What drives groups like Church Militant?

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In our zeal and the politicization of the modern Church, I am afraid we have become so deeply entrenched as ideological enemies that we have forgotten the dignity of the human person and the love towards another which Christ commands of us. This results in bashing clergy whose actions and/or beliefs we disagree with, and this results in treating each other like enemies. I want that trend to stop, as it inflicts harm to the Church. I want to warn against following groups like Church Militant, but equally against vilifying them. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we must love and respect them, and recognize their dignity.
From the former Church Militant worker, linked to in another post above.

Yep that’s just about it.
The standards of faith are in the Holy Bible and the catechism. We are to love others as neighbors. The standards are not with popular ideology of today, but by God’s Holy Word. Otherwise we are not Catholics. There are thousands of denominations out there for everybody. I will support the Bible on this behavior both for me and my family.
My thought is that this intense attack God allows to cleanse the Church. Nothing to fear if we endure. We ought to will this Cleansing, not fear what use the enemy makes of these exposures. The Church, after all, is the Body of Christ, Who has conquered sin and death. The loss of a thousand bishops, the loss even of a pope, the lacization of 5,000 priests, the closing of 10,000 churches would be a lamentable price, a price due to our unholiness before God, but finally the Bride, without spot or wrinkle, will meet Her Bridegroom in resplendid beauty just as God has always willed Her from before the foundation of the world. Not one of those given to Christ will be lost. Not one. Rejoice! Hold on.
“acts of violence and vandalism of ‘faithful Catholics’” Are you stating that the perpetrators of the ‘violence’ and the graffiti have been apprehended, and are Catholic? If not, you are making an assumption that does not seem to be supported by any facts, no?

You do know that Mr. Voris has admitted to engaging in homosexual actions in his youth, right?

I disagree that CM sows division solely by pointing out things like the incompatibility of an openly homosexual man who does not appear to be living a chaste life as a diocesan official. It’s a public repudiation of Church teaching. It doesn’t make any sense. But it is the existence of such things that causes the division, not CM pointing it out, per se.

That being said, the manner in which it is done can be another matter.
@gracepoole I read that whole article and it was EXCELLENT. Thank you!
The truth. It is quite sensationalist, but I guess these times call for it.I do not condone violence or hatred though.
So, you think there are Lesbian, male homosexual, bi-sexual, Transgendered Christians? And we should welcome them into the churches and not rebuke them as to their beliefs or to their acting out their beliefs. No repudiation of their active lifestyles. We should not give them a hint that they are on the Broadway to Hell? no discussion of the Church’s teaching that acts they proudly engage in are in no way to be approved. “Judge not lest we be judged” kind of approach?
You can email the moderators and explain and maybe they’ll undo it.
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We are supposed to correct people, but not in a mean, hateful way. It is important to be firm and calm and show concern for their immortal souls. If most do not choose to listen that is not the fault of the person doing the correcting. Also, believers need to come together often in a prayerful way to draw closer to the Lord so as to hear how He would have us handle and speak about certain things to others.

I can see that “Church Militant” is over the top in the manner in which they report problems.

Prayer and fasting should be first on our list.

Those with SSA and other problems can have much help through prayer and sacraments, such as widows and widowers who have lost their spouses.
Should active homosexual/bi-sexual/transgender persons be in the employ of the Church? The key word: active. Take a look at the directions St. Paul gave to the Church at Corinth:

1Corinthians 5:
1 It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and of a kind that is not found even among pagans; for a man is living with his father’s wife. 2 And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you. 3 For though absent in body I am present in spirit, and as if present, I have already pronounced judgment 4 in the name of the Lord Jesus on the man who has done such a thing. When you are assembled, and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord Jesus, 5 you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 6Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed.8 Let us, therefore, celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with immoral men; 10 not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11But rather I wrote to you not to associate with any one who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber–not even to eat with such a one. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? 13 God judges those outside. “Drive out the wicked person from among you.”
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I certainly agree with Sacred Scripture.

And when the woman was caught in adultery Our Lord Jesus Christ intervened so she would not be stoned, and then said to her “Go and sin no more.”
We should not give them a hint that they are on the Broadway to Hell?
I would not exactly describe what Mr. Voris gives as “hints.” I would post some of his “hints” in the form of screenshots that are widely available, but they are such that risks being sanctioned here, certainly in bad taste and hurtful.
I read this very recently and while you’ll have to take it with a grain of salt, I think it captures some of the issues with Voris quite ably:


And the original piece:

Inquisitive Inquisitors: From Vorisite to Barronite: Why I Left Church Militant

I don’t doubt Voris’ heart. But I think he’s now become entrenched in a specific view and everything in his organization hinges on maintaining it – even when it’s not appropriate.
I wish I could give this more likes!!! This sums up tone of Church Militant 100%
I can’t see any one motive driving any group. Even individuals can be rather complex. People do like to get a good dander up. Ever since the first shock jocks, there is a market for this type of programming with numerous groups and affiliations. Anger sells. Sensationalism sells. How much this is part of his motive is a question he alone could answer, as we all seek approval, and most like money. It is not wrong for that to play a part in someone’s decisions, as long as it is only a part, and not the ultimate end.

Does he do it out of some sense of being a prophet? There is an attraction to being part of the elite and best which drives fervently religious to a type of remnant mentality. That is, most are wrong, and a person is one of the last “true” believers. The problem is this can become a source of pride, and it can lead to self-delusion.

What drives these types of group can be rather varied, and can be detrimental. That is why the Catholic Church requires some episcopal oversight on anyone using “Catholic.” Groups without must be view cautiously.
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I don’t think CM, Chick Publications, and Call to Action, have the same intent. But reading them has similar result. They make the Catholic reader less Catholic, more “American”.

There’s a powerful trend in the US to tear down every bit of hierarchy. I can be my OWN priest, I’m JUST as wise as that bishop. The fundamentalists at least are open about wanting no bishops in principle, but really that’s where the National Catholic Reporter and OnePeterFive and that crowd are bringing us as well.
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That is why the Catholic Church requires some episcopal oversight on anyone using “Catholic.” Groups without must be view cautiously.
Ironically, the same people who demand their child’s teacher be currently certified, who expect their healthcare provider to have an up to date license, and check for current membership in Better Business Bureau for garage door repairmen, will then go to websites like CM.

Welcome to 2018.
I wasn’t suggesting that Voris was giving hints. I was being sarcastic to the implication I saw that we should not remonstrate with those professing to be Catholic yet living an openly homosexual life. How about: This a a vice. If you choose to live this way, you are on the way to Hell. You need to repent and turn from this sin.
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