We have memory of spiritual things, but not spiritual memory (no need for spirits to have memory) A human’s past lies in the sense memory, which can be abstracted, memory that is stored in the brain. the future lies in the imagination made up of sense memories which can be abstracted, the creative imagination is fiction based on non-fiction. All that really exists for us is the present which is always changing, (potency and act)Sense impressions are stored in the brain. We understand by associating words,(sound which is a sense impression) with other mental concepts which are also associated with words (sound). The soul can abstract meaning from these sounds, and can be impeded from these abstraction from sound (words) if the brain looses it’s physical capabilities because of the union of body and soul (two separate substances united) the soul in this present mode of existence is extrinsically dependent upon the brain. When the soul departs the body at death, there is no need for memory, or dependence on the brain or any physical substance. As I understand it, the intellect will be infused with knowledge, and see immediately, no longer restricted by matter. (We will know, as we are known) When we have a lapse of memory, something impedes the brains’ function, if we had pure spiritual memory, why is it that we can not employ it when we have physical lapses of memory? If both memories co-exist.? Memory is only needed because of the physical limitation of seeing all at once, and restricted by the limitations of matter and change, time. Animals have sense memory, and are biologically programed, but do not rationalize with abstract concepts. Humans by learning these programs, instincts that were not taught to the animal but are natural to them can control their behavior. We humans can make individual choices as to our behavior, even contrary to our natural behavior which is to act rationally.