What is the best argument to prove the existence of God to Atheists?

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Muslim believe in God. Most of them have never heard the Gospel. Many others cannot read. Many who are fortunate enough to be exposed to the Gospel convert to Christianity. See Africa.
Non sequitur
Simple fact is that of all humans who ever ever walked the earth, you are in the probably 1% who did not believe in God. You think you’re smarter than other people and you look down on religious people. Time will tell, friendo.

Oh and if you can think up to a response to Luke being a great historian please do let us know.
Simple fact is that of all humans who ever ever walked the earth, you are in the probably 1% who did not believe in God. You think you’re smarter than other people and you look down on religious people. Time will tell, friendo.
  1. I did believe in him, but now I see the evidence leaning more towards the other way
  2. Big assumption stating I think I’m smarter than other people. Although reality would prove that there are people that I am smarter than and also that are smarter than me.
  3. Bigger assumption stating I look down down on religious people. I never stated that anywhere. I do feel they have no right to impose their beliefs on the rest of society by the sole merit that their God said so, see in this book we have.
Oh and if you can think up to a response to Luke being a great historian please do let us know.
I can ask Bart Ehrman for permission to post from his blog if you are truly interested. He has a well articulated write-up on contradictions of Luke and Acts.
Yes. Irrelevant. It’s estimated that something like 25-33% of Jerusalem had converted to Christianity just years after Jesus’ death. This was obviously a major threat to the Jewish leaders, and it stands to reason that if they had evidence against the Gospels they would have presented it. Yet…all we see is them saying that the disciples stole the body, and years later them saying Jesus “practiced sorcery” (a de facto concession of his miracles).
Where’s the evidence?
tell me about your self then and we can have a conversation, I may assume that people with faith would act accordingly but I have not made an assumption about the Holy Spirit working through the church.
I am not an assuming person I have a witness to the truth and I find no fault in that, I can only hope and pray for you that God has planned for you to return.
I recommend the prodigal son as a story that tells us about a child leaving the father and returning after trying to do things his own way, it didn’t bring hope, joy or love but that’s the way it is we are all prodigal sons some are in the s— and some are going back to repent, either way I hope God has a plan to redeem us all even the ones who want to try it there own way.
tell me about your self then and we can have a conversation, I may assume that people with faith would act accordingly but I have not made an assumption about the Holy Spirit working through the church.
I am not an assuming person I have a witness to the truth and I find no fault in that, I can only hope and pray for you that God has planned for you to return.
I recommend the prodigal son as a story that tells us about a child leaving the father and returning after trying to do things his own way, it didn’t bring hope, joy or love but that’s the way it is we are all prodigal sons some are in the s— and some are going back to repent, either way I hope God has a plan to redeem us all even the ones who want to try it there own way.
If God exists, I surely hope he/she/it is nothing like the Church and Bible say he is.
Let me tell you about the God of the Bible and the God the Church preaches.
God is the Trinity 3 persons in one
God created everything visible and invisible in the known
God out of Love created Man and everything else to serve man
God allows man within our capacity to know the heights and depths of his creation
God leads man gently with Love when he falls
God punishes sin as a loving father would ( what father would allow a child to sin without correction?)
God makes covenants with mankind and dwells with them as a protector
God teaches Mankind how to live a full life in him
Men reject God and he is forced to pay for mans sins on a cross of pain
God creates a new covenant based on repentance and Love for all as the Jews missed this command
God redeemed his creation through Love and has offered all men a way to eternal life.
God has told us he is with us always and he is as we receive him daily
So that is the bible and the church teaching on God, he created us out of love and asks us to feed the hungry, dress the naked and treat others as ourselves and that is what happened for a time and from it we got our great civilizations in the west and the reason why you and I enjoy freedom.
If you have heard a different gospel then it was not from the church nor from God and if you did not read Christ told us we will serve one of two masters and that is how it is, if you reject Christ you are being sifted. I don’t see anything other than truth in the church.
Replace “god” with any other comic book character imagined and you can make the exact same assertions. Both have a logically consistent back story with references to historical events, cities, how they are interacting with people currently, etc.
Once you can actually demonstrate these claims to be true in reference to reality, then atheists will become theists. Otherwise, I’ll just dismiss your claims without evidence for reasons without evidence.
I never read a cool book about an athiest.
Is there one ?
But saints - they’re just tremendous !

So, I guess when people die - buried - gone -
What kind of earthly life they lead - that they personally believed in.
If it’d make for good and enlightening reading.
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the deity of the bible does not exist just based on the logical fallacies of its assigned characteristics. It’s like saying a married bachelor exists. No it doesn’t. There may be a deity out there, but the god of the bible does not match with the characteristics it’s follows ascribe to it based on the characteristics the bible says it is and so is a married bachelor. For example, they claim this deity is all loving but calls for infanticide and all other horrors beyond. It has free will, but knows the future. You can not have free will and know the future for what choices you will make. That by definition locks you into being a programmed machine without the ability to change your decisions, removing your freewill. It’s all powerful but could not stop an army with iron chariots.
Once you can actually demonstrate these claims to be true in reference to reality, then atheists will become theists. Otherwise, I’ll just dismiss your claims without evidence for reasons without evidence.

Seriously you can’t see a fundamental flaw in your statement here?
the whole reason your an Atheist is because you won’t look at the evidence and if evidence is offered you won’t look at it.
and you call that reason?
taking a little verse here and there our of context is not very clever is it? you wouldn’t do that with any other book. What you fail to see is the events leading up to infanticide and who the father was.

These pagans sacrificed their children to demons, they eat each other, they were evil incarnate and if you lived next door to a family of cannibals who just killed your kids ate them and threw their bodies into a pit for the pigs to finish what would you demand of God? would it be vengeance a demand to wipe out this race of devils or would you think God should allow them to live on and carry on generation after generation? I tell you today God allows a lot worse and is called a monster for allowing these evils to happen, Just last month Ireland voted to make laws that allow woman to kill their babies in the womb and of course will go the way of America and Europe that will make provision for killing babies outside the womb.
The Cosmological, the Moral Conscience argument\ the mystery of the human conscience, or the Historical arguents, such as miracles and other supernatural graces?
i am still confused as to which one i should use?
I like DNA

Scientists have been able to create in the laboratory, the conditions and chemicals that under the right conditions could blossom into life, thus “proving” that life could have formed spontaneously from the primordial ooze.

But assuming that all the chemicals, heat pressure and conditions did for a single first cell, what nobody can explain it the infinitely complex, statistically impossible chances of all of that coming together and forming spontaneously into the DNA that every living creature contains in every single cell in it’s body. One cell or trillions. It is science. The thing that many, if not most atheists will fall back on to disprove God.

My next favorite is the statement created by I don’t know who, but repeated by every serious physicist on earth is that “nothing can be created from nothing”. Yet all subscribe to the Big Bang theory and my question then becomes, Ok, so what was the causation of everything, from nothing.

Everything else follows that. Since I cannot explain either of those two occurrences, I must believe in a causation we cannot see or understand. That puts God in the middle of everything and all else, faith, Human conscience, miracles and our recorded history all bolster my faith in God, the Holy Spirit and our savior.

Hut that’s just me.

Otherwise, pray about it, feel the Holy Spirit guiding you and say what seems appropriate for the moment with the individual currently in front of you.

God bless!
Life is more than the physical components. When a person or a dog dies, something has left. Physically, all the components are the same but the life is ogne.
Soul and spirit leave when a human or animal dies. Humans and animals have different types of souls and spirits but they both have them and they are gone when the creature dies.
Not going to happen. Putting a dedicated theist together with an avowed atheist and expecting the atheist to be convinced would be like putting a potato and an avocado in a press and expecting to get orange juice.
I like “A rock cannot make itself, and a fire cannot burn forever” from Bob Enyart, who is a little wacky but has some strong things to say about creation except for the young earth thing which I think is a bunch of malarkey.
Just demonstrate the claim you are making is actually part of reality. Comic book heroes all have a logically consistent back stories as well with current adventures in today’s cities and people. Does that mean the Hulk exists as well?
He may be objecting to what you claim to be evidence is not actually evidence. For example, since we can not investigate the supernatural, how can you determine what markers left behind from an event with supernatural involvement point to supernatural involvement vs it just being an unknown natural cause or that there is not enough data from that event to conclude anything at all about the cause of it? What are supernatural markers and how do you know those are supernatural markers left behind from its interaction with reality?
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