i’d respectfully suggest that many of the folks posting to this forum might learn to retain tact, kindness, and charity in their posts. there seems to be a lack of that here, and it’s saddening.
i am a convert, and most of my closest friends are still protestants. the reasons that they are prots are very varied. some have doctrinal problems, such as mary, the pope, confession, or transubstantiation. most of these issues are misunderstandings of what the RCC really teaches, but some do actually understand and simply reject it based on their ‘Biblical’ answer.
some are prot due to cultural reasons - they were brought up that way. they are God loving, Bible believing, obedient christians, who would probably be catholic if they had been brought up that way.
some are vigorously anti catholic, while most are very tolerant of, and even loving and sympathetic with, the roman church. most of my friends love the RCC and like to learn from it, but many are not interested in becoming catholic due to societal and family pressures.
some are not interested in becoming catholic because they don’t like the educational systems that the RCC has in place. i have two very good friends who are seriously considering swimming the tiber, but they’re worried that their child (who is about to be born) will not receive a quality christian education about God and the Bible and so forth.
these are some other reasons.