Tom Jefferson who was not a Christian assemble just such a booklet…Good deeds accomplished by Jesus…with no hint of any devine background in this wonderful strange person .Only thing is,Pilate did not find Jesus guilty of anything it was the cowardly PC clergy (mmm ) who changed their accusations from being a messiah to being anti-dictatorship.a revolutionary without an army yet? Since tho Jesus did ask more then once…'Whom do you think I am?" and Peter answered “You are the Christ etc” and Jesus did not corrrect him like…“no not quite,just a social worker…” so if Jesus was not the Son of God he was an evil man who helped put millions to death later since they believed in HIm and were considered enemies of the pagan state. I would like to have a good ole time here also…but I dunno,a man gets whupped,starved,nailed to a cross beam,stabbed in the chest near the heart,left up for all to see for some 3 hours…sealed up in an air-tight tomb and pronouced dead by professional executioners…tomb guarded by both Roman guards and religious for three days…then puff…gone…massive rock rolled back and the 16 guards dumbfounded…one has to realize for important guard duty assingments the Romans assigned some 16 troopers to the task…each in rows of 4…the first sitting,the second kneeling,the third standing and the fourth resting…an intrudder would have found it impossible to get to the tomb opening without stepping on a guards,face,neck,body etc…the above formation is then switched every 4 hours…no sane person dies for a lie knowing its a lie…I stand with the millions who either saw Jesus after He was dead and those who fought tyranny in His name…and the fight continues…amen and amen…Nino