It’s not a choice of trusting your husband or fighting him.
It’s also a case of advising your husband because he too is human and may not see all the ends and implications of his decisions. Two heads are better than one.
To be honest to just blindly go along with whatever he decides even if it could mean disaster down the road is not doing him or your marriage any favors.
Actually the only thing I’ve been hearing from most of the people posting here is: who cares what the Church teaches through the Bible & the Magistarium have been teaching consistently for 2,000 year? Instead, ignore all of that which doesn’t agree with my preconceived notion about marriage which is: Any time your husband doesn’t do exactly what you want him to in the time frame you want him to, you need to fight him. Don’t ever stop Demanding your own way. And be sure to fight him on every single issue regardless of how trivial. Getting your own way is the very most important thing in a marriage, definitely more important than your husband in all circumstances. And if he doesn’t like it, then divorce his sorry patooty! That’s what I’m hearing.
You suggest talking to your husband about his decisions two heads are better than one and I’ve been saying all along OF COURSE!!! But once all talking is over, all the angles have been examined, how ever many conversations and days, minutes and hours it took, once your husband has made the final decision, submit to it just like the Holy Spirit through St. Paul wrote.
Who said go blindly like a doormat? Not me. Ever. Being obediently submissive is not about not caring. It’s about caring and expressing all of your concerns and accepting not getting what you want every single time. Will your husband make mistakes? Of course. He’s human. Guess what, on the times you do get your way… sometimes it’ll end up being a mistake, too. Because you’re human, too. It’s okay. The world won’t end if you don’t get your way on every little thing in life, I promise.
As I’m writing this, my husband texted me a photo and is asking for my opinion about a piece of furniture he’s considering bringing home. Gave him my opinion, and guess what now he’s gonna make his decision on the matter & I’m not gonna die if he considers and ultimately rejects my opinion.
Jesus built authority into everything: Jesus with the Father, the Church with the Pope, Children with their Parents and yes, even Wives with their Husband. Everything Jesus created has a line of Authority, with God the Father at the very tippy top, and when those under Authority rebel against it, it creates chaos. When Martin Luther rebeled against the Pope and now we have nearly 40,000 different “Christian” denominations. When a wife rebels against her husband, it can create divisions in their entire family.