If foundation as you put it is applied to this instance; then explain why Christ had to descend into hell to release souls.
Are you saying that God does not require us to love Him? If this is the case, then why is there such emphasis on Love, on God being Love? If God Himself finds love so important as to call Himself Love, then does He not need Love from those He has created? In His Love for you His Heart aches, for love is that thing that makes the heart ache, would it not be nice if you forgot your arrogance for a sec and started realising that you don’t love God, and perhaps you should start realising that image and likeness is all that He is We are, we are of Love and we need Love, thus He needs love too. I have never had a prayer go unanswered, sometimes it isn’t as I think, but often it is blatant, I think perhaps your lack of faith in prayer, and your lack of knowing that God is listening to your every word all the time, even when you are not in prayer, is what is lacking. Prayer rules God, why is it that Rosaries are so powerful? Why are Novena’s such a thing, why do people crawl up to shrines in thanks? Don’t put God and superhero in the same sentence, it just is so tacky, try Divine then, if invincible is too much for you.
Are you saying that God does not require us to love Him? If this is the case, then why is there such emphasis on Love, on God being Love? If God Himself finds love so important as to call Himself Love, then does He not need Love from those He has created? In His Love for you His Heart aches, for love is that thing that makes the heart ache, would it not be nice if you forgot your arrogance for a sec and started realising that you don’t love God, and perhaps you should start realising that image and likeness is all that He is We are, we are of Love and we need Love, thus He needs love too. I have never had a prayer go unanswered, sometimes it isn’t as I think, but often it is blatant, I think perhaps your lack of faith in prayer, and your lack of knowing that God is listening to your every word all the time, even when you are not in prayer, is what is lacking. Prayer rules God, why is it that Rosaries are so powerful? Why are Novena’s such a thing, why do people crawl up to shrines in thanks? Don’t put God and superhero in the same sentence, it just is so tacky, try Divine then, if invincible is too much for you.