Many people have chosen to die rather be slaves incapable of exercising their free will. Which would you prefer?
Unsupported assertion which fails to answer the question. (People often accuse others of their own faults and defects.)
How many people (children and adults) did CHOOSE to be raped, tortured and slaughtered in the name of “free will” of the attackers? I can give you the precise number: zero, zilch, none… No one supports the “free will” of the murderers, except a few nincompoops, who never had to endure the agony at the hand of psychopaths. Of course it is very easy to “heroically” endure the pain, agony and suffering of OTHERS. But as soon as they are on the receiving end of the torture, they will scream against the “freedom” of the psychopaths.
Taken to its logical extreme your question implies that
everyone should be prevented from exercising their free will in case they decide to torture and murder others! Of course you provide no explanation of the means by which such a measure could be implemented. Please explain how it could be achieved without putting the whole world in prison and throwing away the keys to every cell! That everyone would soon die from hunger and thirst is, of course, an insignificant minor detail because your demand would be fulfilled…
You have ignored the “sincere”…
It is included by default, and it is not relevant.
Why assume all atheists are sincere? Do you have any reason?
No matter how sincere an atheist is in the LACK of his belief, the catechism explicitly states that “if you heard of God and still refuse to believe him you are willfully ignorant” and as such you live in mortal sin.
Please give a reference to that text and its context.
Yes, I said that you are ignorant of the teachings of your church. If you think that this is “discourteous”, let me remind you: “if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen”.
Provide specific evidence of your assertion.
Please explain how pride, envy, jealousy, laziness, anger, impatience selfishness make a person fulfilled and happy.
As the old saying goes: “large is the zoo of God, and it takes all kinds…”.
That is not an explanation - nor is it a saying with which I am familiar.
The only reference to it in Google is your post which hardly justifies your claim that it is “old” - unless you have lived many years on this earth…
“well-meaning” gives the game away! It is logically possible but it defeats the
purpose of creating us free to choose what to believe how to live and who to love.
Nope, it does not. But that is obviously way over your head.
Unsupported assertions are worthless and in this case it is both an ad hominem and also a violation of the forum rule of courtesy.
Love is far more precious and significant than logic.
Where is that “LOVE” in permitting rapes, tortures and murders???
Love is not a material object located in a particular place. Like truth, goodness, freedom, justice, equality and integrity it transcends time and space. It cannot be reduced to a collocation of atomic particles as you seem to believe…
Without free will we would be zombies.
I believe you will get upset about this: but you are obviously very dumb.
Your addiction to abuse, ad hominems and violations of the forum rule of courtesy is clearly visible to any impartial observer…
I (and others) have repeated many times that “free will” does not need to be eliminated, only limited.
You have often been asked to explain the precise means by which free will can be limited but you have never even attempted to do so.
Now I can predict: you will display “righteous indignation” over the phrase “dumb”, and on that pretext you will NOT answer the question: “where is the love in permitting rapes, tortures and murders”?
Your false assumption has already been refuted by a simple statement: “Without free will we would be incapable of love”. The creation of persons with free will is irrefutable evidence of supernatural love - unless you reduce love to a human invention (which seems quite likely because it corresponds to your belief that we are merely naked apes).
It is a false dilemma because it is based on the false assumption that suffering is the worst of all evils.
What else is there? Do you ever choose to suffer?
Only egoists and hedonists never choose to suffer because they prefer to take the easy way out and never sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.