What exactly is the soul?

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are soul and spirit the same? can anyone explain the relation to soul spirit and body? Doesn’t the brain animate our body? and give us emotions and thought?
Dear wiggbuggie:

I wonder if you have found some help in all the posts above to respond to your questions. There is abundance of heterogeneous discourses about the subjects associated to them. And we have been influenced by some of those heterogeneous discourses in such a way that we, individuals, are incredibly heterogeneous in our own speech (no fault on us for that). Look at your own first post, for example: it is you who is speaking as a being who possesses a body, and though a brain is “an integral part of your body”, you speak of it as if it were a kind of third party which animates your body; and not only that, but this material object (because it appears to you as an object!) would be able to give youyour” emotions and “your” thoughts (your questions included, naturally, among many other thoughts, and in particular this one: “is my brain giving me the thought “does my brain give me emotions and thoughts?”?”).

When I read your post, I thought: in other words, wiggbuggie is asking if someone here knows the singular discourse about “soul”, “spirit”, “brain”, “body”, “thought” and “emotions” which once known reveals the truth, convinces everybody and defeats every objection: “What exactly is the soul?”.

There is no such discourse.

Have you arrived to the situation in which you would identify yourself with a brain, hidden inside a skull, which controls a quite complex body to get nutrients for survival? And which looks for a partner for indirect reproduction? Would some specific part of that brain be the real “you” (Because it is possible to remove parts of it, while you remain “you”?)…

I cannot avoid but thinking that the real you is a being whom I might meet somewhere in this world: someone with the typical human body, you know. Someone who performs human activities; someone who, at any moment, has some of the typical human emotions and passions… I would say, “that is you!”.

The soul? The body? The brain? The mind?..

Without any doubt, the intellectual work is to be counted among those human activities, always uniting and separating. The stings of numerous discourses sting you: “What is the truth?” And as soon as a multitude hears your question, the numerous discourses reverberate once more in front of you, calling your attention, trying to take possession of you, skillfully, battling against each other, so that you can surrender without shame to the winner. Be careful!, many times the losers use to cry noisily “I am the winner!, I am the winner!”…
“that is you!”.
The soul? The body? The brain? The mind?..
All of the above.

The mind (soul) makes you “you.” Your body makes you somebody.

Really, if there were no death, the soul-body question would never arise. We would simply **be our bodies; **in the same way as children who have not yet learnt the horror that is human death.

But given that we do die, it is only the soul that makes restoration to life everlasting possible; as your brain and its contents will be irrecoverable goo one hour after your breathing is cut off.

Which is why I find it odd that some who claim to be Christian argue so hard for the physicality of the mind. If their assertion is true, there is no point to faith.

The soul is YOU :)\

“You do not have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body.” CS Lewis
All of the above.

The mind (soul) makes you “you.” Your body makes you somebody.

**Really, if there were no death, the soul-body question would never arise. We would simply **be our bodies; ****in the same way as children who have not yet learnt the horror that is human death.

But given that we do die, it is only the soul that makes restoration to life everlasting possible; as your brain and its contents will be irrecoverable goo one hour after your breathing is cut off.

Which is why I find it odd that some who claim to be Christian argue so hard for the physicality of the mind. If their assertion is true, there is no point to faith.

Interesting reflection, GEddie! Short and good.
Not altogether accurate, as we are both.

You are a breathing soul, and a thinking body.

The body is what the soul works through. THe soul is your consciousness, your will, YOU. Without your soul, the body is nothing. But the soul does fine without the body. The body is no more you than your hand is you. If you lose your legs, you don’t become half of yourself, because your will and soul are intact. Your soul is you. Your body is an apparatus that you work through on this material plane. Nothing more.
You are the union of body and soul, matter and spirit, the soul is the form of the body, the noblist part of you, like God who is Pure Spirit. And because you are body and spirit you will be united again after death. This is your real nature made by God, one is incomplete without the other. You are not a disembodied spirit, just for a little while after death. Like Christ you will arise again united with a glorified body and soul. You are not Angels, pure created spirits. You are not animals, just physical. Because you are part spirit, you were given dominance by God over matter, to rule the material universe, stewards of God’s physical creation because of spirit you are greater, and nobler than matter!
The body is what the soul works through. THe soul is your consciousness, your will, YOU. Without your soul, the body is nothing. But the soul does fine without the body. The body is no more you than your hand is you. If you lose your legs, you don’t become half of yourself, because your will and soul are intact. Your soul is you. Your body is an apparatus that you work through on this material plane. Nothing more.
Not quite.

The soul is the life, but life requires a solid body to hold and express it.

Seeing requires eyes to see through; movement requires limbs; feeling requires skin, smell requires a nose; thought and knowing require the head.

The soul is the soul of the body.. You were born to be somebody.

As I mentioned before, enantiomers are an example of chemical substances which differ in organization, but not on every physical property (same state equation applies to them, for instance). So, no, intermolecular forces do not depend on the organization of the molecules.
Not being a chemist, I look up “enantiomer” and see it means mirror image, and I think “well, that won’t change the mass or the physical forces, so the boiling point won’t change”. Reading on, I learn that my prediction is correct.

It’s like watching a movie of a planet going around a star. It looks the same whether the movie is playing forwards or in reverse. The mass of the planet is the same, the forces are the same, just reflected. So yes, of course forces depend on the organization, but not on something as trivial.

I’m intrigued why you keep arguing this. Given that all molecules are made of atoms and all atoms from the same components, what do you think masses and forces could possible depend on other than organization?
It seems that somehow you see the necessity of an additional principle, besides matter, but you haven’t thought how it has to work.
Err… as I’ve said all along, organization. I’ve kept saying it, I keep saying it, it’s basic physics of chemistry.
*What is the limit between reasoning and “speculation”? There are some phenomena which can be explained by means of **a model ***in which the atom is almost empty space. Other phenomena has required physicists to propose “jiggling quarks”. Are physicists looking for the “arché” of the universe? What is space-time? Is string theory an speculation? Does “mind” emerge from space-time?
Richard Feynman in a lecture: *"In general, we look for a new law by the following process. First, we guess it (audience laughter), no, don’t laugh, that’s really true. Then we compute the consequences of the guess, to see what, if this is right, if this law we guess is right, to see what it would imply and then we compare the computation results to nature, or we say compare to experiment or experience, compare it directly with observations to see if it works.

If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong.

In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are who made the guess, or what his name is. If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.”*

Spacetime is a geometric continuum that includes the three dimensions of space and a forth dimension of time. Experimental evidence includes GPS, amongst others, as referenced earlier. String theory is a guess for which there as yet is no experimental evidence, and so is misnamed (it’s only a hypothesis). Don’t know what you mean by mind emerging from spacetime, sounds a bit New Age.
Where does “speculation” start? Or which speculation is allowed and which is not? Or on which subjects is speculation allowed and on which it is not? Or who is allowed to speculate and who is not?
The OED defines hypothesis as a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation, and speculation as the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

I’ve said that mind emerging from brain is a hypothesis, an hypothesis actively being investigated by many researchers across the world.

I could not call ISS an hypothesis, since no one has produced even limited evidence for it, and from this thread it appears that it has never been the starting point for any investigation either.
*Yes! We are much more slower than the cheapest computer! And we forget things as well: we forget, for example, that we designed those computers, and that we programmed them. It is strange, isn’t it?
While we have to read the (name removed by moderator)uts, interpret them, compare what we have gotten at each step against the rules, look for possible relations among the elements to simplify our intermediate results and proceed further, etcetera (in the same lapse of time we remember our girlfriend, other pending activities, judge the quality of the surrounding music, worry about the tax increases…) , the cheap computer does nothing. It just serves as a set of channels for the (name removed by moderator)uts which follow a determined set of paths to give a determined set of outputs. You would probably say that the computer features circuits which are able, for example, to execute comparisons. I would respond that those are nothing else but electric paths, which I have already mentioned.
There is also a difference between a response, and the feeling that one has responded.
So, I will restate the question: considering the whole human species -which could not learn logic from another species- is logic originally a set of brain structures?*
I want to try to understand why you keep asking this question.

The OED defines logic as reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

Where do you think those principles of validity come from? Do you think they are buried deep in the structure of your mind and as such are not available for inspection, even in principle, that we must forever take them as just existing while never being able to prove they are valid?

Or do you think the principles were originally learned by trial and error, that what is valid was sifted from what isn’t by evidence and experience, and then passed down from one generation to the next?

Or do you have some other explanation?
“Can you tell me, sir, to whose care you entrust your horses?”

“I can.”

“Is it to the first corner, who knows nothing about them?”

“Certainly not.”

“Well, what of the man who takes care of your gold, your silver or
your raiment?”

“He must be experienced also.”

“And your body–have you ever considered about entrusting it to any
one’s care?”

“Of course I have.”

“And no doubt to a person of experience as a trainer, a physician?”


“And these things the best you possess, or have you anything more

“What can you mean?”
“I mean that which employs these; which weights all things; which
takes counsel and resolve.”

“Oh, you mean the soul.” **

“You take me rightly; I do mean the soul. By Heaven, I hold that far
more precious than all else I possess. Can you show me then what care
you bestow on a soul? For it can scarcely be thought that a man of
your wisdom and consideration in the city would suffer your most precious
possession to go to ruin through carelessness and neglect.”
The soul is not for the body but the body for the soul.
Actually, each is for the other. “The soul is the soul **of the body”. **(Peter Kreeft).

Each soul is formed in and for the particular body. The soul is the life, but life cannot be lived or expressed, without the body who holds and expresses the life.

Do the Saints and our loved ones not pray for us and/or possibly purge themselves of the consequences of the sins of which they have been forgiven?
This might not be life in the sense of participating in a material world, but life nonetheless as I would define it.
Existence in the presence of God, I imagine is more real than this.
Do the Saints and our loved ones not pray for us and/or possibly purge themselves of the consequences of the sins of which they have been forgiven?
This might not be life in the sense of participating in a material world, but life nonetheless as I would define it.
Existence in the presence of God, I imagine is more real than this.
Yes, there are degrees of life or living things. God is the source of all life and indeed is Life itself as Jesus said “I am the Life.” God is not a body so He doesn’t have a vegetative or animal life such as in plants and animals. God’s operations involve his intellect and will so His life is one of understanding and love. This is obviously the highest kind of life or living. We participate in this kind of life through the spiritual powers of intellect and will God has given us. The life of the angels who are immaterial and without bodies is simply a life of understanding, knowledge, and love akin to God’s life. We tend to associate life with a living body or organism or plant. This is a far lower degree of life than the spiritual life of understanding, knowledge, and love which is what God’s life and the angels’ consists in. Aristotle taught that man’s happiness essentially consists in the contemplation of divine things or of God. The saints, doctors, and masters of the spiritual life in the christian tradition talk a lot about the infused contemplation which St John of the Cross calls a “loving knowledge” of the illuminative and unitive stages of the christian spiritual life.
Not being a chemist, I look up “enantiomer” and see it means mirror image, and I think “well, that won’t change the mass or the physical forces, so the boiling point won’t change”. Reading on, I learn that my prediction is correct.

It’s like watching a movie of a planet going around a star. It looks the same whether the movie is playing forwards or in reverse. The mass of the planet is the same, the forces are the same, just reflected. So yes, of course forces depend on the organization, but not on something as trivial.

I’m intrigued why you keep arguing this. Given that all molecules are made of atoms and all atoms from the same components, what do you think masses and forces could possible depend on other than organization?

Err… as I’ve said all along, organization. I’ve kept saying it, I keep saying it, it’s basic physics of chemistry.

Richard Feynman in a lecture: *"In general, we look for a new law by the following process. First, we guess it (audience laughter), no, don’t laugh, that’s really true. Then we compute the consequences of the guess, to see what, if this is right, if this law we guess is right, to see what it would imply and then we compare the computation results to nature, or we say compare to experiment or experience, compare it directly with observations to see if it works.

If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong.

In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are who made the guess, or what his name is. If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.”*

Spacetime is a geometric continuum that includes the three dimensions of space and a forth dimension of time. Experimental evidence includes GPS, amongst others, as referenced earlier. String theory is a guess for which there as yet is no experimental evidence, and so is misnamed (it’s only a hypothesis). Don’t know what you mean by mind emerging from spacetime, sounds a bit New Age.

The OED defines hypothesis as a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation, and speculation as the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

I’ve said that mind emerging from brain is a hypothesis, an hypothesis actively being investigated by many researchers across the world.

I could not call ISS an hypothesis, since no one has produced even limited evidence for it, and from this thread it appears that it has never been the starting point for any investigation either.

I want to try to understand why you keep asking this question.

The OED defines logic as reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

Where do you think those principles of validity come from? Do you think they are buried deep in the structure of your mind and as such are not available for inspection, even in principle, that we must forever take them as just existing while never being able to prove they are valid?

Or do you think the principles were originally learned by trial and error, that what is valid was sifted from what isn’t by evidence and experience, and then passed down from one generation to the next?

Or do you have some other explanation?
How could I pretend to “explain” logically the origin of logic? What would that mean? And how could I possibly prove, without relying on logic, the validity of logic? Even relying on it, how could I prove its validity (“assuming that logical principles are valid I will prove they are valid”)?

Learning (you should say “creating”!) logic by trial and error? It is necessary to be radically monist to propose such “ideas”. However, I don’t think something better can be proposed from your standpoint (nothing to do with you, Inocente, but with your standpoint. No offense intended).

I definitely don’t have explanations nor even hypothesis about that. I am in awe, astonished, surprised, marveled, etcetera, about everything.

But a monist should have at least a hypothesis, otherwise how could he remain a monist?

At least you have a hypothesis about mind: “mind emerges from a human brain”. It is a weird hypothesis, but it certainly is one. And certainly too, weird hypothesis can serve as a basis for further investigation: “As a result of ‘standard’ physical processes taking place on a piece of matter organized as a human brain, mind (which must be something physical, whatever that means) emerges”. But what about logic? Logic should emerge too! (“emergence” proves to be a very helpful word, doesn’t it?). Naturally, it must be something no less physical than mind, no less material. It might be a kind of very subtle matter (because we don’t see it, do we?) which has the power to channel thoughts -sometimes, not always!- in a certain way. And even in those cases in which it doesn’t rule over certain thoughts, it gives others the right (what is that!?) to reject them.

I understand you when you prefer to stop thinking on all this, saying that it would be “speculation”. But your prophesies about the death of the ISS notion are speculative as well.

If you want to build explanations based on matter and organized matter, you need to practice a lot: “forces depend on the organization; therefore, different organizations must give origin to different forces, unless the difference is trivial (and we should not spend time on trivialities)”. It doesn’t sound very logical to me.

You said in one of your past posts: “the harder we look for substance, the harder it is to find. Perhaps there is no substance, perhaps just spacetime folded in different ways, as string theorists would like.” That is why I asked you if it would speculative to say that mind emerges from space-time. But it must mean nothing; so, never mind.
How could I pretend to “explain” logically the origin of logic? What would that mean? And how could I possibly prove, without relying on logic, the validity of logic? Even relying on it, how could I prove its validity (“assuming that logical principles are valid I will prove they are valid”)?

Learning (you should say “creating”!) logic by trial and error? It is necessary to be radically monist to propose such “ideas”. However, I don’t think something better can be proposed from your standpoint (nothing to do with you, Inocente, but with your standpoint. No offense intended).

I definitely don’t have explanations nor even hypothesis about that. I am in awe, astonished, surprised, marveled, etcetera, about everything.
You may or may not have noticed that my questions at the end of post #708 are asking whether you believe our knowledge of logic is:
  • a priori - built in, independent of experience
  • a posteriori - learned, dependent on experience
  • or something else (some hitherto unknown philosophical category).
Your answer is not about knowledge of logic, but logic itself, so perhaps finally I understand your issue. Earlier I contrasted knowledge of Belgium with Belgium itself, and it seems you see the difference there, you see that knowledge of Belgium does not mean that Belgium has its only existence in your mind, but when it comes to logic, you don’t differentiate between knowledge of the subject and the subject itself.

Perhaps you’re correct, but you maybe need to mull that over. It implies you have placed all kinds of limitations on what you can know about yourself, limitations which disappear when I rewrite what you said above: “How could I pretend to “explain” logically the origin of my knowledge of logic? What would that mean? And how could I possibly prove, without relying on my knowledge of logic, the validity of my knowledge of logic?”. Well, of course now you can.
*But a monist should have at least a hypothesis, otherwise how could he remain a monist?
At least you have a hypothesis about mind: “mind emerges from a human brain*”. It is a weird hypothesis, but it certainly is one. And certainly too, weird hypothesis can serve as a basis for further investigation: “As a result of ‘standard’ physical processes taking place on a piece of matter organized as a human brain, mind (which must be something physical, whatever that means) emerges”. But what about logic? Logic should emerge too! (“emergence” proves to be a very helpful word, doesn’t it?). Naturally, it must be something no less physical than mind, no less material. It might be a kind of very subtle matter (because we don’t see it, do we?) which has the power to channel thoughts -sometimes, not always!- in a certain way. And even in those cases in which it doesn’t rule over certain thoughts, it gives others the right (what is that!?) to reject them.
I understand you when you prefer to stop thinking on all this, saying that it would be “speculation”. But your prophesies about the death of the ISS notion are speculative as well.
If you want to build explanations based on matter and organized matter, you need to practice a lot: “forces depend on the organization; therefore, different organizations must give origin to different forces, unless the difference is trivial (and we should not spend time on trivialities)”. It doesn’t sound very logical to me.
My hypothesis then, is that some folk conflate knowledge of logic with logic itself. I don’t know if my hypothesis is correct, but it does seem to explain a number of things. Why you capitalized the word truth earlier. Why you think all scientists everywhere have to believe in some magical un-matter to hang on to the basic scientific null hypothesis that there is only a physical world. The ISS notion of an occult substance. Asserting that it’s a mystery why some substances are gases when others aren’t, when it’s explained by standard physics of chemistry. The problem with the statement that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

I eagerly await your falsification of my hypothesis.
. . . Energy to me involves work and act and this would involve a form of some kind. Matter does not act, it is potentiality. For Aristotle, the two fundamental principles of material substances are matter and form, potency and act. You can’t reduce these principles any further in material things. . . .
Thank you for your reply. It will take a while to digest it all.

As to the quote above, I just wanted to contribute the idea that “energy” as understood by physics is Aristotle’s “matter”.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but is changed from one form into another.
There is:
  • a resting energy equivalent to the object’s mass (As such, it would be the substrate from which subatomic particles are fashioned.)
  • thermal energy
  • magnetic-electric-chemical energy
  • nuclear
  • gravitational
  • kinetic-potential-mechanical,
  • radiant, etc.
Energy seems to me to be the basic, fundemental, irreducible material substance, taking many forms which are convertable to one another.
It seems to be the potency; the act represented by the particular kind of energy, as described above.
Thank you for your reply. It will take a while to digest it all.

As to the quote above, I just wanted to contribute the idea that “energy” as understood by physics is Aristotle’s “matter”.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but is changed from one form into another.
There is:
  • a resting energy equivalent to the object’s mass (As such, it would be the substrate from which subatomic particles are fashioned.)
  • thermal energy
  • magnetic-electric-chemical energy
  • nuclear
  • gravitational
  • kinetic-potential-mechanical,
  • radiant, etc.
Energy seems to me to be the basic, fundemental, irreducible material substance, taking many forms which are convertable to one another.
It seems to be the potency; the act represented by the particular kind of energy, as described above.
Since energy is matter in motion,(change) and matter can not move itself, but is moved by another, and a thing moved must move from a capacity to move, to the actual movement (potency and act) it must be moved ultimately by an un-moved mover. He causes all secondary motion in a series of movements found in material things. (cause and effect). If one regresses from effect to cause to the first cause in a line of secondary causes (motion) he will eventually come to the first cause, which can not explain itself necessitating an uncaused cause, or an unmoved-mover. One can not regress infinitely in a line of secondary causes, for infinity has no beginning or end, secondary causes have a beginning, otherwise matter would not need a cause to move, as it could move itself.
You may or may not have noticed that my questions at the end of post #708 are asking whether you believe our knowledge of logic is:
  • a priori - built in, independent of experience
  • a posteriori - learned, dependent on experience
  • or something else (some hitherto unknown philosophical category).
Your answer is not about knowledge of logic, but logic itself, so perhaps finally I understand your issue. Earlier I contrasted knowledge of Belgium with Belgium itself, and it seems you see the difference there, you see that knowledge of Belgium does not mean that Belgium has its only existence in your mind, but when it comes to logic, you don’t differentiate between knowledge of the subject and the subject itself.

My hypothesis then, is that some folk conflate knowledge of logic with logic itself. I don’t know if my hypothesis is correct, but it does seem to explain a number of things. Why you capitalized the word truth earlier. Why you think all scientists everywhere have to believe in some magical un-matter to hang on to the basic scientific null hypothesis that there is only a physical world. The ISS notion of an occult substance. Asserting that it’s a mystery why some substances are gases when others aren’t, when it’s explained by standard physics of chemistry. The problem with the statement that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

I eagerly await your falsification of my hypothesis.
I guess you know from a personal experience that there are some folk who conflate knowledge of logic with logic itself; therefore, I will not try to falsify your hypothesis. You know your own history. But it is a fortune that you are not one of those guys anymore. All your responses so far made me think that you were one of them, always responding as if my questions concerned “knowledge of logic” when they have concerned “logic itself” from the beginning. Never mind; I hope you get the point now.

So, from your monistic standpoint (in other words, not the definition of the OED, but in terms of matter) what is logic, Inocente?
I guess you know from a personal experience that there are some folk who conflate knowledge of logic with logic itself; therefore, I will not try to falsify your hypothesis.
I only know of one, who has suddenly gone very coy.
You know your own history. But it is a fortune that you are not one of those guys anymore. All your responses so far made me think that you were one of them, always responding as if my questions concerned “knowledge of logic” when they have concerned “logic itself” from the beginning. Never mind; I hope you get the point now.
Err… my point was that an explanation for your responses could be that you’ve not been differentiating between knowledge of logic and logic itself.
So, from your monistic standpoint (in other words, not the definition of the OED, but in terms of matter) what is logic, Inocente?
That implies you believe logic can be explained in terms of a substance. I guess that would mean the law of identity and law of excluded middle would be substances or somehow part of a substance. Bit too New Age for me :).
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