Come on. You know that it was a joke.
I knew, Pallas, I knew. Poor philosophers: a lot of thinking and not enough food.
In such an obvious case there is no problem. The problem comes at the borderline cases, like the viruses.
Life is a strange case. Even biologists cannot agree what is a living and what is an inanimate matter. They set up 7 criteria for life, but those are arbitrary.
Exactly, Pallas, the borderline! You can be a sharp guy! A particular proposition is always enough to refute a universal one. Biologists know their business much better than you and me together. I am sure that if those 7 criteria to identify life are arbitrary, they are as arbitrary as any other criteria. Surely they can be successfully applied to cows, dogs, chickens, snails, bacteria, eagles (which makes us think that they are kind of extracted from reality)…, but then you come suddenly and ask: “What about viruses? You are forgetting viruses!” (Then we open our eyes widely and the word “arbitrary” comes to our minds). Newton builds his remarkable philosophy of nature; a small set of principles which can describe almost the whole of the universe. Every body is astonished for his great intelligence, but then…, the borderline, you know, the borderline!..
But if you take notice, life is not a strange case. It is a very common case: we are living beings, but we really don’t know what life is; we are free; but we really don’t know what freedom is; we think, but we really don’t know what thought is; we know, but we really don’t know what knowledge is…
Then it is not an object. Some people talk about “abstract objects”, like numbers, letters etc., and they asserted that they “exist” independently. Makes no sense. Shakespeare did not "discover Hamlet, he created it. If the Sun would go nova and burn up the Earth, then Hamlet would cease to exist.
Objects can have properties (or attributes), actions and relationships. The properties, the actions and the relationships are not “objects” themselves, but they cannot exist without the objects.
Objects are physical entities, limited in space and time. They can be observed, measure, studied. They can be targets of experiments. Simple metaphysics and it works really well.
But we are drifting… would be better to concentrate of one subject.
The Earth would cease to exist as well! Don’t you see? But… Isn’t the Earth an “object”?
Let’s see, because…, what do we measure, Greek guy, if it is not properties, actions and relationships? Do we measure “water”? No! There is no “water-meter”! We measure its density, its viscosity, its temperature, its ability to dissolve a salt… And if your criterion to identify an “object” is its measurability, then “density”, “viscosity”, “temperature”, “solubility”, etcetera, are “objects”, but “water” is not. Then, what is “water”? You are again an old Greek here: water is a “substance”, not accessible to our senses, but only to our reason. But you are an old Greek only partially (that is to say, inconsistently): While for Aristotle “substance” is more real than “accidents”, for you a substance -which cannot be measured-, must be a non-object. Accidents are more real than substances for you, but you hadn’t realized it (which isn’t a strange case). You need to keep “a simple metaphysics” to work “well”, but as soon as you visit the borderlines of your domains (I am getting the impression that your domain is disaggregated into several immiscible sub-domains) you experience dizziness, and you need to pronounce the magic words “this is irrelevant”, “it makes no sense”, “starving people need to eat”, to feel comfortable again.
I would say that if substances are the condition of possibility for properties, numbers are the condition of possibility for measurements. Substances precede properties? Then, numbers precede measurements. What has “more reality”?
You feel that we are drifting; I feel that we are stuck in the same place: We start with the impression that we know a lot, and we end with the surprise that we don’t know enough. Different aspects of the same topic, same surprise. How is it possible that we humans are still alive!?