What Iam in your eyes?

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iam en ex catholic like i said , most people think iam protestant , even thougth i dont identify as one and desagree on the many core protestant views. so lets see

so in sumary what I believe in

God is a Trinity

we must baptize in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit.

The Bible is the word of God and has the highest authority , but The writings of the apostlic age father’s are important help but not to the same level as the Bible.

since with these helps we can asnwer some of the bibles hard themes and questions and they also determine to guide us and not lead us to heresy.

One gets salvation by believing in Jesus and loving him ( if we love him we will keep his commandments and do good works )

The church is not an political institution or any kind of institution or temple

Images are ok since they are art as long as we don’t worship them

Learning about the saints and respecting then is good but no worshipping them

There is no such thing as apostolic succession in rank or seat of power

No, the only apostolic succession is one of message we are the successors of the message left by them.

all bishops are equal , the in rome is not by any means superior.

there is a universal church , but like i said its not instinsitution much less a goverment

We ought to be peaceful harmless and wise

Seek wisdom resist evil and preach the word

if you want to ask more feel free to ask.
By definition, if you’re a Christian but neither Catholic nor Orthodox, you are a protestant. Words have meaning, and what “protestant” means is that someone is a Christian, but not an Orthodox Christian, who is “a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church” (so says the Oxford dictionary). This includes such people as “non-denominationals”. For someone to say that they are a Christian, but not a Catholic or Orthodox, yet also not protestant, would be like saying in 2008 that you drive a Tesla, but not a Roadster (this was Tesla’s first car, so you can see how this would be a false statement).
well iam a non denomenational then. good to know , since personaly dont belive in any proestant church to be honest

heck i belive their most of them are scams
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well i looked it and says what you said and
“follow the principles of the Reformation”

eh no i dont follow that

while i do belive that the bible has the highest authority i dont belive in sola scriptura , with out the writings of the apostolic church fathers and the didache and Historical and liguistical context we cant understand the bible.
XDDDD its say iam catholic … 91% catholic

boy is that wrong
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That’s fun, but there are a few question where I wish I could select two boxes, like the one about the creation of the universe, or about the importance of good works.

I got Roman Catholic 😛
XDDDD its say iam catholic … 91% catholic

boy is that wrong
Based on what you put in your OP, I’d say that is accurate. You have some quibbles with the faith, and obviously don’t want to be associated with the name “Catholic”, but your beliefs still sound cafeteria catholic to me.
no i dont have any hate for catholics or the universal church , and you migth be rigth my belifs are really similar

i think the big my biggest problem with the church is historical revionisim

And if traidtion is wrong why should I trust it
Well, if you were baptized a Catholic, I view you as a Catholic. Fallen away perhaps, but a Catholic.

Whether or not you self identify as a protestant, you hold with many protestant beliefs. So, functionally, you are a protestant.

It would kind of like me saying ‘I believe in most planks of the Democratic party. I support Democrats in office. But I don’t see myself as a Democrat’.

That’s fine. But, functionally, you’re a Democrat.
if my case , if said traidtion has no early sources , or the ecclesitastical and secular sources .

and it has a lot of evidence that it probably dint happend then i would classify that as wrong
iam baptized as a catholic

i do hold protestan belives …not a lot of them but yeah

Perhaps, but I have known self-identified Protestants who accept Sola Scriptura, but not Sola Fide, for example.
if said traidtion has no early sources , or the ecclesitastical and secular sources .
Since your name is “historyfan” I’m going to assume that you fully understand the difficulties with sourcing anything we know about antiquity. So, I’d love to know what your standard of evidence for religious tradition is and how that compares to your standard of evidence for anything else that happened in 100AD.
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