Your conclusion that science has so much more to offer than religion is based on the assumption that there is no life after death, correct? If you are wrong about that, then, in the end, all the people who honestly sought the whole Truth and were truly sorry enough when they died for their sins of commission and omission, and truly threw themselves on God’s mercy, will present to you their eternal reward in heaven with all it’s infinite reward of the beatific vision, to go along with greatest sorrow for each and every sin they ever committed, and say with certitude, religion offered and produced much greater than science and they are glad for the grace to have made the right decision. Correct? And then you would agree also, correct?
Do you really believe there is nothing morally evil, intrinsically a violation of people’s rights and of an objective moral order, for someone to give 30 children ice cream cones, (laced with poison) just to watch them die? Please, also answer out loud, where ever you are, in a complete sentence, restating as much as possible of my question, and then ask yourself if it really sounds right and defensible and whether you would want all little children and the rest of the world to follow that philosophy to it’s logical end. Would you want that? Do you see how I see it, that; If there is no objectively morally good , better, best in anything, like sacrificing your wants in order to help someone to learn to read or be able to dress or to feed themselves; nothing objectively better in the hope of peace in families, or in the world, or in our souls (our consciencses, our hearts), if there is no purpose because we can not give purpose, (really give it) to our lives if there is no purpose to all of creation, how sad and empty life must be, almost to the point of despair because there is nothing to hope for in the end, other than the possibility that we are wrong and realize it and will to change before it is to late? Does anything give you real joy, a gladness of heart, a feeling that at least in this small area, it is as it should be? What is it? If there is one moral should, how can that be without a true God?
In reply: God is by definition the creator of all space and time and He must be truly infinite in each of His attributes and yet perfectly simple, (there can not be part of God anywhere) and the perfections of all the virtues we can know because He has revealed them in our hearts,like caring hardwork, honesty, loyalty and the list is long. Therefore the objective moral order comes from God’s goodness and infinite knowledge and His desire to help us be like Him in Love; willing to do all we can to help others to be good, to be holy. Again, do reject the idea that it is right and good to try and help people when we can and there is a moral law that tells us in our hearts that we should try?