No cable, or digital TV. No VCRs or DVRs. No cell phones. Telephones weren’t called landlines and were rotary dial. No Internet. No email. You had to write letters and send them through the mail. Reples took 2 or 3 days to receive instead of minutes (email). Stamps were 1-5 cents. When they went up to 8-10 cents, we felt the world was ending.
Milk was delivered to the door (tasted fresher too). There was no meal delivery unless a neighbor cooked and brought extras to you. You made your own cakes from scratch instead of from a box or getting it from the bakery (if it was a special occasion). TV dinners eaten on a TV tray in front of the TV were the norm. Banquet and Swanson were the big names.
Milk was delivered to the door (tasted fresher too). There was no meal delivery unless a neighbor cooked and brought extras to you. You made your own cakes from scratch instead of from a box or getting it from the bakery (if it was a special occasion). TV dinners eaten on a TV tray in front of the TV were the norm. Banquet and Swanson were the big names.