This is an assertion which has no real value in terms of my obtaining truth and understanding. You need to decide what is more important to you.Oh, but it does. If you don’t want to acknowledge this, I can’t make you.![]()
How?God doesn’t burn people in hell–they do it to themselves.
What does that mean?Hell is the absence of God.
It does make a difference. It is not necessary for God to burn anyone for their sins. This is a malicious reaction born of hatred toward somebody; its an emotional judgment unfitting for a perfect God. If Gods nature is love then he has no choice but to love you what ever choice you make in life; it does not change. It does not matter if you are a human being or the devil himself. Eternal Hellfire makes no rational sense.Whether that burning is actual or metaphorical makes no difference,
I can however accept the idea that God’s love can be rejected eternally, but that has to be the choice of the person alone and can never be the choice of an eternally loving God.
No it is not.the pain is the same.
I don’t choose to hurt people for personal gain, but apparently you can go to hell for rejecting peoples religious beliefs. I have no patience for a God who supposedly warns a particular individual of the possibility of hell and then fashions our destinies based upon whether or not we accept on faith the words of that individual.People send themselves to hell by cutting themselves off the the only source of eternal love–God. We should fear the allurements of the world, the flesh and the devil which take us away from loving God and others. If we only care for ourselves we will spend eternity alone, regretting how we rejected love for selfishness. Think of Marley in A Christmas Carol. What did he say? He said he forged the chain that bound him–not the God did that to him. He had choices to make and he chose to hurt people for personal gain.
That is insanity. This does not seem like the actions of a God that wants me to know him. It sounds like a God that likes playing games with peoples minds.
I never said that we do not have freewill. I said we can do nothing without God’s power.You are free to believe whatever you want, but since we have free will (you couldn’t believe anything contrary to God’s law without free will), it doesn’t matter what you want to believe–the truth is we are free to do what we want. We are free agents who can either do God’s will (which is to align our hearts, minds, wills and actions to his in love) or we can reject his love for eternity. The choice is ours to make.
Why does rejecting God’s love mean that they must suffer for all eternity? They did not ask for existence. Surely God bares some responsibility.No one goes to hell who has not deliberately, with full knowledge and of his own free will chosen to reject God’s love. People won’t be surprised to find themselves there. They will have chosen it.
You presume to know my motives. Human laws and religious laws have a lot in common, but they are not the same thing and they do not deal with the same set of problems even though they appear to.You must know that this is an evasion of the truth. Morals and rules have a lot in common–they are for the best interests of ourselves and others.
If his intentions is to save everyone, then i don’t know why God created hell.Indeed. He doesn’t need us at all. So why did he bother to send Jesus to save us? Out of love and no other reason since he had no other reason to do so.
I don’t know what Justice is in respect of God. The only rational basis for justice in human society is to prevent uncivil behavior. It is their to encourage civil behavior and protect honest hard working people from tyranny. Hellfire on the other hand is something else. It is more like vengeance which is to me a sign of weakness rather than justice.He judges because he is justice. Justice isn’t a concept–it’s a Person. He is also mercy and love. He is always willing to exercise mercy and love over justice if we are willing to accept it.
So according to you might makes right.God made us, it follows that he can do whatever he wants with us.
God does not choose his nature.That he chooses to love us is the real wonder here, not that he expects us to cooperate with his love.
I don’t reject hell. I reject a God that desires to eternally torture or punish in vengeance. That is not love; it is hatred. God either wants everyone or he does not. If God does not want everyone then his nature is not love. If God does want everyone, then it is always possible to be saved from hell. There is no time limit, for God never closes the door.We do follow the moral code God gave us–because it is true. To deny truth is absurb and self-defeating. Again, we choose hell when we reject God’s love for in the end love is the standard by which we will be judged. Look at the examples Jesus gave us of judgment. Who comes out badly? The servant who wouldn’t forgive a felllow servant who owed him a debt even though the first servant had been forgiven a must greater debt. The man who thinks he’s better than the Publican. Those refused to care for the sick, the needy, the helpless. Nowhere does God punish anyone for doing the right thing or going out of their way to care for others. Nowhere. How is that arbitary and a burden? It just plain isn’t.