What in Catholic Tradition contradicts the Bible?

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When talking about Sola Scriptura, as per the Lutheran definition, what in Catholic Tradition contradicts the Bible?

This definition was provided by:
posted by Shibboleth
Sola Scriptura means that we cannot write things that contradict or are at par with scripture. We cannot write infallible works – ipso facto add to scripture. Scripture is profitable for teaching, so are traditions – but traditions are not infallible. If at anytime tradition conflicts with scripture it is wrong.
I ask this because I assume that the reason people who believe in Sola Scriptura as quoted above, would be Catholic if there were not things that Catholic Tradition teaches that contradict the Bible. Or is that a wrong assumption? But to reiterate the main question, what in Catholic Tradition contradicts the Bible?

God Bless,
When talking about Sola Scriptura, as per the Lutheran definition, what in Catholic Tradition contradicts the Bible?
Everything we do and say… lol
The question is in authority. Does Scripture, or more specifically the Bible have ultimate authority or does the Catholic Church have the ultimate authority?
If it is the Bible, then we need not follow popes, priest, for that matter any one, we can rely on the Holy Spirit and the Bible alone. The major problem with that is that it is not the way our Lord, Jesus, established. The Holy Spirit doesn’t force anyone to follow, you may indeed feel the Holy Spirit is leading you and in fact Satan leads you. Jesus left the Holy Spirit to guide the Church, not each and every individual; He gave authority to Peter, and the Apostles, not to each and every individual. Basically sola Scriptura strips the Church of its authority bestowed upon it by Jesus. Jesus did not say, “Write a book and use it as your “pillar and foundation of truth”. He did however leave us “the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth” 1 Tm 4,14
When talking about Sola Scriptura, as per the Lutheran definition, what in Catholic Tradition contradicts the Bible?
Nothing. Holy Scripture is inerrant (i.e free from error). It was the infallible Church which, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, brought together the inerrant Scriptures.
Catholic Tradition properly applied does not contradict the Bible. However it can be missaplied and twisted like any truth. The middle ages where the German Bishop Tetzel was charging for indulgences are a good exaomple for this. THis was readily fixed by the infalliable council of Trent on how to properly handle indulgences. How Trent applies this is Biblical how an indivual who is corrupt like Tetzel tradition can be missaplied.
Oops. I was in a hurry. I meant to post this in non-Catholic religions since I was mostly looking for non-Catholic reasons not Catholic beliefs. Is there any way for the thread to get moved over there?
posted by RBushlow
The question is in authority. Does Scripture, or more specifically the Bible have ultimate authority or does the Catholic Church have the ultimate authority?
I would agree that, ultimately, this is what it does come down to.

But Catholics do have Scripture that supports the primacy of Peter. I particularly like the one with feed my lambs, tend my sheep, and feed my sheep. Since I just recently realized that it said this:o it was so cool to finally really see this verse for the first time! And frankly, from a Catholic perspective, it is so beautiful and clear. Christ was talking to Peter. And Christ told Peter to feed the lambs (lay people), tend the sheep (other pastors), and feed the sheep. Christ gave Peter the job of tending and feeding everyone. Looks like a Pope to me:yup:

But what do my separated Brethren think?

Your sister in Christ,
it goes against history. the history of the bible attests that it was the church exercising its apostolic authority that determined what is and is not scripture. we need the authority of the church to tell us what belongs in the bible(1tim3:15) dios los bendiga.
Jesus left the Holy Spirit to guide the Church, not each and every individual;
Whoa! (Puff! Puff!)

That threw me for a loop. That is so opposite what it sounded like every time I listened to or read Jesus talking about sending a Helper. Is this for real, and if so where can I find out more about it?

That is so opposite what it sounded like every time I listened to or read Jesus talking about sending a Helper. Is this for real, and if so where can I find out more about it?
The Holy Spirit does help individual Christians but history has shown that Spirit-filled Christians can fall into error. However, the Holy Spirit preserves the pope and the bishops in union with him from officially teaching error, otherwise Jesus’ promise of Matt 16:18 about the gates of Hades not prevailing over the Church was an idle promise.

Consider the case of whether Gentile converts to Christianity needed to be circumcised, presented in Acts 15. Individual Spirit-filled Christians in the early Church held differing opinions on this issue, i.e., not all Spirit-filled Christians were individually lead to the same truth. This issue was only settled when the leaders of the Church, the Apostles and elders, got together in Jerusalem and, with the Holy Spirit’s aid, decided the issue (Acts 15:28). Note Peter’s (the first pope’s) leadership role in settling this issue (Acts 15:7-12). And, the decision of the Apostles and elders on this issue was delivered to the cities “for observance” (Acts 16:4). Individual Spirit-filled Christians are called to obey their leaders and submit to them (Heb 13:17), lest they be “tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles.” (Eph 4:14)
Whoa! (Puff! Puff!) That threw me for a loop. That is so opposite what it sounded like every time I listened to or read Jesus talking about sending a Helper. Is this for real, and if so where can I find out more about it?Alan
Disclaimer: this is my opinion only, not official Church teaching.
Sure, read Scripture carefully. Jesus teaches on different levels to different audiences. He addresses His Apostles with certain teachings and instructions, He addresses His disciples on a different level, and He address the multitudes on still another level. For example, He confers the power to forgive sins to the Apostles only, not to His disciples or the general populace. He teaches the beatitudes (Mt 5) to the masses. He discusses the real presence in the (future) Eucharist to His disciples and Apostles, but not the rest. After His resurrection He appeared two of the Apostles (Peter and one other Lk 24,34) on the road to Emmaus and interpreted all the Scripture that referred to Him and then He appears to the rest of the Apostles and He opened their minds to understand the Scripture (Lk 24, 36-49) I could go on but you get the point? So we need to look at whom He is talking to, in all instances about the Holy Spirit guiding He is teaching the Apostles only. That is the leadership of the Church, not the congregation. He guarantees the Church will be guided by the Holy Spirit, and will teach no error. The difference is in the guiding; He says the Spirit will guide His Church (Apostles) not the multitudes. You and I, even though we receive the Holy Spirit can be deceived. The Church cannot be deceived.
Sorry, my post didn’t include some referenes, try Jn 14, 25; 15,26;16,13. Lk 24, 44-49. 1 Jn 2,1; 2,27. (Pss 25,5 and 143,10. not assoiated with the teaching of Jesus but the Spirit) there are many others but that’s a start.
Scripture and Sacred Tradition are not in opposition, Scripture is part of Sacred Tradition which is received from Jesus Christ, the Word Incarnate, and has been handed on orally and in writing in the constant unchanging teaching of the Magesterial office of the Catholic Church, protected by the Holy Spirit. Nothing in Scripture contradicts Catholic teaching, nothing in Catholic teaching contradicts Scripture.
My statements posted above were not to claim accusations about the Catholic Church. In all things I must admit that I could be wrong and that includes that all that the Catholic Church says and does could be correct.

I will defend and explain my own faith, and if at times we are on opposite sides of the fence it will show.

In reference to this statement the Pope can also mislead people to hell.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t force anyone to follow, you may indeed feel the Holy Spirit is leading you and in fact Satan leads you.
“If the Pope should become neglectful of his own salvation, and of that of other men, and so lost to all good that he draw down with himself innumerable people by heaps into hell, and plunge them with himself into eternal torments, yet no mortal may presume to reprehend him, forasmuch as he is judge of all, and is judged of no one.” Decreti, pars i. distinct. xl.can.xi.

He can do this and yet you may not reprehend – voice disproval – of him. How few Catholics actually follow this law.
How few Catholics actually follow this law.
Woops I just realized how incorrect and horrible this statement was… I tend to get upset at individuals repeatedly attacking the Pope on issues like kissing the Koran. Of course this is a small number of Catholics not a large number.

I apologize.
I tried to find that in canon law but couldn’t, could you give a reference? “Decreti, pars i. distinct. xl.can.xi.” wasn’t a reference I could find
All that I have is a document stating it, so I cannot help. I assumed it was real - I have seen it in other words. i will look on the net.
I have posted a question to the Canon Law forum at EWTN regarding that decreti, shibboleth and tom. When they answer me, I’ll relay it to you.

Meanwhile, might I ask, shibboleth, if you found that reference on one of the “jesus-is-lord” web sites?
Ahh, its a Papal Decretal

I beleive that there was a problem with some of these being forgeries, This may be one of them. I apologize if it is…

No I got it from a book on heresies. This is a problem with some Protestant liturature. It might not be intentionally biased, but sometimes it is…


please inform me on it when you find out.
I’ve searched new advent.com, catholic.com, the Vatican library, canon law, papal decrees, no luck. It sounds like something that was taken out of context, like the first sentence was this is not how it happens… lol Without a reference I can’t find it.
Well for starters, an 7th Day Adventist would be sure to point out we violate the 10 commandments by not keeping holy the Sabboth. Instead we worship on Sunday - a day of work in the Bible.

We worship and adore the Trinity and His established leadership on earth and not some book (the Bible) written years after the Church was formed.

Again, these are ‘opinions’ friends have told me. They are not my own. I am just adding what some others think.
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