Oh, I don’t know.
… seems to imply MORE than “no one has ever given a satisfactory and coherent explanation of free will.” (Leaving aside the obvious issue of how you could possibly know that without 1) having read everything ever written about free will and 2) your not having established your competency with regard to being able to assess any of those “explanations” in the first place.)
Your use of “everyone comes at this problem” seems to imply the “empty hands” are endemic and universal to the state of “everyone” in the past, now and evermore.
I read what you write just fine, thank you. What you intended to say, well I can do nothing about that.
The word “this” in the sentence you quote is an indexical pointing to “the problem of free will and determinism.” It’s a long and contentious debate involving some of the greatest geniuses to have ever lived.
I do not need to have read every single work about the problem of free will to know it is still an open question. If someone had ever come up with a satisfactory answer, it would be taught to children and we wouldn’t be debating it on internet forums. We have a satisfactory solution for calculating the circumference of circles, it’s a settled question. So, we teach it to children and it isn’t a subject of contention.The nature of free will, or whether there is such a thing, or whether it is a coherent concept are certainly
not settled questions. We’ve had thousands of years to work on this, and very few conclusions, in my opinion. For reference, check out this excellent broad overview:
I do not mean “everyone” in the sense of “∀” but rather something like “every philosopher/theologian with whose writings I am familiar.” Is it possible there can be a satisfactory explanation? I think so, but I do not see a path to it. Let’s address your other point, just for kicks…
Here are some claims:
- Jesus is a man.
- Jesus is god.
Necessarily, “a man” is god, according to Christians (if identity relations are transitive)
Now, you’ll say that Jesus is completely a man
and completely god. This is intolerable to common sense and reason, is it not?
And, similarly, you’ll say the bread “turned into” or “became” god in the case of communion. It’s not really bread anymore, it’s actually Jesus, who is both a man and god, but appears to be bread. This is intolerable to common sense and reason, is it not?
I have no reason to suppose these claims are true just based on the prior probability. It is extraordinarily unlikely that a man is also God, and so I would need serious evidence to believe this claim. I don’t have this evidence. It is unthinkable that a given piece of bread is actually God, and so I would need serious evidence to believe this claim. I don’t have this evidence.
If you told me, “up is down” I would say that is simply impossible due to the definition of the very words. And so, if you say god is perfectly simple but also a trinity, I would say it is simply impossible due to the very definition of the words. I won’t quote the Torah here, because I assume you are familiar with the great pains the author takes to assure us that God is a singularity and not a plurality of any sort.
I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind, just explaining why I balk at the notion that the Church (proclaiming what I perceive to be absurdities and contradictions) has the “fullness of truth.”
That said, I believe we’ve answered the OP’s question. The point of free will is to allow us to have a moral universe. Whether or not we can prove that free will exists or is coherent is an additional difficulty.