What is it with Protestants?

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Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!

1: Ignorance, the same as why most Catholics leave the Church.​

Now #3 can contribute to their reason.

Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
To your list I would add:

The influence of our nihilistic culture

The last one, fear, is what keeps many people in Fundamentalist/Pentecostalist sects. They are convinced that they will be doomed to hell if they embrace the “whore of Babylon” instead of clinging to their “OSAS” or “Jesus and Me” theology.
Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
Maybe, but the three choices above perhaps uncharitably leave out a 4th option, which is a willing choice. As a protestant, it is very hard for me to become comfortable with submission to an interpretive authority. I enjoy reading Church teachings, and agree with a great deal of it, but I and other protestants choose to imagine that there may be some teachings that we disagree with; and, as non-subscribers to the idea that there is an infallible interpreter of scripture, we must keep that possibility open.
Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
You may also want to consider the possibility that some of us simply disagree with what the church teaches.

Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
I agree and your order seems correct too.

I once spent some hours in the cockpit of a DC10 flying between Hong Kong and Honolulu debating the Catholic Faith with two Protestant pilots.

The number one problem is the hearsay errors they had heard about the Catholic Church. e.g. Papal infallibility.

No 2 is stubborness. They kept insisting that an unmarried priest, even with training, is not able to understand marriage sufficiently to counsel a married couple.
Counter 1: “Do you need to be a woman to be a gynaecologist?”
Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
All of the above! But I do agree that ignorance is the predominant factor. The same can be said for lapsed, lazy, and dissident Catholics.
Maybe all of the above…but as their name clearly states “Protest” the Catholic Church and it’s teachings.
Maybe, but the three choices above perhaps uncharitably leave out a 4th option, which is a willing choice. As a protestant, it is very hard for me to become comfortable with submission to an interpretive authority. I enjoy reading Church teachings, and agree with a great deal of it, but I and other protestants choose to imagine that there may be some teachings that we disagree with; and, as non-subscribers to the idea that there is an infallible interpreter of scripture, we must keep that possibility open.
I most certainly was not trying to be uncharitable!
I was a Protestant and all of those could have applied to me. Fortunately I came into the Fullness of the Faith due to both the prayers of others and the example of some good practicing Catholics. Annunciata:)
Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!
I don’t reject the Catholic Faith, which I believe is bigger than the institutional church. I chose to reject the institution becuse I feel that the bishops and cardinals are not good stewards. Their primary motivations. IMO, are power and personal success; the good of needy and spiritual matters are secondary concerns, if even that high on their agendas.

Having rejected an institution run by a bunch of Enron-executive lookalikes, I then sat around for 6 months without any connections. I found a wonderful family of faith and now I’m “protestant”.

The bishops are driving many away. Those of us who for years may not have agreed with all dogma and declarations, but felt that the church was focused on the poor and needy, are leaving. When we found out that the bishops and manipulative lawyers were buying silence by bullying abuse victims; when they moved abusers with full knowledge; when they chose to put their careers and aspirations first; that witness they gave by their actions caused many of us cradle Catholics to cry “ENOUGH !”

So add “Corrupt and morally bankrupt hierarchy” to your list and you’ll have a more objective listing of reasons.
I don’t reject the Catholic Faith, which I believe is bigger than the institutional church. I chose to reject the institution becuse I feel that the bishops and cardinals are not good stewards. Their primary motivations. IMO, are power and personal success; the good of needy and spiritual matters are secondary concerns, if even that high on their agendas.
Having rejected an institution run by a bunch of Enron-executive lookalikes, I then sat around for 6 months without any connections. I found a wonderful family of faith and now I’m “protestant”.
Let me see, you chose to leave the Church because there were sinners in the Church? Well, I’m glad you found a sin-free church to worship in. :gopray2:

PXseeker said:

The bishops are driving many away. Those of us who for years may not have agreed with all dogma and declarations, but felt that the church was focused on the poor and needy, are leaving. When we found out that the bishops and manipulative lawyers were buying silence by bullying abuse victims; when they moved abusers with full knowledge; when they chose to put their careers and aspirations first; that witness they gave by their actions caused many of us cradle Catholics to cry “ENOUGH !”

So add “Corrupt and morally bankrupt hierarchy” to your list and you’ll have a more objective listing of reasons.

Sounds Martin Lutherish, eh? Don’t stay around and try to fix the problem, after all, that is more difficult. Leave, and start your own protest!

BTW, talk about painting with a broad brush, whew!! Didn’t Jesus say something about judging others???!! :whacky:
Bad teaching for the past 500 years. The original reformers got a few things wrong, but their descendant sects now reject a lot of their own founders’ teachings because they were too Catholic.

I don’t reject the Catholic Faith, which I believe is bigger than the institutional church. I chose to reject the institution becuse I feel that the bishops and cardinals are not good stewards. Their primary motivations. IMO, are power and personal success; the good of needy and spiritual matters are secondary concerns, if even that high on their agendas.

Having rejected an institution run by a bunch of Enron-executive lookalikes, I then sat around for 6 months without any connections. I found a wonderful family of faith and now I’m “protestant”.

The bishops are driving many away. Those of us who for years may not have agreed with all dogma and declarations, but felt that the church was focused on the poor and needy, are leaving. When we found out that the bishops and manipulative lawyers were buying silence by bullying abuse victims; when they moved abusers with full knowledge; when they chose to put their careers and aspirations first; that witness they gave by their actions caused many of us cradle Catholics to cry “ENOUGH !”

So add “Corrupt and morally bankrupt hierarchy” to your list and you’ll have a more objective listing of reasons.
I understand your disgust of the “Abuse Scandal” (I’m from MA) and you are talking about imperfect human beings, what I can’t understand is that if you really believed that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, then how could you leave…? Please come back! Help us fix it! Much Love in Christ, Annunciata:)
i’d respectfully suggest that many of the folks posting to this forum might learn to retain tact, kindness, and charity in their posts. there seems to be a lack of that here, and it’s saddening.

i am a convert, and most of my closest friends are still protestants. the reasons that they are prots are very varied. some have doctrinal problems, such as mary, the pope, confession, or transubstantiation. most of these issues are misunderstandings of what the RCC really teaches, but some do actually understand and simply reject it based on their ‘Biblical’ answer.

some are prot due to cultural reasons - they were brought up that way. they are God loving, Bible believing, obedient christians, who would probably be catholic if they had been brought up that way.

some are vigorously anti catholic, while most are very tolerant of, and even loving and sympathetic with, the roman church. most of my friends love the RCC and like to learn from it, but many are not interested in becoming catholic due to societal and family pressures.

some are not interested in becoming catholic because they don’t like the educational systems that the RCC has in place. i have two very good friends who are seriously considering swimming the tiber, but they’re worried that their child (who is about to be born) will not receive a quality christian education about God and the Bible and so forth.

these are some other reasons.
In my opinion, most protestants are protestant because Martin Luther wanted to be his own little pope and start his own church with his own beliefs. That’s what started the whole mess. However, now, the great+ grandchildren of these first PROTESTants are not Catholic because they were born into it - they do not know any better. Or, to avoid being offensive, I should say MOST of them are. SOME PROTESTants are PROTESTant because they have studied the Catholic faith and have made a conscious decision to be PROTESTant - in my opinion, they are either ignoring the full Truth of the Catholic faith, or they were not properly taught the full Truth of the Catholic faith. Whether the former or the latter, it is sad.

To Kotton - as far as lack of setting a good example by Catholics, the same can be said for people of all faiths. We are all sinners. I believe the statement you made on this point was unfair.
i’d respectfully suggest that many of the folks posting to this forum might learn to retain tact, kindness, and charity in their posts. there seems to be a lack of that here, and it’s saddening.
I’m truly sorry for that, it was not my intention…we all have opinions
some are not interested in becoming catholic because they don’t like the educational systems that the RCC has in place. i have two very good friends who are seriously considering swimming the tiber, but they’re worried that their child (who is about to be born) will not receive a quality christian education about God and the Bible and so forth.
Tell them not to worry…things are changing! My grandchildren go to a wonderful Catholic School and are being taught the true Faith. And, you, a convert! How great is this…what an example you are for your friends! Much Love in Christ, Annunciata:)
Why do you think that Protestants reject the Catholic Church?
  • Out of ignorance?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Lack of good example by Catholics?
I think it’s out of ingnorance of the Faith…if they really new what the Church teaches then they would be breaking down the doors!

Try turning it round - since Protestantism is obviously the true religion, why do Catholics insist on rejecting Protestantism ? 🙂

That’s a bit sharper in tone than your question, but it makes the point.

There are probably as many reasons as there are people. 🙂 ##
Gottle of Geer said:
## Try turning it round - since Protestantism is obviously the true religion, why do Catholics insist on rejecting Protestantism ? 🙂

That’s a bit sharper in tone than your question, but it makes the point.

🙂 ##

G of G

Could you elaborate on this a little bit? I’m not sure I understand your point. 🙂

I do understand that there are probably as many reasons as there are people. 🙂
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