What exactly is the soul?

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Minor nitpick, Linus:

While all animal life has a soul (an animal is a being possessing **anima, **soul); the Church has historically held that nonhuman souls are **not **spiritual in nature, and so are not preserved in death.

This however, AIUI is not infallible.

. . .
It could of course mean the phantasm is drawn from a memory which is semi-permanently “embedded” into a particular brain neuronal pattern of connections formed when we first saw a tree.
Excise the tissue from that brain so that the particular neuronal pattern of connections is maintained.
Place the collection of cells in a chamber with a oxygenated fluid to keep them viable.
Use a small current to stimulate the cells, producing a pattern of neuronal communication.
While in a living person there may be an image, there will be no such phenomenon in vitro.
The image is an aspect of the person in the world.
If one is to explain how the image is produced, clearly an appeal to matter is insufficient.
Claims that an “NMS” leads to an infinite regression are straw men. No-one is claiming that the soul is a homunculus. And even if it were, because nonphysical, it has no head to have a screen in.

Excise the tissue from that brain so that the particular neuronal pattern of connections is maintained.
Place the collection of cells in a chamber with a oxygenated fluid to keep them viable.
Use a small current to stimulate the cells produce a pattern of neuronal communication.
While in a living person there may be an image, there will be no such phenomenon in vitro.
The image is an aspect of the person in the world.
If one is to explain how the image is produced, clearly an appeal to matter is insufficient.
Taking a wad of neurons out of a head cannot produce the image in vitro because the rest of the mind is not there to see the image, whether it forms or not.

Taking a wad of neurons out of a head cannot produce the image in vitro because the rest of the mind is not there to see the image, whether it forms or not.

This was to address the question as to whether a particular pattern of neuronal activity, as a physical entity, itself can produce an image.

I would not say that the mind sees the image.
Rather, the image itself, is mind, like this computer is matter.
What mind needs is a spirit.
Spirit is simple in the sense of being one in relation to the rest.

The brain and mind are one entity (as difficult as one might find to conceptualize) in the living person.
This experience of the monitor includes the monitor, my brain and my mind, all one (albeit intellectually deconstructible) as I am here in relation to the world.

When we die, the brain returns to dust, and our spirit, to the relationship we have forged with God.
Claims that an “NMS” leads to an infinite regression are straw men. No-one is claiming that the soul is a homunculus. And even if it were, because nonphysical, it has no head to have a screen in.
If there is no screen, then where does the " movie " play.
Linus’ question assumes the presence of a screen on which the movie plays for something to watch. It makes no difference whether that something is physical or nonphysical, either way in philosophy of mind it’s called an homunculus:

*"The homunculus argument is a fallacy arising most commonly in the theory of vision. One may explain (human) vision by noting that light from the outside world forms an image on the retinas in the eyes and something (or someone) in the brain looks at these images as if they are images on a movie screen (this theory of vision is sometimes termed the theory of the Cartesian Theater: it is most associated, nowadays, with the psychologist David Marr). The question arises as to the nature of this internal viewer. The assumption here is that there is a ‘little man’ or ‘homunculus’ inside the brain ‘looking at’ the movie.

The reason why this is a fallacy may be understood by asking how the homunculus ‘sees’ the internal movie. The obvious answer is that there is another homunculus inside the first homunculus’s ‘head’ or ‘brain’ looking at this ‘movie’. But how does this homunculus see the ‘outside world’? In order to answer this, we are forced to posit another homunculus inside this other homunculus’s head and so forth. In other words, we are in a situation of infinite regress. The problem with the homunculus argument is that it tries to account for a phenomenon in terms of the very phenomenon that it is supposed to explain". - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus_argument*

For it not to be a homunculus, there must be some assertion other than substances, see the counter-argument section of the article.
Minor nitpick, Linus:

While all animal life has a soul (an animal is a being possessing **anima, **soul); the Church has historically held that nonhuman souls are **not **spiritual in nature, and so are not preserved in death.

This however, AIUI is not infallible.

O.K. but I think that is wrong. The way I look at it is that animals, plants have souls suited to their natures. Since they are immaterial souls, they are just as spiritual in form as mine, except they may not be immortal. But there is no teaching on that. I prefer to think they are immortal and that God will give them a natural after life, where they will suffer no pain and be happy forever. Why not?

Linus2nd .
No more magical than what you suggest. The Catholic Church teaches that the NMS is based on the Tradition of the Revelation God has handed on through the history of his dealing with humanity before Christ and through Christ since his coming. That’s good enough for me. Thomas Aquinas then comes along and uses reason to prove the existence of the NMS.
Why do you think the physical world is magical? Please cite some links where the “Church teaches that the NMS…”. I’ve never even seen the Church or Thomas refer to NMS. I think you are perhaps overdoing your claims just a bit.
Because reason is opposed to it.
Nope, I think you’re opposed to it, but reason dictates that anything which obeys the laws of nature can be physical, and you’ve provided no argument that it can’t, you just keep asserting it.
*He has large shoulders, no problem.
Very colorful. But you know he also governs through secondary causes. It is the nature of each bacterium, which God created, which causes it to act naturally in what it does.*
So God has to give out an NMS to manage digestion except where He doesn’t have to. Well, no problem with Him never having to then.
From the fertile minds of A & T and the teaching of Revelation and the Church.
The thing about arguments from authority is you first have to make sure you agree with the authorities, and other posters have questioned whether you do.
If there is no screen, then where does the " movie " play.
See post #532.
I would not say that the mind sees the image.
Rather, the image itself, is mind, like this computer is matter.
What mind needs is a spirit.
Well, ok. Seeing requires eyes, anyways.

But the experience in the mind is that of seeing an image.

We are probably on the same page.

O.K. but I think that is wrong. The way I look at it is that animals, plants have souls suited to their natures. Since they are immaterial souls, they are just as spiritual in form as mine, except they may not be immortal. But there is no teaching on that. I prefer to think they are immortal and that God will give them a natural after life, where they will suffer no pain and be happy forever. Why not?

Linus2nd .
While it is easy to imagine the immortalization of animals that we admire (dogs, cats, possibly horses and dolphins etc), if we ascribe spiritual immortality to all life we rapidly run into problems.

I prefer to leave it an open question, as the Church and Scripture do.

While it is easy to imagine the immortalization of animals that we admire (dogs, cats, possibly horses and dolphins etc), if we ascribe spiritual immortality to all life we rapidly run into problems.

I prefer to leave it an open question, as the Church and Scripture do.

So do I, but that is what I hope for. I’d like to see all my old pals again.

Excise the tissue from that brain so that the particular neuronal pattern of connections is maintained.
Place the collection of cells in a chamber with a oxygenated fluid to keep them viable.
Use a small current to stimulate the cells, producing a pattern of neuronal communication.
While in a living person there may be an image, there will be no such phenomenon in vitro.
The image is an aspect of the person in the world.
If one is to explain how the image is produced, clearly an appeal to matter is insufficient.
:tiphat: Danks.

Why do you think the physical world is magical? Please cite some links where the “Church teaches that the NMS…”. I’ve never even seen the Church or Thomas refer to NMS. I think you are perhaps overdoing your claims just a bit.
Paragraphs 362-366 of the Catechism. The word " non-material " is not usecd. The Church uses " spiritual " as opposed to the " material " aspect of man, which is his body.’
Nope, I think you’re opposed to it, but reason dictates that anything which obeys the laws of nature can be physical, and you’ve provided no argument that it can’t, you just keep asserting it.
Thomas Aquinas and the Church refer to the rational nature of man. That is man is, by nature, which is an act of God, a composit of body and rational soul. That is all the proof I need.

You have never told me what you think the soul is, why not?
So God has to give out an NMS to manage digestion except where He doesn’t have to. Well, no problem with Him never having to then.
God gives every substance a nature, that is a form and suitable matter. The form determines its nature by which it does all the things it needs to do to obey and follow God’s Providence. Whether he does this through evolution or not is unknown, but he does work through secondary causes, as Aquinas tells us. But creatures cannot create " forms, " all they can do is provide the matter.

However, man’s form, his soul, he creates immediately at conception.

So I don’t know what your comment refers to.
The thing about arguments from authority is you first have to make sure you agree with the authorities, and other posters have questioned whether you do.
The opinions of " other " posters don’t bother me at all.
See post #532.
That was funny. But I am not the one who brought up the idea of a movie, you did way back when we first started talking about this topic. I was responding to that. Of course there is no screen. There is, according to Thomas, an imagination or phantasm. I’m not sure I agree with that. And I certainly do not agree that the brain produces it. The mind itself, in my opinion, is perfectly capable of deciphering incoming electrical impulses and " seeing " or knowing the particular external reality sending the data, and of recognizing it as " this man, " " this tree, " etc.

I think that I need to clarify my statements more. When you stated “…they transcend our beliefs…” I realized that these Meta-religious experiences don’t transcend Christian beliefs, because we know experiences of this nature are contained in our beliefs as testified to and experienced by some of faithful. That is why I used the word “ascend” instead of transcend. To transcend, is to take us out of our beliefs, to ascend is to rise in degree in our beliefs. It’s like we are knowing God, and He is knowing us by this “awareness” a spiritual communication. I realize there are degrees involved is this “communication” St.Theresa covers some of these degrees in her writings found in her book “The Interior Castles” dealing with the degrees of Christian prayer, and the devil’s interference.Is there a soul? You bet there is, is it spiritual, yes it is, can we know about it, very much so, but our knowledge is limited, in order to know it completely would be to know the act of creation. But we do know it was made to the image and likeness of God who is Pure Spirit.
Linus says the ISS doesn’t break any laws of nature, you say the ISS can become ill. It might as well be physical then, since it brings nothing to the party.
I said there are memory illnesses.
No. The idea of emergence seems to be new to you, but is mainstream. If we lived in a world where new properties didn’t emerge at different levels of organization, there would be no need for any branch of science except physics.
Actually, for years I used the term “emergence” to talk about the new modes of interaction which appear when new systems are formed. But later I realized that it was an ambiguous term, because some people understood it as if I was saying that the more came from the less. I didn’t want to mean that, however I tried to see if there was a good foundation to use the word with that specific meaning. I did not see any. We can experience the interactions that were not in the past, but we don’t see them emerging. That moment of reflection is a divergence point, and whatever position one could take here has to be evaluated on its implications. As I have implicitly said, one of these positions is this: the more comes from the less, which is compatible with the idea that there is only one principle. Another position is that of Aristotle, who distinguished the formal cause from the material cause. There might be some other positions as well.
It’s a shame you keep making these personal attacks.

You made the claim that “to produce a determined output you need to provide a very specific (name removed by moderator)ut, or modify the arrangement”, and I asked “how can you be so certain that a determined output involves the process you predict, given the plasticity of the brain and its immense complexity?”, and you’ve responded by saying you can’t.

Fair enough, but there was no need to slip back into your amateur psychoanalysis. Let’s try again to discuss the subject and not each other, please. You’ll know that there are physical causes for aggressive behavior of course. Yet another thing unexplained by ISS.

From one of your previous posts I understand that for you logic is rigid. There is a set of logical forms, which are distinct between them. Given certain statements, others are derived when we use those forms. The derived statements are the same they were yesterday and the same they will be forever. I am sure you know that. And, as you say, we can build machines whose behavior resembles logical reasoning. The physical structures which allow such behavior are as rigid as those of logic. But you say also that human brain is characterized by its plasticity (which I haven’t denied). So, we have the following statements now:

Logic is a set of rigid rules.
The behavior of machines with certain rigid structures resemble the application of the rules of logic.
The human brain is characterized by its neuroplasticity.
Logic is an aspect of mind.
Mind is an emergence of the human brain.

How do you make them compatible?
I’m only shooting the breeze here. Your claim that nothing can possibly have any meaning unless we first believe in your immaterial spiritual substances is, how shall I put this, a bit on the weak side. Sure, there is a happy clappy Christianity, where there’s never any mention of illness or crime or suffering to spoil the constant feel-good mood in church on Sunday. Then there’s the real world.
There is the observation that there is meaning. There is also the question about how meaning is possible. To be a monist implies to think that meaning is ultimately reducible to the unique accepted principle, which for you is matter, isn’t it? What was the problem?
Paragraphs 362-366 of the Catechism. The word " non-material " is not usecd. The Church uses " spiritual " as opposed to the " material " aspect of man, which is his body.’
If there’s no mention of non-material then clearly your claim that the “Church teaches that the NMS…” is overcooked.
Thomas Aquinas and the Church refer to the rational nature of man. That is man is, by nature, which is an act of God, a composit of body and rational soul. That is all the proof I need.
I said you’ve provided no argument, you just keep asserting it, and you just made another assertion. If the NMS obeyed the laws of nature then its states and thoughts would be determined by the laws of nature and it would therefore be deterministic.
You have never told me what you think the soul is, why not?
You never asked.
*God gives every substance a nature, that is a form and suitable matter. The form determines its nature by which it does all the things it needs to do to obey and follow God’s Providence. Whether he does this through evolution or not is unknown, but he does work through secondary causes, as Aquinas tells us. But creatures cannot create " forms, " all they can do is provide the matter.
However, man’s form, his soul, he creates immediately at conception.
So I don’t know what your comment refers to. *
In post #512 you claimed that an NMS is created immediately by God, and that digestion can only be managed by an NMS. I pointed out that would mean God has to create immediately the NMS of every bacterium before it could digest. You then modified your claim to relieve God of the burden, by allowing Him to make digestion part of the nature of an NMS. As a consequence of your modified claim, God can always make everything part of the nature of an NMS and never has to run round creating them immediately.

I have no idea why you think God in his Providence created cholera NMS, meningitus NMS and tuberculosis NMS, and eagerly await the next modification to your claim. 😉
The opinions of " other " posters don’t bother me at all.
Sure, but others question whether your authorities actually claim what you say those authorities claim, so I don’t know who to believe. In any event arguments from authority are usually fallacious since they are equivalent to “I claim that X is an authority, therefore X is correct”, which is just assertion by fiat.
That was funny. But I am not the one who brought up the idea of a movie, you did way back when we first started talking about this topic. I was responding to that. Of course there is no screen. There is, according to Thomas, an imagination or phantasm. I’m not sure I agree with that.
Earlier in that post you said that Thomas is “all the proof I need”, now you say you’re not sure you agree with him. So once again you give me the impression that your beliefs on mind are not those of your authorities.
And I certainly do not agree that the brain produces it. The mind itself, in my opinion, is perfectly capable of deciphering incoming electrical impulses and " seeing " or knowing the particular external reality sending the data, and of recognizing it as " this man, " " this tree, " etc.
It’s good that you’ve discarded the screen, but you’ve given no reason to believe your opinion that a ‘brainless mind’ can have any capabilities at all. There’s an old cartoon with a man who has written out the steps of his complicated hypothesis on a blackboard, but right in the middle there’s a step which says “then a miracle occurs” (I’ve linked it below but am never sure if they’ll display). This, to me, is the NMS/ISS argument in a nutshell, it manages to say nothing in an exceptionally convoluted way, and is not even wrong.

I think that I need to clarify my statements more. When you stated “…they transcend our beliefs…” I realized that these Meta-religious experiences don’t transcend Christian beliefs, because we know experiences of this nature are contained in our beliefs as testified to and experienced by some of faithful.
Let me stop you there :). If you was a Hindu you would instead have said that these meta-religious experiences don’t transcend Hindu beliefs, because we know experiences of this nature are contained in Hindu beliefs as testified to and experienced by some of the Hindu faithful. Or if you was a Muslim you would instead have said that these experiences don’t transcend Muslim beliefs, because they are testified to and experienced by some of the Muslim faithful. And so on.

People of all beliefs have these experiences, and that’s why they transcend religion. As I said, it’s very hard to put spiritual experiences into words, but people still try to testify according to their own religion. But the very fact that people of all beliefs have these experiences confirms that we all share a common humanity, and our humanity transcends religious and cultural beliefs. Whether we are Christians, Hindus, Muslims, we all share something much deeper than religion, because first of all and most importantly, we are all human.
Let me stop you there :). If you was a Hindu you would instead have said that these meta-religious experiences don’t transcend Hindu beliefs, because we know experiences of this nature are contained in Hindu beliefs as testified to and experienced by some of the Hindu faithful. Or if you was a Muslim you would instead have said that these experiences don’t transcend Muslim beliefs, because they are testified to and experienced by some of the Muslim faithful. And so on.

People of all beliefs have these experiences, and that’s why they transcend religion. As I said, it’s very hard to put spiritual experiences into words, but people still try to testify according to their own religion. But the very fact that people of all beliefs have these experiences confirms that we all share a common humanity, and our humanity transcends religious and cultural beliefs. Whether we are Christians, Hindus, Muslims, we all share something much deeper than religion, because first of all and most importantly, we are all human.
There is a common humanity, and an individual uniqueness in man. Truth is universal, and God is Truth, and One. I would agree that there is some truth in most if not all religions. I also know there is much division as to what is true. The question arises , is the construct of religious beliefs a product of what people believe to be true,and that makes it true, or what beliefs are true based on reality? Are these beliefs backed up by God? How can they be if they contradict each other, is God the Author of confusion? Yes for those that are confused and do experience a Meta-religious experience, these experiences “transcend” their beliefs but for those that are consistent with the truth, they “ascend” Are they aware of a real, intelligent and true spiritual life, and can have a relationship with God? Or is He some "unapproachable mystical being’ that exists in our imagination or our religion? Is the soul real, and can we know somethings true about the soul, you bet, in religion and by true and accurate logical, intellectual reasoning .
I said there are memory illnesses.
And you said “I really don’t think that anyone here who believes that memory is “located” in an ISS will deny the reality of memory illnesses”. Which surely means that immaterial spiritual substances can become ill, otherwise you lost me.
Actually, for years I used the term “emergence” to talk about the new modes of interaction which appear when new systems are formed. But later I realized that it was an ambiguous term, because some people understood it as if I was saying that the more came from the less. I didn’t want to mean that, however I tried to see if there was a good foundation to use the word with that specific meaning. I did not see any. We can experience the interactions that were not in the past, but we don’t see them emerging. That moment of reflection is a divergence point, and whatever position one could take here has to be evaluated on its implications. As I have implicitly said, one of these positions is this: the more comes from the less, which is compatible with the idea that there is only one principle. Another position is that of Aristotle, who distinguished the formal cause from the material cause. There might be some other positions as well.
I think we’re getting into the finer points of different philosophical positions here. In the context of this thread, all I mean is the following:
  1. Take two hypotheses. H[sub]0[/sub], that oxygen can be explained in physical terms alone, and H[sub]1[/sub], that oxygen is an inexplicable immaterial substance.
  2. Oxygen is made from components. But it can’t be found in any of the components. Worse, none of its properties can be found in its components.
  3. Does that mean H[sub]0[/sub] is wrong and we must conclude that oxygen can only be explained as an inexplicable immaterial substance? No, of course not. It simply means that the physical components must be organized in a specific way, otherwise they’re just a jumble. I would say oxygen emerges from that specific organization.
Now, in the above, replace “oxygen” with “mind”, and “components” with “the wet stuff between our ears”. So H[sub]0[/sub] says that mind can be explained on the same basis as all other known phenomena. It’s an hypothesis so it might be wrong of course. But you guys are telling me don’t even bother, because you somehow know a priori that H[sub]1[/sub] is right, and the mind is an inexplicable immaterial substance.
*From one of your previous posts I understand that for you logic is rigid. There is a set of logical forms, which are distinct between them. Given certain statements, others are derived when we use those forms. The derived statements are the same they were yesterday and the same they will be forever. I am sure you know that. And, as you say, we can build machines whose behavior resembles logical reasoning. The physical structures which allow such behavior are as rigid as those of logic. But you say also that human brain is characterized by its plasticity (which I haven’t denied). So, we have the following statements now:
Logic is a set of rigid rules.
The behavior of machines with certain rigid structures resemble the application of the rules of logic.
The human brain is characterized by its neuroplasticity.
Logic is an aspect of mind.
Mind is an emergence of the human brain.
How do you make them compatible?*
Not sure why you think they are incompatible. The basic question is: were you born knowing the laws of identity, non-contradiction, etc., or did you learn them. Learning = neuroplasticity in action.
There is the observation that there is meaning. There is also the question about how meaning is possible. To be a monist implies to think that meaning is ultimately reducible to the unique accepted principle, which for you is matter, isn’t it? What was the problem?
This sounds like the reductionist’s “pile of atoms” argument - that unless we believe in immaterial spiritual substances, all that’s left to believe in are piles of atoms. Thus supposedly the physicalist cannot love her baby son, because supposedly she can only see a pile of atoms.

Presumably, to the Cartesian dualist, in the absence of immaterial spiritual substances the son really is just a pile of atoms, and the dualist can’t grasp that the physicalist doesn’t see it that way, he’s her baby son who she loves, and to her love isn’t a pile of atoms either.

So I think that argument is really about a crossed-wire in the dualist’s immaterial spiritual substances :D. Apologies if that wasn’t your point, which it probably wasn’t but I’ve had a long day.
In trying to conceptualize what is mind, let us simply consider the colour green.

View attachment 21982

We can understand it as being a colour between blue and yellow on the spectrum of visible light.
Green light is composed of a preponderance of photons with wavelengths of 495–570 nm.
When we paint or print, we subtract light outside of this range. It is therefore made by combining yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan.
It is one of the primary colors, which added to red and blue is used to create all other colors, including white.
The perception of he colour green begins with changes that occur when photons are absorbed in certain retinal cells. Of the 6 to 7 million cones in the fovea centralis, 32% are “green” cones.

We can say all sorts of things about it.
What you see here embodies all of these.
In the end, it is a mystery - green is green, awesome reality that exists.
Having been blind at one point and only half so now, I know it does not have to exist.
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