The best way to teach people is not to impose anything on them! You claim not to believe in giving them unrestricted free will but in practice you would be the last person to tolerate restrictions on your thoughts and actions beyond those that already exist…God is not a policeman
The idea of meting out arbitrary punishment overlooks the fact that sooner or later our vices do incur their own punishment. If we despise others. for example, we are alienating them and ultimately we become isolated. Pride stems from an unrealistic view of reality in which we overrate ourselves and underestimate the value of others.Only a very mean and stupid person would let other people to commit the same mistakes over and over again, and at the end give out an accumulated punishment.
If you had the power would you brainwash everyone so that they never doI already answered this MANY times. If I had the power I would only create people, who do not NEED policing, who would not wish to cause harm to others, who would only be filled with good will and no ill will. How many times do I have to repeat it, until you understand this? Such a simple concept… does it fly over your head?
- anything wrong?
You have never explained the means by which that hypothesis could be implemented. It savours more of fantasy than a feasible possibility.
Again… the people who simply fantasize about doing something, but do not want to put into practice will not have “split personalities”. Those who want to put those fantasies into practice, but are prevented from doing it - deserve what they get. Let them be frustrated.Remember you believe we should be free to indulge to our heart’s content in any evil thoughts provided we don’t put them into practice. So according to you we should all have split personalities, spending our lives at two different levels:
Once again there is not even a hint of an explanation of the mechanism by which such an extraordinary feat could be achieved. It amounts to an appeal to ignorance rather than a rational argument.
Why do you keep twisting my words? There is no price too high to pay for getting into heaven. For good people there is no need for restrictions. For bad people, if the only way to get them into heaven is to impose SOME restrictions on their freedom to act, it is still better for them to be in heaven, than to burn forever in some cauldron. We habitually restrict the freedom of our children when their freedom would be harmful to themselves or others.People often accuse others of their own defects. In your opinion there is no price too high to pay for having our free will restricted so that we become intellectually impotent - like a Dr Hyde and a Mr Jekyll living two different lives!
There is a fundamental difference between restricting the freedom of children and adults. They are subjected to physical restraint - and punishment if necessary. How would such measures be applied to grown ups apart from those that already exist?
Unsubstantiated assertions and implications are worthless…A short summary is due here.1) You keep asking certain questions.
2) I answer them, in detail.
3) Then you ask the same questions over and over again.
4) Can’t you remember what you asked and I answered?
5) Then you twist what I said.
6) Can’t you understand my simple sentences?
7) How boring can you get?