Fair point. I will heed that advice in future.When I took English, they taught to use examples to illustrate and expand upon your response, not completely replace it.
Possibly cryptic?Here is a more straightforward question for you. Answer it explicitly before adding possibly cryptic examples
Are they promoting abortion? No. So they aren’t pro-abortion.Poland only allows abortion in the cases of Rape, Incest, or Life of Mother. They do not offer abortion on demand, as in the US or Russia.
Do you consider Poland to be Pro-Choice (Pro-Abortion) or Pro-Life?
Are they saying that it is the woman’s choice? Mostly not, but to a certain degree, yes.
Are they saying the fetus’ right to life is absolute? Not absolute, but they are saying that in most cases it does have the right to life.
I’d say they have a mixed pro-choice/pro-life stance.