Oh, but it does. If you don’t want to acknowledge this, I can’t make you.
God doesn’t burn people in hell–they do it to themselves. Hell is the absence of God. Whether that burning is actual or metaphorical makes no difference, really because the pain is the same. People send themselves to hell by cutting themselves off the the only source of eternal love–God. We should fear the allurements of the world, the flesh and the devil which take us away from loving God and others. If we only care for ourselves we will spend eternity alone, regretting how we rejected love for selfishness. Think of Marley in A Christmas Carol. What did he say? He said he forged the chain that bound him–not the God did that to him. He had choices to make and he chose to hurt people for personal gain.
You are free to believe whatever you want, but since we have free will (you couldn’t believe anything contrary to God’s law without free will), it doesn’t matter what you want to believe–the truth is we are free to do what we want. We are free agents who can either do God’s will (which is to align our hearts, minds, wills and actions to his in love) or we can reject his love for eternity. The choice is ours to make.
No one goes to hell who has not deliberately, with full knowledge and of his own free will chosen to reject God’s love. People won’t be surprised to find themselves there. They will have chosen it.
You must know that this is an evasion of the truth. Morals and rules have a lot in common–they are for the best interests of ourselves and others.
Indeed. He doesn’t need us at all. So why did he bother to send Jesus to save us? Out of love and no other reason since he had no other reason to do so.
He judges because he is justice. Justice isn’t a concept–it’s a Person. He is also mercy and love. He is always willing to exercise mercy and love over justice if we are willing to accept it.
He is truth. There is nothing arbitary about his judgments–they are honest and true. It is we who judge falsely from self interest. God made us, it follows that he can do whatever he wants with us. That he chooses to love us is the real wonder here, not that he expects us to cooperate with his love.
We do follow the moral code God gave us–because it is true. To deny truth is absurb and self-defeating. Again, we choose hell when we reject God’s love for in the end love is the standard by which we will be judged. Look at the examples Jesus gave us of judgment. Who comes out badly? The servant who wouldn’t forgive a felllow servant who owed him a debt even though the first servant had been forgiven a must greater debt. The man who thinks he’s better than the Publican. Those refused to care for the sick, the needy, the helpless. Nowhere does God punish anyone for doing the right thing or going out of their way to care for others. Nowhere. How is that arbitary and a burden? It just plain isn’t.