Again,Oh, of course there is difference between those propositions:
The default position about any claim about reality is to not believe it is the case until sufficient evidence is presented to change your current understanding of reality.
IE: X does not believe claim Y made by person Z.
Your point on 3 is a knowledge claim, not a belief claim. No one knows if a Y is the case or if not-Y is the case. But the belief claim is a default position of believing not-Y is the case until evidence is presented for every claim about reality.
There is no middle ground with belief claims. You either believe you don’t. You can believe things to varying degrees of certainty, but you can not have a middle ground between belief and disbelief.
We’ll keep doing this until your feedback adjusts to what was presented. You are not giving any feedback on what you think I said and are just giving feedback on how you interpreted what I said and ran from there. You never ask to see if what I said matches how you interpreted it and that’s the problem with talking to people like you. Not once have you asked, “This is what you said, is this what you mean…” You don’t care about understanding, you care about keeping your position than learning and adjusting.
So your point here was about atheists not being honest and open-minded? I’ll leave that up to the fair-minded readers to determine that since you don’t seem to take in anything from this side that was presented at all that doesn’t comport to your ignorant position. We are open to what ever reality indicates to be the case. You are coming across as wanting to accuse people of close-mindedness when they don’t ascribe to your level of possible belief about the supernatural. Well tough. We do have higher levels of “evidence and argument” than it takes for you to accept the supernatural as a possibility. We are telling the religious community all the time why their claims of evidence and arguments don’t work on us and what would, but the religious community continually fails to present that level of evidence for the last 2000 years for christianity it seems.Maybe you should read the whole sentence: “Oh, you mean I should have said ‘There is actually zero actual evidence of atheists in general (and you specifically) being so perfectly honest and open-minded.’?”.
Yes I’m not as open-minded as you would like because I’m not trying to paint the bulls-eye around the arrow that I want. Reality doesn’t owe me the answer my culture would like, reality owes my culture the truth of what reality actually is.That’s a lot of words for “I am not really all that open-minded.”…