I am a faithful catholic born and raised. But I often wonder is there any historical support/proof outside of the bible that Jesus did exist. I know that he existed and much of the world accepts that but I’m curious how much do we know about him outside of scripture?
I hear so many accusations that the catholic church “labled” jesus divine and God a few centuries after he died. I know that scripture says he is God and is divine but how do I know the church did not put that in there?
Going on top of that, how do you think Christianity would survive if they ever found Jesus’s grave or tomb with him in it? Or if he was proven to just be a man? If he was then he certainly was the most perfect man to exist. Could Christianity still live on following jesus’s morals?
I don’t believe any of this but a thought came across earlier just what if this were to happen. I often think scientifically and I realize that most of what we believe is faith based on scripture and there is really is no other evidence. That is what is great about our faith and how strong it is.
But it makes me ill to think if this was all an illusion too. So many atheists I run into claim this and I know in my heart it isn’t but just from a what if stand point if it were. How would you cope with that as a Catholic or a Christian?