No, God is the lawgiver, whether he exists or not. It’s part of the definition of “God,” at least the Christian conception of God.People believe god is the law giver. It is what they believe god wants what theybelieve they are following.
And the theist wouldn’t totally disagree with you. We just have the Bible and the Church to turn to for guidance as well.Theists really get there values the same way the rest of us do.
You misunderstand what I mean by “with every fiber of your being.” I’m talking about a totally self-conscious, self-willed actualization of the Dostoyevskian “If God does not exist, then all things are permissible” principle. If you’re following your conscience at all, you’re not totally adhering to it. And following the laws of your community is similar insofar as you do it to adhere to some phantom “spirit of fairness.”Really what would happen, is that you continue to follow the laws of your community, the general sense of fairness people evolved with, the customs that you have been trained to observe, and your imaginings of how the world should work. The same rules that believers are following without realizing it. But that’s okay, most atheists don’t realize that’s what they are following either.
They fall squarely in the extremely end of pride. Atheists at least try to adhere to the truth, which is why the radical atheism I described earlier is difficult for them to get to: it requires you to no longer care about truth, when it was only radical adherence to the truth as you know it that allows you to get as radical as you got. It’s kinda like Buddhism, in that respect.People who feel that only their rules matter are called sociopaths. They make up about 2% of the general population, and don’t fall neatly into any one belief system.
No, that’s what really is going on, insofar as the concept of “God” can be generalized to “lawgiver.” If you believe in right and wrong outside of your own preferences, you have a tiny kernel of faith in God, if not “God.”That’s what theists believe is going on.