Is that what Al was on about?
Pretty obvious I would have thought too.
“What you wrote makes no sense at all.”***
Of course it doesn’t, you have a completely different world view from what I am presenting!
So it will therefore take effort to understand. But is the problem really with what I wrote?
Personally over the years I have put a lot of effort into understanding both sides. That is one of the reasons I formally trained in Scholasticism 30 odd yrs ago. I was debating the principles with my Aquinas philosophy lecturers from day one.
So my current position as above is not totally “off the cuff” (admittedly some of it is) like a lot of stuff thrown out here by either side on this thread.
However what I wrote above is, I thought, helpfully based on standard Thomistic Catholic philosophy basics as taught anywhere in the world at a Catholic University or even in online tutorials.
My proffered application to modern day science is of course debatable (as are the finer Thomistic points).
But I am using a terminology that should at least serve as good agreed common ground for Catholics educated enough in Aquinas to understand the basics.
(Which is why I find Linus’s view, now that I understand he is rejecting some of the traditional Catholic basics, intriguing. At least I now know where he is really coming from).
If you do not have a background in Aquinas fair enough, I can see why you might think it “pretentious”.
If that were the case wouldn’t it be better just to be a passive observer of my sub-thread with others though - rather than get upset and say its pretentious, obfuscation and a mishmash? It is tiresome having to explain the basics before a deeper discussion can get going - so yes, I suppose you could say I am not aiming at Thomist neophytes and I apologise for that if its this that irks you enough to speak of obscurantism.
But if you think I am being “pretentious” because I have got Aquinas’s philosophy of Apprehension seriously wrong then I would be concerned and eager to hear where I may have gone astray?