What Happens If Neither Trump nor Biden Wins the Electoral College?

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I would rather they tell me in phrases that make heavy use of optimism and positive thinking and assurances that I will be fine and will fully recover…which is what Pres. Trump did
No, he didn’t. He straight up misrepresented the truth, so that the people would not agree to take even the simplest mitigation measures against covid-19.
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No, he didn’t. He straight up misrepresented the truth, so that the people would not agree to take even the simplest mitigation measures against covid-19.
Ahh, no. :roll_eyes:

We stayed home, stopped going out unless necessary, stayed six feet apart when we did go out, used up every last bit of food that had been in our freezers for months (or years), kept kids home from school and kept paying the heroic teachers who were trying to figure out how to teach online, developed Zoom and other online meeting apps, wore masks, paid off credit card debts and tried to start an emergency savings account “just in case,” lost our jobs, donated food to the organizations providing the poor with food, stopped going to church, cancelled all our parties and family dinners and festivals and concerts, and followed the latest instructions for getting tested. And we bought more masks and are still wearing them.

We’re still doin’ all that. It’s been OK during the summer, but I dread the winter–no one in my city is going to want to dine outdoors, so I’m guessing a lot of restaurants will be going out of business and I think a lot of other small businesses will be playing Taps and shuttering their doors, probably forever. I think it’s going to be absolutely awful, tragic, and that a lot of people will be on “suicide watch.” Oh, well, anything for “science.”

Oh, certainly there were and still are hold-outs who insisted on being “free and independent,” but most of us minded the rules, including most of us who support Pres. Trump. And I know plenty of people who do NOT support Pres. Trump who thought and still think that many of the “rules” are doo doo and don’t obey them.

Don’t blame Pres. Trump. Our choices, good or bad, are our own choices.
Oh, certainly there were and still are hold-outs who insisted on being “free and independent,” but most of us minded the rules, including most of us who support Pres. Trump.
It is not just a few anti-social holdouts. It is people like the Governor of Atlanta who sued the city of Atlanta and other cities to prevent them issuing mask mandates. Governor Kemp is much more influential than just some hold-out. This is the kind of confusion that reigns when the leadership from the top is so mixed and confusing. There is also to call from Trump to the people of Michigan to “liberate Michigan” from the emergency declarations of the Governor there. I could go on and on with all the destructive social media posts that encourage those “hold-outs”.
And I know plenty of people who do NOT support Pres. Trump who thought and still think that many of the “rules” are doo doo and don’t obey them.
Those people, whether they support the President or not, are still enabled and validated in their beliefs by him.
He’s having an indoor rally today.

The US death toll is about 1000 per day.
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Don’t blame Pres. Trump. Our choices, good or bad, are our own choices.
Maybe, but we are at a disadvantage when certain people, including Republicans and Democrats, are given inside information, enough to sell off their stocks before the market crashes 37%. It will be a while before oil recovers.
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Those people, whether they support the President or not, are still enabled and validated in their beliefs by him.
What we’re seeing is the confusion regarding the authority of the federal government vs. the power of the individual states. The Constitution gives a lot of power to the individual state governments, and Pres. Trump, who is not, after all, a lawyer or constitutional expert, is not always sure of when he has the authority, and when the governor/state legislature has authority.

I suspect that in many cases, it is probably the Governor who has the power, not the President.

At any rate, mask-wearing is, in the long run, up to each individual.

If scientists/medical personnel recommend it, then individuals would be wise to act upon the recommendation. A “legal requirement” to wear a mask would be rather onerous, as the local law enforcement would then be under mandate to enforce the law, and where do they draw the line, especially when it comes to elderly people who forget or have trouble keeping a mask on, or little children (over age 2) who, no matter how much mama and daddy threaten, continue to pull their little masks off and laugh at their parents. Also, in cities like ours, the law enforcement agencies are somewhat occupied with shootings, gang violence, drug and sex trafficking–you know, the really dangerous stuff that regular citizens can’t just speak up and say, “Hey sir, do you mind not kidnapping that young teenaged girl? I have asthma and it makes me nervous.”

But anyway, I suspect it’s confusion about division of power, and yes, I would agree with you that the President and the governors/state executive branch really should do their homework and get it straight before making mandates or declaring mandates invalid. The uncertainty from our leaders creates uncertainty among the citizens, resulting in a general ennui about “laws.”
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Pres. Trump, who is not, after all, a lawyer or constitutional expert, is not always sure of when he has the authority, and when the governor/state legislature has authority.
A successful businessman usually hires competent lawyers in the course of his career, whatever that may be. Giuliani is not one of them.
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Those people, whether they support the President or not, are still enabled and validated in their beliefs by him.
What we’re seeing is the confusion regarding the authority of the federal government vs. the power of the individual states.
Not really. The influence I refer to has nothing to do with Trump’s constitutional powers. It has to do with his poisonous effect on the people through social media and news conferences.
At any rate, mask-wearing is, in the long run, up to each individual.
During the blitz in London, was the turning off of lights during a raid from the Germans up to each individual? No, it was mandated. Anyone who did not comply was a traitor.
During the blitz in London, was the turning off of lights during a raid from the Germans up to each individual? No, it was mandated. Anyone who did not comply was a traitor.
Britain has a different form of government than we do, so it can’t really be compared.

Also, big difference between seeing German planes flying overhead and seeing your friends and family killed by bombs–and hearing from a television doctor that the masks are not effective–oh wait, yes they are effective–all kinds of face coverings including bandanas are effective–oh wait, only certain kinds of masks are effective.

I work in a hospital lab, and my department does the COVID-19 rapid testing (not the collection of these tests). ALL hospital employees are required to wear masks, although we are not chided if we don’t pull them over our noses, especially if we wear glasses. Most of the lab staff never leave the lab during the day, other than when we enter and leave the building at the beginning and end of each day.

My supervisor walks around all day with her mask around her chin, and most of us pull the masks down when we are on the phone. While we are in our tiny break room eating breakfast or lunch, no one wears a mask (you can’t drink/eat while wearing a mask).

No one says boo to us. (I think that considering the dangerous short staffing in our lab, no one would dare say boo to us–they can’t afford for any of us to be fired or quit!)

No one has contracted COVID-19 so far, after 6 months of this “careless masking behavior.”

So yes, we follow the spirit of the law, but not the letter, at least when we are at work among the very small staff that we see and work with everyday.

Basically what I’m saying is that the mask is probably helping prevent some infections with COVID, but I don’t believe it is nearly as effective as we are being told. I wear it (below the nose) in public, and in Illinois, we are required to wear it when we pull up to the window in the drive-through line at our local restaurants.

But no way do I believe that I am safe from COVID-19 because of that scrap of cloth.

If you do, that’s OK. You might be right and I might be wrong. Right now, we really don’t know who is telling the truth, do we?

And if you trust science–think about all the wrong theories about everything that “science” has presented over the years. I just finished watching a documentary (secular, not from a pro-life organization) about the Theory of Eugenics, which was accepted in the U.S. for several decades around the early 1900s. Wow, what a goofy theory, but it was considered scientific fact back then. Hoo, boy, thank goodness it was disproven by other scientists in the 1940s, but until then, it was amazing how many of us were on the “inferior–must not be allowed to re-produce” list in “science labs!”

Don’t be too quick to trust science. There’s an impressive list of “science mistakes” over the centuries.
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