Not likely? The understatement of the year.
To be exposed to pain and suffering is
NOT inherently “evil”. We (humans) are not omnipotent or omniscient. So for us it is possible that even employing the best possible means and acting as benevolently as we can we must still cause some lesser pain and suffering. There is no problem with that. But it is logically necessary to cause as little pain and suffering as possible, while achieving that greater good. To cause or allow ANY amount of pain and suffering which is
unnecessary (gratuitous) is evil.
Are you with me?
If yes, then we can continue. The point is that God is not limited, unlike us. He can create a state of affairs, without afflicting any pain or suffering, just by snapping his imaginary fingers.
Now some people argue (incorrectly, of course) that NEARLY unbridled free will is “valuable”
per se. My question is: “to whom”? Not for the victim. Not for the relatives and friends of the victim. Not for the people who know about the attack… For WHOM is it valuable? For the psychopath who committed the act? Why should we respect the “free will” of a psychopath? Should we get rid of the police and the judicial system to allow the psychopath even MORE freedom?
Both the “free will defense” and the “greater good defense” are logically incorrect. There is no defense for causing and allowing unnecessary pain and suffering.
Some nincompoops will ask: “how do you know that certain pain and suffering” are unnecessary? The answer is obvious. God’s omnipotence is only limited by logically impossible states of affairs. It is logically possible to perform a “selective creation”. God is also supposed to know how will a certain person behave in any and all circumstances, IF he were created. So God could “bypass” the creation of those people who would perform evil acts, IF created.
That puts the full responsibility for ALL the evil acts onto God’s shoulders (if he existed and had any shoulders).
You can’t hide behind: “why should God be responsible for the evil”? Why not the humans? Because we are NOT omniscient and NOT omnipotent. Of course, if someone KNOWS about an impending evil (terrorist) action, and he is able to prevent it, and stays inactive, then obviously that person is held responsible.
But this is very rare. If God existed, and he had a desk, on that desk there would be famous sign: “
The buck stops HERE!”.
Read this and weep: A nice summary (in very ironic form) of the idiotic “defenses” presented by SOME people.