I fear you missed the point. As you are looking at this post now, the only information entering your brain from your eyes is a stream of on/off pulses. Therefore your mind must be constructing the image which you see from that information alone. If it can do that in real time then it can do the same for memories, and we know how neurons form memories, for instance
see here (noting that’s a museum site, not even remotely cutting edge).
Lot’s of huge assumptions in this article and a number of unknowns. For example, just how do we know exactly what nurons and synapsis do, and how do scientists " see " exactly what is going on?. Do they see this things happening in real time, do they actually see synapses forming, and how do they conclude what they are doing?
Then, " A part of your brain called the hippocampus is vital for forming new memories. Scientists think that the experiences making up a memory are sent from the senses to the cortex, then on to areas surrounding the hippocampus. These ‘bind’ the memory together, before it is sent to the hippocampus itself, where information about context or location is added. " Scientists are making huge assumptions here, forming " conclusions " based on speculation.
But by all means offer up your explanation of how the stream of electrical pulses from your eyes makes its way into the immaterial realm, for instance where is the transmitter located, how does the immaterial realm decode and store those pulses, how does it avoid breaking conservation of energy and so on.
Fortunately, I don’t have to say much more than I have already said. Don’t know what you mean by ’ transmitter. ’ I have already admitted that our sense perceptors transfer sensed information to their respective brain sense centers. The conscious mind ( in some mysterious way we will never know ) observes what is taking place, collates the various types of information and stores it in the soul for later reference. And from this point we get into the discussion that has been going on on the thread, " How do we come to know things? "
I fail to see what the conservation of energy has to do with any of this.
By all means link some research papers on the mind as an “immaterial source of interpretation and retention” which will help treat illnesses. But I think you won’t find many, if any. I think that’s because researchers can either put their energy and talent into trying to defend ye olde philosophical dogmas or they can put their energy and talent into finding treatments for illnesses, but they can’t do both.
As I already noted, there is a lot wrong with this paragraph. As for research papers, I refer you to the 800 years of commentary on Aristotle’s Soul, beginning with Thomas Aquinas himself on that book and his S.T. Part1, ques 78, art 4.
Secondly, why is it necessary that any such information be useful for treating illnesses?
Is treating illnesses the only valuable pursuit for of intelligent men and women?
I think it is fine that some do and have done it very successfully. There is no reason to imply, by contrast, that philosophers/theologians have nothing valuable to offer mankind. A healthy body is wonderful, a heatly soul is priceless.
But of course there are many in the scientific commuinity who have studied some A/T philosophy at least and some who are quite proficient at it, so I don’t see that making an off hand value judgment tells us anything important. I admit it is very difficult to be expert in two fields. So what?
This was your original statement: " The other point is that those who believe the mind is supernatural generally don’t even try to find cures for blindness or deafness or mental illnesses, since they’ve already decided that the mind is in some immaterial inaccessible realm. Only by first assuming that the mind emerges purely from the physical is it possible to investigate cures to help the millions of sufferers in the world. "
I repeat, there is no justification for this statement. As I just pointed out many doctors and scientists believe in the supernatural, not to mention nurses. In fact it was the Catholic Church which began and established hospitals. Though the governments of the world are doing all they can to force us out.
Secondly, there is no proof that only those convinced that the mind " emerges from the physical " could possible in medical cures. These are highly prejucidal statements.
But no worries, I guess the treatments they produce will also be made available to those who put their energy and talent into trying to defend ye olde philosophical dogmas.
You really must try to restrain you anti-A/T philosophical prejudices, it is not becoming.