this faith.”

Also think about this: as we are out in the community interacting and working with other groups it is important not to create scandal. (Definition of scandal from the CCC 2284: Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor’s tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense.) By doing this will we lead others who 1) do not know their faith or 2) do not know about the Masons, into thinking that joining the Masons would be acceptable for a Catholic.

Stillkickin 👍
Mangy dog, Stillkickin, amen Amen and AMEN!!! thank you. His will be done.
Mangy dog, Stillkickin, amen Amen and AMEN!!! thank you. His will be done.
Hello Garland, i hope you are having fun here on the CAF and I think the Masons are people just like us but of differnt beliefs,and customs and their roots stink but what can you do it seems that some people are not going to be happy until they are Catholic to, and alot already are. Love of Christ Nancy:)
If my position as a former insider, past master of a lodge and 32 degree Scottish Rite, is of any value, I will offer some points.

The stories of the lodge I see here bear little to nothing on what I experienced when I participated. There was no religion other than requiring that members believe in God. Opening and closing prayers were the generic ones much the same as at any civic club. The prayers were generic because we had Jewish and Christian members.

There were no anti-Catholic statements or sentiments. Members were often puzzled by the fact that they were considered anti-Catholic or anti-Christian. Candidates were told in advance that the lodge would not offer any teaching on salvation and were told they should find those in their places of worship.

One common misconception is that Freemasonry is monolithic. It is the opposite. Lodges in the United States do not recognize the Grand Orient of France because it admitted atheists. Each state has a grand lodge and those often do not recognize all the others. There are other groups such as the Prince Hall Affiliation lodges that also have members throughout the country. Some states recognize Prince Hall while others do not.

Freemasonry in the United States is, at least as it is practiced in my part of the country, a civic organization, nothing more. It hatches no plots and is in league with no effort to topple any church.

Each time this comes up, I see statements describing beliefs, teachings and practices I never saw during my years in that fraternity. Some strike me as being from an era when romantics tried to infuse Freemasonry with the arcane. There is more than a little information coming out here that has to be of weak provenance.

I gave up the lodge not because I saw something evil, but only because I am a convert who is attempting to follow the Church to the best of my ability. I reply only because I don’t want some of the finest men I have known to be thought of as anti-Christian or as those engaged in the sinister.
Since the posts here do not address the original question - that is, reflect the thoughts of participating in a Catholic event which includes Masons, the thread is now closed.
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