During the blitz in London, was the turning off of lights during a raid from the Germans up to each individual? No, it was mandated. Anyone who did not comply was a traitor.
Britain has a different form of government than we do, so it can’t really be compared.
Also, big difference between seeing German planes flying overhead and seeing your friends and family killed by bombs–and hearing from a television doctor that the masks are not effective–oh wait, yes they are effective–all kinds of face coverings including bandanas are effective–oh wait, only certain kinds of masks are effective.
I work in a hospital lab, and my department does the COVID-19 rapid testing (not the collection of these tests). ALL hospital employees are required to wear masks, although we are not chided if we don’t pull them over our noses, especially if we wear glasses. Most of the lab staff never leave the lab during the day, other than when we enter and leave the building at the beginning and end of each day.
My supervisor walks around all day with her mask around her chin, and most of us pull the masks down when we are on the phone. While we are in our tiny break room eating breakfast or lunch, no one wears a mask (you can’t drink/eat while wearing a mask).
No one says boo to us. (I think that considering the dangerous short staffing in our lab, no one would dare say boo to us–they can’t afford for any of us to be fired or quit!)
No one has contracted COVID-19 so far, after 6 months of this “careless masking behavior.”
So yes, we follow the spirit of the law, but not the letter, at least when we are at work among the very small staff that we see and work with everyday.
Basically what I’m saying is that the mask is probably helping prevent some infections with COVID, but I don’t believe it is nearly as effective as we are being told. I wear it (below the nose) in public, and in Illinois, we are required to wear it when we pull up to the window in the drive-through line at our local restaurants.
But no way do I believe that I am safe from COVID-19 because of that scrap of cloth.
If you do, that’s OK. You might be right and I might be wrong. Right now, we really don’t know who is telling the truth, do we?
And if you trust science–think about all the wrong theories about everything that “science” has presented over the years. I just finished watching a documentary (secular, not from a pro-life organization) about the Theory of Eugenics, which was accepted in the U.S. for several decades around the early 1900s. Wow, what a goofy theory, but it was considered scientific fact back then. Hoo, boy, thank goodness it was disproven by other scientists in the 1940s, but until then, it was amazing how many of us were on the “inferior–must not be allowed to re-produce” list in “science labs!”
Don’t be too quick to trust science. There’s an impressive list of “science mistakes” over the centuries.