I like my church for a lot of reasons, one is, they almost universally leave the politics out.
We have a very diverse congregation. Today we had a ‘visiting’ (and retired) priest who has never been there before. He entered with a scowl on his face. I thought “Never judge a book by it’s cover, but that is odd”. After today’s scripture readings he took the pulpit to deliver the homily.
This is what I learned …
We have a very diverse congregation. Today we had a ‘visiting’ (and retired) priest who has never been there before. He entered with a scowl on his face. I thought “Never judge a book by it’s cover, but that is odd”. After today’s scripture readings he took the pulpit to deliver the homily.
This is what I learned …
- The Gospel of Luke is “all about social justice”.
- Today’s Gospel reading of LK 7:11-17 is all about social justice. Christ did not raise the man for pity for the deceased or moved by the procession of friends and family but He raised the man because otherwise his mother (widow) wouldn’t have been allowed to own property since men were only allowed to own property and therefore he did it for ‘social justice’.
- In the United States we are plagued with the sins of social injustices. Pay inequities, and minority prison populations. They are not ‘coincidences but intentional’.
- You SHOULD give a homeless person money EVEN IF you know they will use it to buy alcohol because it will “give them some relief from the reality they are living in.” And finally and most surprisingly…
- ISIS and all terrorism around the world is the result of … “social injustice”. It has nothing, apparently, at all, to do with a perverted ‘religion’ or the manifestation of actual evil on earth. I guess just bad luck for those targeted Christians who are getting slaughtered in unspeakable ways.
He felt compelled to preach yet again at the conclusion of mass about the “social injustices” in this country (abortion didn’t make his list).
It is the first time in my life (cradle Catholic) I almost walked out of mass.
I’ve intentionally saved all the scriptural retorts to the above and any sarcasm (couldn’t help myself on #5, sorry) or highlighting of my disgust, as I wanted it to be a direct recount of what was communicated without any editorializing.
I would be very interested in any comments by those who find the the content of the above sermon defensible.