Non sequiturMuslim believe in God. Most of them have never heard the Gospel. Many others cannot read. Many who are fortunate enough to be exposed to the Gospel convert to Christianity. See Africa.
Non sequiturMuslim believe in God. Most of them have never heard the Gospel. Many others cannot read. Many who are fortunate enough to be exposed to the Gospel convert to Christianity. See Africa.
Simple fact is that of all humans who ever ever walked the earth, you are in the probably 1% who did not believe in God. You think you’re smarter than other people and you look down on religious people. Time will tell, friendo.
I can ask Bart Ehrman for permission to post from his blog if you are truly interested. He has a well articulated write-up on contradictions of Luke and Acts.Oh and if you can think up to a response to Luke being a great historian please do let us know.
Where’s the evidence?Yes. Irrelevant. It’s estimated that something like 25-33% of Jerusalem had converted to Christianity just years after Jesus’ death. This was obviously a major threat to the Jewish leaders, and it stands to reason that if they had evidence against the Gospels they would have presented it. Yet…all we see is them saying that the disciples stole the body, and years later them saying Jesus “practiced sorcery” (a de facto concession of his miracles).
If God exists, I surely hope he/she/it is nothing like the Church and Bible say he is.tell me about your self then and we can have a conversation, I may assume that people with faith would act accordingly but I have not made an assumption about the Holy Spirit working through the church.
I am not an assuming person I have a witness to the truth and I find no fault in that, I can only hope and pray for you that God has planned for you to return.
I recommend the prodigal son as a story that tells us about a child leaving the father and returning after trying to do things his own way, it didn’t bring hope, joy or love but that’s the way it is we are all prodigal sons some are in the s— and some are going back to repent, either way I hope God has a plan to redeem us all even the ones who want to try it there own way.
I like DNAThe Cosmological, the Moral Conscience argument\ the mystery of the human conscience, or the Historical arguents, such as miracles and other supernatural graces?
i am still confused as to which one i should use?