What Iam in your eyes?

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pretty much the same , sources , second sources , do the sources contradict? do the secular sources help prove it or disporve it? in timeline perspective.

iam going to give some examples , did peter write the espiteles of peter ?

did peter founded the church of rome or merly took over?

did the concept of apostolic sucession evolve over time?
By definition, if you’re a Christian but neither Catholic nor Orthodox, you are a protestant.
Simply not true. Anglicans are not, by definition, Protestant. They were not part of the formal protest at Speyer.
Old Catholics are not. PNCC are not.
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Neither do Methodists, but I’ll bet that you probably aren’t Methodist either.
iam en ex catholic like i said , most people think iam protestant , even thougth i dont identify as one and desagree on the many core protestant views. so lets see

so in sumary what I believe in
God is a Trinity =Catholic

we must baptize in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit.=Catholic

The Bible is the word of God and has the highest authority , but The writings of the apostlic age father’s are important help but not to the same level as the Bible. Scripture and Tradition are both valid and crucial sources of revelation.

since with these helps we can asnwer some of the bibles hard themes and questions and they also determine to guide us and not lead us to heresy. Tradition is even more important for this need.

One gets salvation by believing in Jesus and loving him ( if we love him we will keep his commandments and do good works )=Catholic And this is not necessarily Protestant teaching,as you’ve structured your statement at any rate. It’s more in line with this Catholic teaching: "At the evening of life we shall be judged on our love."

The church is not an political institution or any kind of institution or temple As well as being a spiritual entity the Church is necessarily a physical, visible entity with a unified faith and a historical lineage traceable to the beginnings, established and guided by Christ so that we may have a place where we know the “buck stops”. The fact that many non-Catholics “dont identify as one and desagree on the many core protestant views” gives testimony itself for the need of such an institution. God being so wise and all. 😀

Images are ok since they are art as long as we don’t worship them =Catholic

Learning about the saints and respecting then is good but no worshipping them =Catholic

There is no such thing as apostolic succession in rank or seat of power There better be. And the Church in both the east and west agrees on this.

No, the only apostolic succession is one of message we are the successors of the message left by them. Protestant messages differ widely.

all bishops are equal , the in rome is not by any means superior. Why not? And not superior as an individual but only in terms of authority. Someone has to do it.

there is a universal church , but like i said its not instinsitution much less a goverment, Universal and unified-or else highly compromised
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so catholic but quibbles with the faith and some of its traditions

so iam in a grey era?
I took something like that shortly after I was confirmed and came up with Baha’I. 🤨
Bahá’í Faith

its similar to the new age in some regards
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Presumably none of our individual theologies are perfect. And questioning is good, or else we don’t come to any authentic faith of our own-and can’t hope to keep moving closer to the truth. The Church teaches, in fact, that we must be true to our own consciences. But we must also continue to seek and to challenge ourselves-and give the Church the benefit of the doubt. It’s a group effort, this Christianity thing. We need valid information which is what revelation is all about. And yet it’s easy to be wrong on our own because we sift everything through our individual subjective thought processes-and preferences, too, perhaps-which is why Protestants often disagree strongly on significant matters, going by Scripture alone. We need personal guidance by the Holy Spirit and yet He has also provided a place where we can expect to get the right knowledge in order to understand and discern correctly. We’re not to be like total mavericks. The Church received and proclaimed the gospel before a word of the New Testament was written.
i do like that but well i think until i discover something that i was missing or new evidence comes iam stuck in this limbo
i do both , and it got me here , to not follow the catholic church at least not belive 100% on all its traditions

ps ( for any guy who wants money here and for x reason is reading catholic formus , and wants to create his new church based on what i have said please dont i dont aprove )
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By definition, if you’re a Christian but neither Catholic nor Orthodox, you are a protestant.
Simply not true. Anglicans are not, by definition, Protestant. They were not part of the formal protest at Speyer.
Is this the “standard” for being protestant?
ps ( for any guy who wants money here and for x reason is reading catholic formus , and wants to create his new church based on what i have said please dont i dont aprove )
Darn! Shot my idea all to heck anyway. :roll_eyes: 😄
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XDDD, its better to say it just in case .

so no one creates something like the reformed catholic church,or the unviersal church ,the church of golden XDD
Reading your list I concluded you are Catholic. The only issue is the we are based on Apostolic teaching and the Bible came from the church. You are right about Bishops. The Pope is the first amount equals! We pray to saints and that is not about worship just talking!
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so catholic but does not adhere to some things

well good to know
i do like that but well i think until i discover something that i was missing or new evidence comes iam stuck in this limbo
Does this limbo include not discipling people? If you are in fact discipling people what church do you recommend they attend?

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