When I was 13, we were really unpleasant to look at, we wore ugly frumpy clothes
I remember that fashion Lea, it was a little puzzling to us oldies!
The fashion was called 'Grunge" in Australia. I don’t know if the name was universal…
but I don’t believe you look horrid. One day you’ll look back at old photos of young you, and you might wonder, “how didn’t I see my freshness and the beauty of youth, and see how special I really was?” If I could meet you, and you said to me that you ‘look horrid’ I would genuinely be able to tell you all that’s lovely about you (accent on "genuinely!
I was thinking about the introversion you mention. I was very shy and introverted still at your age. I’m trying to figure how much that interaction on social media might hinder you, any young person, from forming friendships. Life will still happen, studying with other people, and working with others, all that will happen for you young ones as it did for us oldies.
In my parents’ time there were dances, country dances, ballroom dancing, but mostly what were then modern vigorous dances and many couples were linked up through dances. and these spilled into my own time. There was a huge dancing hall called Cloudland in my city. Young people attended in droves. The other great linkup in my parents time was the war. That you don’t want.
In my sons’ youth there were night clubs, a different kind of atmosphere.
Camaraderie at work and at university gradually brought light into my ultra-shyness and brought out the natural spirit…which is also available to you young ones. It became more important to put others at ease, to brighten their spirits, rather than to worry about feeling shy and unworthy. That same progression is as possible for your generation as for mine. A danger in social media is where it prevents you from pursuing three-dimensional warm-blooded friends and activities, and of suffering emotional harm resulting from others’ photo-shopped lives or abuse.
However, social media does mean that you can remain in contact with real friends from school, other areas also where earlier generations might have lost track of each other, so that’s a positive aspect of the social media so much a part of lives today.
Thanks for bringing those thoughts to mind Lea.
And God bless you, Love.